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I wonder if I'm allowed to post? There's no button saying "post new message"....

I wanted to say "When Earthshaker was first released, it featured a sinking building. There were about 200 of these made, but then this feature was made stationary because of costs. Here's a video of ithe building sinking during gameplay.

As you know, Farsight buy a real-life table, then copy every part of it exactly. Perhaps they couldn't find one of the original table with the sinking building. But it should be easy for them to adapt a standard one. Then they could make copies which work better. See
Odd, I've logged in several times since then and never saw the notification of these messages until now. Really late now but thanks, I'm not too easily bothered by things and I know I do have a tendency to "wander" when I'm writing.
Don't pay any mind to people like PC doctor there are a lot of good people here that don't nit pick what you say ( first pinball played thread )
I hope I got it right this time
Don't pay any mind to people like PC doctor there are a lot of good people here that nit pic don't nit pic what you say ( first table played thread )
Howdy Captain,

I just want to say you are a pretty amazing young man. The only way I know you is on this forum, however; I think you must be a very smart, kind human being that enjoys making people happy. I have been impressed on how you treat everyone on this forum and you certainly deserve to be a moderator of this group.

I am a man of 53 and when I was young, the most advanced technology was a color TV. I only had one station to watch, but CBS and that was the happening network in my young age. Captain, the one thing I do know is that I would be just involved with TPA and this wonderful forum as you are if it was to me available in my youth.

I was one of the few people who really loved pinball in the small town of Ennis, MT. I really wished I had the opportunity as you have now to communicate with similar people who loves pinball in this forum.

G'day Captain....MontanaFrank :D
Howdy Squid,

Excuse me if I'm wrong, but you didn't you say farewell from this group last year needing to go onto to different places. If I am wrong, please forgive me. If I am right, it's good to see you back. It's always pleases the pathways in my brain to see your posts.

I left the PAFF and TPA for a couple of months because of self-doubt. I am back and it was so good to see you back also, again.

I hope my memory is serving me right.....MontanaFrank
I still work at Home Depot on the Cash Register now, no more outside lot work. You know I had kidney failure and spent about 3 years on Dialysis, then in December 17 2011 I had a Kidney transplant and doing quite good with it. I'm on Social Security Disability so I don't work a lot of hrs., actually right now I only work 1 or 2 4hr. Shifts. When December 17, 2014 comes I won't have disability anymore, I hope they give me my Full time hrs. Back or I won't be able to afford my rejection medicine or bills. Well have to get going I'll talk soon, I love this app. I also have Playstation 4 already paid off at GameStop in the Port Charolette Town Center, I love the graphics and can't wait for Killzone and many more including The Pinball Arcade. Here's hoping Steve Ellenoff gets the S.A.M. System emulated so I can play Family Guy I love that Pinball Machine and TV show. Well Super Dave over and out.
Thanks, I rarely go to Harpoons but will try to hit you up and head over sometime. I work at Charlotte High, so don't have much time in evenings. Yea, 9 years since harley, can't believe it is that long now, wife was pregnant with our first during the storm, crazy evening. I sometimes go into PG Home Depot, you still working there?
Stuart I just wanted to mention something to you that I forgot to post yesterday. If you need anymore Beta testers for the Ipad 3 I would be more then willing to do some testing, I found a voice bug in Attack from mars and told Steve Ellenoff about it. He said you have a good ear in finding stuff pinball related, I wouldn't have to much problems with physics or looking at errors on the Playfield. I worked at a Dream Machine Arcade years ago and always fixed and cleaned the playfields to two pinball machines that you guys don't have yet (Hint, Hint) they are The Getaway: High Speed 2, and Fire! both made by Williams. I also have a bunch of Pinball Designers and Pinball Programmers on my Facebook page, so think about it and let me know I'm willing to give it a try and see what I can do for the Community to make these pinball Machines as real to life as I can. Thanks for reading, talk to you later.
Since I see you like the Piano, have you checked out the APP called "Magic Piano" by a company called Smule. It isn't perfect piano playing, it's kinda like Dance Dance Revolution on a piano. They do have a mode where you can play a piano, you also get different sounds and other stuff to make your own songs seems like it. If you want my Game Center name is DAVID PANNOZZO, yeah I know my real name but it works, well talk to you soon.
Just to let you know, I live in Punta Gorda. Yes just down the road from you, we got hit the worse during Hurricane Charley. You have any real pinball machines, I don't but I want The Wizard Of Oz and Family Guy once I win the Lotto. I do play Pirates of the Caribean at Harpoon Harry's every so often, so if you ever want to play let me know. Just to let you know I suck at pinball, but I did get 40 Million twice today, I guess it was just a lucky day and I go by the initials DJP.
I thought your logical proof of KS beta access was brilliant. I'm sorry to see it deleted when the thread was closed.

Any chance you have a copy of your post? It was trully inspired.

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