Pt.6 - 35 Movies That Deserve More Praise


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012

Some movies are all the better if you go into them knowing nothing. I don’t believe I knew anything more than a few details about these next few, and usually it was just enough so that I knew I’d be interested. I have included the trailer links like usual, though I don't recommend watching them if you haven't seen the movies. And I absolutely did not put the link for the last on this list, as it simply takes away the joy of the surprise while watching the actual movie.

Heathers – 1988

The other day I was talking with some people and mentioned I really would love to see a sequel to this, all these years later. They responded that they’d never heard of Heathers, and wanted to know what it was about. Instantly I knew not to say a thing, as this is a movie to be discovered and enjoyed, the better to shock with.

All that is needed to be known that it was Winona Ryder’s breakout roll, same for Christian Slater. It has catch phrase worthy dialogue that would make John Hughes blush. It is a dark comedy, and is often cited as the reason Mean Girls exists. The movie is easily dated by its late 80’s fashion, but thematically it couldn’t be more relevant.

Oh, and to all you who know exactly what I’m talking about? Two words…Corn Nuts.

The Abyss (Special Edition) – 1989

3 movies dealing with underwater labs all came out around the same time. This, Deep Star Six, and Leviathan. Guess which one didn't try faking being underwater for real. The ad campaign was very mysterious for The Abyss, but all I needed to know was that it was from James Cameron, director of two of my favorite movies, The Terminator and Aliens.

I got a very different movie than I expected, which wasn’t a bad thing. Unfortunately there seemed to be something very much missing from it, or was it there was too much being included? Well, once the Special Edition hit theaters 2 or 3 years later, it was obvious what had been missing. Suffice it to say, do not watch any other version than this! Based on Cameron’s subsequent films, the tone of this will probably go down much more familiarly than the one I had expected.

There is one scene from which the entire movie was written around, and it is a doozy of acting from Ed Harris. It involves a theory Cameron had from being a diver, and it is pure acting, no special fx. I find the whole movie to be a wonder actually, as the logistics of filming the way they did are purely daunting. I’ll put it to you this way, there is only one effect that is done via CG, everything else is practical effects.

Strangely, The Abyss has yet to be put out on Blu-Ray, and the DVD version is nowhere near the quality studios later put out. On top of that, I think a lot of people dismissed it after only having watched the theatrical version. I swear, any problem you had with the story is cleared up in the Special Edition.

The Game – 1997

About the only thing the trailer told us about this movie was it came from the director of Se7en. Smart move. To try and explain it is a sure way of making people not want to watch. To watch it though is to get sucked into a real brain melter of a movie. This is a dark story, with seemingly only the faintest of light at the end of the tunnel. There are people I know who hate this movie, but will still get sucked into an hour long conversation about it.

The movie stars Michael Douglas and Sean Penn. It involves a gift that keeps on giving. That’s all you’ll get from me. Watch, knowing no more. Why does it need to be brought to the attention of this list? Because it isn’t constantly on cable, it didn’t come from a major studio and so never has gotten a proper push with video release, thus it is one of those forgotten films. I’m telling you it’s great and should be seen by more.

The Descent – 2005

Every time I started to read about this, the first sentence written would be something like this…DO NOT READ ANYTHING MORE, JUST GO SEE THIS MOVIE. So know this, it is technically a horror movie. If I suffered from claustrophobia, I think I’d have gone out of my mind watching this. Do not even read the movie description on the back of the package or on Netflix. Go into it as pure as you can.

The fact that people don’t want to talk about the Descent for fear of spoiling it, is probably why it is not more recognized. Had it been a hit like The Sixth Sense, things would have been different in how it’s remembered. Unfortunately it was a small movie from the UK, and only got a limited release. Turn off the lights, crank up the sound, and give yourself a sleepless night. I say nothing more than that.

The final movies of the 35 get revealed next time. I'm prepared to take the ridicule too!

Have you missed a previous post? Here they are!
Pt.1 - Comedies
Pt.2 - Heists and Cons
Pt.3 - Foreign
Pt.4 - Sci Fi
Pt.5 - Manly Flicks


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
The FP has a great trailer, but man do I feel they missed the mark in the movie. Could have been way more absurd and needed a lot more polish in the dialogue.


IDK, THE FP reminds me of how Party People talk IRL, perfectly. There is no polish to the speech of the uneducated or those who are simply inebriated for most of the day. It struck me as quite apropos for the theme of the entire film, and the way the actors stuck to being in character made it simply amazing to watch.

Another film that deserves far more attention:


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
These aren't obscure, Hairy. They might be too old for you, but hardly obscure. Heathers was a huge hit after it was on home video, The Abyss is well respected, The Game had a good run in theaters, and The Descent was popular enough to warrant a sequel (stay far far away from it though as it's complete crap).

Remember, the point of these 35 movies being listed is they often don't make it into people's conversations regarding films anymore. At one time though, they were very much a part of what people were talking about.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I remember seeing Heathers right after it came out and thinking it was pretty great. Haven't seen it since. So it holds up OK, eh?


New member
May 18, 2012
I recently watched the Abyss again, it was kind on the long side, and that liquid 3D-effect they also used in Terminator did not age too well. Alien 2 is a much better James Cameron action movie imo, that one still has a lot of suspence.

The Game is a great movie indeed, very original.

Did anyone ever seen the movie Quest for Fire? It is directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud and is about a phehistoric tribe 80.000 years ago who are trying to find fire. There is no real language in the movie and the atmosphere is very well done.


Another great movie from Jean-Jacques Annaud is 'In the Name of the Rose', (from the famous book by Umberto Eco) starring Sean Connery.


LOL, Quest for Fire is/was a running gag movie whenever anyone didn't have or couldn't find a lighter.

It didn't age well for when it came out, nor did the sequel, but i do not doubt that there are a lot of people who have never seen or even heard of the cave bear clan.

Aliens is another bad/good film. It spawned the whole Space Marine trope that gave us uncountable video games and settings for uncountable other movies. So it that way it was good, but in general Aliens was a bad movie that merely, and barely, made it past the norms of made for tv action flops of the time; if not for a larger budget.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I remember seeing Heathers right after it came out and thinking it was pretty great. Haven't seen it since. So it holds up OK, eh?

Thematically it holds up really well. Especially in this day of "how to deal with bullying" being so prevalent. Costumes and music, yeah those date the movie big time. I look at it like I look at Sixteen Candles...the humor is still spot on and the dialogue is fantastic, the actors are engaging. The rest you just pretend like it's a period piece!

I recently watched the Abyss again, it was kind on the long side, and that liquid 3D-effect they also used in Terminator did not age too well.

Another great movie from Jean-Jacques Annaud is 'In the Name of the Rose', (from the famous book by Umberto Eco) starring Sean Connery.

I never look at The Abyss as being an action movie. It's a drama that has some action elements. And yes, the Special Edition is long, but the theatrical suffers for being shorter, and don't even mention the TV edit to me. That thing is an abomination.

The Name of the Rose is a really strong movie, that also happens to star Christian Slater! Remember being exceedingly uncomfortable watching that with my dad as an early teen when Slater's character gets seduced by the very naked girl. I think is was all the moist sound effects!

Aliens is another bad/good film. It spawned the whole Space Marine trope that gave us uncountable video games and settings for uncountable other movies. So it that way it was good, but in general Aliens was a bad movie that merely, and barely, made it past the norms of made for tv action flops of the time; if not for a larger budget.

I don't believe I have EVER heard anyone refer to Aliens as being a 'bad' movie. I know plenty that think it isn't as good as Alien (they are wrong, btw), but bad? The theatrical version is a rollercoaster, and it is the standard by which so many other movies try to achieve in terms of memorable characters that turn out to be nothing but cannon fodder. It has one of the greatest heroines of all time in Ripley, so much more so than she was in Alien. Apart from the rear screen projections of the drop ship crash and the reactor falling apart, the effects are top notch. The power loader/Queen fight? You consider that barely better than a made for TV flop? What TV are you watching?

I know I'm biased, in that Aliens to this day stands as the greatest experience I've ever had watching a movie in a theater. And while it wasn't always, for many years now I consider it my favorite movie of all time. Not the best, but my favorite. So c'mon, defend your position and let's start this debate! Bring it, Netizen.


New member
May 18, 2012
Quest for Fire never had a sequel. The Bear tribe thing is a book sequel, perhaps they made a movie about it, I don't know.

Aliens is a kick-ass movie, and although I think the first Ridley Scott is the best, James Cameron definitely did something far out with his sequel. It is such a great action flick, and the special fx are still brilliant. Games like Alien Syndrome (Sega) where heavily inspired on this movie.

Alien 3 is where things go down hill. Too dark and depressive.

Ridley Scott seems to be working on Blade Runner 2, now that is something I am very scary about. Blade Runner is probably one of the most iconic movies of modern times, Noire Black, and such a realistic outlook on our future. Everything was done right, the music (Vangelis), the breathtaking decors and fx, the acting, the story.. How can this turn out when there will be a sequel, will it surpass or will it become a monster. What a tricky thing to do. I mean, it's not Rocky or Rambo you know. Blade Runner is art, that's just a whole different ballgame.


New member
May 18, 2012

Oh look, same year as Aliens, LOL

Like I wrote before, Quest for Fire does not have a sequal. The Clan of the Cave Bear is a different thing all togheter;

Quest for Fire (French: La Guerre du feu) is a 1981 film adaptation of the 1911 Belgian novel by J.-H. Rosny.
The Clan of the Cave Bear is a historical novel by Jean M. Auel written in 1980.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Aliens was awesome in the theater the first time around. Remember that experience myself quite well. The Descent, I remember that one too, but not for good reasons. What a waste.


New member
May 18, 2012
The Hitcher, of course the original version from 1986. Great serial killer road-type of movie. Rutger does it again! Love Jennifer Jason Leigh as well, they did Flesh + Blood together a year before The Hitcher.



New member
May 18, 2012
Hell upside down; out of all the 70s disaster movies, this one is my all time favourite, The Poseidon Adventure.. All the remakes suck compare to this 1972 flick. Towering Inferno is a good second one, but a bit on the looooong side. Funny to see OJ Simpson acting.


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