Losing faith in Farsight?

Are you losing faith in Farsight?

  • Yes, these kind of bugs should never be released in a finished product

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • No, I'm sure they will get fixed soon

    Votes: 66 88.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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New member
Feb 24, 2012
The Frankenstein multiball glitch is bumming me out and the table won't show me the instructions. A few of these types of glitches but I can still say this is by far my favorite purchase for my iPad 2. I'm not a big gamer but I did download the paid versions of draw something (now Zynga) and the Simpsons tapped out (EA) as time-killers. Both companies are huge with tons of money but DS seems to not work like once or twice a week. Simpsons has never worked and in fact, they pulled it from the app store. I am willing to cut Farsight plenty of slack because they aren't a huge mega corp and frankly I got years of enjoyment from the Williams collection for like 20 bucks. For that alone I love these guys. I'm certainly not rich but 5 or 10 bucks isn't **** to me. While the glitches are frustrating, I've still gotten waaaay more than 25 bucks worth out of this game.


New member
Mar 24, 2012
Didnt you have large boobies?.


I'm not sure what you are referring to.. care to help me out understanding just what in the holy heck you are talking about?

(edited to add something else...)

Ah! Apparently you are mixing me up with a different user.. RetroBlast... who has a rather *interesting* avatar...

RetroBlast's avatar picture:

Sorry. Not the same person. Nor does RetroDUDE resemble the avatar. LOL.
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New member
Apr 17, 2012
I do love the pinball tables and want them to keep on coming ... some moments I am frustrated with a bug, but never really mad. Unlike titles that take years to develop and ones that it will be years again until you see a sequel, TPA is really cranking out the goods if you ask me and because another pack is always a month or two away, they will have opportunities to fix problems along the way. I still think tables should be offered every other month, with a fan based - even buy in Beta Testing, and should have less bugs when they are released. You know, if tables were actually being released on a monthly basis with a few bugs, we could always opt not to buy the pack when it is released and wait until the next pack is released - with this last pack that came out, I was able to download the update before I bought the table pack, so it seems possible. But if you are anything like me, when you see a new DLC, you scoop it up, bugs and all and are usually glad you did .... In other words, I would rather be playing Bride of Pin*Bot with a non transparent Pinbot area on the table, than not be playing it at all. In essence, FarSight does have a Beta Testing program ... it is us! They should just tell us its a pre-order and we have the opportunity to beta test the table now if we buy it ...

hehe, yep and I still got em ... the large boobies, although they are only here becasue I love to look at them, they belong to Lara Croft and they are the only 3D item in this whole forum!
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New member
Feb 21, 2012
As long as they continue to have a presence on these forums, on Facebook and any other outlet, I will continue to have faith. First of all they have made improvement and bug fixes with every release. The issues I had experienced with the original four tables are all gone now. Not saying they are fully clear of issues but nothing that plagues my experience. Back to my original point, if they continue to keep a presence and line of communication with the public, then they are not hiding from anyone or their comments. They have repeatedly accepted criticism quite graciously, put up with unbelievable loads of trolling and spamming and come back for more. They have shown that they are in it for the long haul.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
hehe, yep and I still got em ... the large boobies, although they are only here becasue I love to look at them, they belong to Lara Croft and they are the only 3D item in this whole forum!
No, they're not. The Tonberry that serves as my avatar is 3D as well - it's a photograph of a real-life plush doll (with the background edited out). One of my friends gave it to me as a gift - said it matched my personality perfectly. He's exaggerating...but not by very much.

However, I will freely admit that your 3D objects are overwhelmingly likely to attract greater attention than mine... :p

[FarSight has] repeatedly accepted criticism quite graciously, put up with unbelievable loads of trolling and spamming and come back for more.
This. I would have long ago thrown my hands up in the air and walked off in disgust, had I had to deal with such grief daily. I wonder if they knew they would be in such a love-hate relationship with their customers when they started on TPA?


New member
Feb 25, 2012
I would have long ago thrown my hands up in the air and walked off in disgust, had I had to deal with such grief daily. I wonder if they knew they would be in such a love-hate relationship with their customers when they started on TPA?

Well don't visit the Facebook page for a while. It is like an idiot parade over there at the moment with all the people with the iOS "free" version who proceeded to purchase the "paid" version to get MB/Gorgar. Now they are screaming bloody murder because their tables are spread over two apps.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
I hate facebook and want nothing to do with it at all and I hate that the game asks you to post your scores to facebook every time you turn the game on.

.... hey serenseven, I don't even know what a tonberry is, goes to show you how retro I am!
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New member
Feb 25, 2012
I hate facebook and want nothing to do with it at all and I hate that the game asks you to post your scores to facebook every time you turn the game on.

Luckily the 360 version does not have that issue.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
.... hey serenseven, I don't even know what a tonberry is, goes to show you how retro I am!
They're creatures from the Final Fantasy series of RPGs. They're short, green, fairly cute and innocent-looking monsters that are actually cold-blooded killers and pack a punch entirely out of all proportion to their appearance. They're generally some of the most difficult creatures to deal with in the series. I won't go into details since this is a pinball forum (look them up on the Final Fantasy wiki if you want to know more), but Lyman would definitely say "you have no idea how much trouble you're in" if one were to appear in Monster Bash.

They've been around since Final Fantasy V (1991), so they're actually more retro than a lot of the tables currently on TPA.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
'Losing faith' - sounds like some kind of melodramatic Madonna song from the 80's.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
They're creatures from the Final Fantasy series of RPGs. They're short, green, fairly cute and innocent-looking monsters that are actually cold-blooded killers and pack a punch entirely out of all proportion to their appearance. They're generally some of the most difficult creatures to deal with in the series. I won't go into details since this is a pinball forum (look them up on the Final Fantasy wiki if you want to know more), but Lyman would definitely say "you have no idea how much trouble you're in" if one were to appear in Monster Bash.

They've been around since Final Fantasy V (1991), so they're actually more retro than a lot of the tables currently on TPA.

Ahhhh, of course I know about the FF series! But I never got into the series becasue I am not into turn based RPGs, I even downloaded a demo of one of the most recent games in the series which said to be an Action RPG ... but it was nothing more than a glorified turn based RPG. As you can imagine, I am more of a Zelda or Ys fan.

One thing is for sure, I would never have expected that cute little Tonberry to be an ass kicker ... seems to suit you, judging from your ass kickin scores on all the tables.


New member
Apr 4, 2012
Let us down????

I have not felt younger since pinball arcade crossed my path, its memorylane with fantastic gameplay.

Cant believe this topic.

+1 from me. I am loving playing TPA on my tablet. The xbox DLC issue is hardly FARSIGHTS fault ZEN have been waiting weeks to get their new pack out and they have a lot of experience working with Microsoft and Sony.

The Doctor

May 1, 2012
the amount of blind fanboy love is rampant in this poll and thread.... christ, people... farsight is a business out to earn money and are thus culpable for the content they sell... they are at the mercy of the market, and releasing buggy DLC and/or other issues will definitely have an affect on the market in toto.


New member
Mar 31, 2012
The way I see it is we are kind of like football supporters who all support the same team. If we were standing around a bar talking about a bad couple of matches we might be complaining about a couple of players, bad defence, etc.

It doesn't mean we don't want them to win, and will stop supporting our favorite team, we just voice our opinions and hope that next match they are back to their A game.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Well this is a fan page afterall

Theres alot easier ways to make some dough to be fair, the bars been set high.

Ill admit to being a fanboy ....gimmie some pom poms man

Edit- my only regret is im devloping a twitch every time bop sings
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New member
Feb 24, 2012
I said earlier that I've gotten more than my $25 worth even with the glitches. I forgot about the ps3 version and the android version plus first dlc pack I paid for that were both unplayable. It's closer to 50 bucks ive spent i guess. I don't think they should have made it available for the single core HTC EVO. The lag on the ps3 and lack of additional tables keeps me playing the iOS version. I'm not even bummed about the money but I am disappointed that I can't play it on ps3. I can't see any reason why the lag should be worse than the Williams collection. Still, this is by far my favorite game. A bit disappointed, yes. Losing faith, no.

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
Voted No: I am 100% sure Farsight will fix all bugs eventually, but I also think that some bugs shouldn’t have been in any finished product.

I think they’ve underestimated the amount of work and testing it takes to release TPA on multiple platform, but they’re doing a hell of a job so far imo. Unlike many big game developers they take the time to listen and acknowledge that the software has bugs, and they're working on solving them.

They’re our only hope of bringing all these tables to our mobiles/PS3/Xbox/PC so let’s be patient. Hopefully by the end of the year TPA will be out on all platforms, with a healthy line-up of great tables.

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
the amount of blind fanboy love is rampant in this poll and thread.... christ, people... farsight is a business out to earn money and are thus culpable for the content they sell... they are at the mercy of the market, and releasing buggy DLC and/or other issues will definitely have an affect on the market in toto.

Hmm.... I think FS is making TPA because they (like us) love pinball. If they wanted to make money they probably would be doing something else.. ;)


New member
May 19, 2012
No, not at all. However, it's unfortunate that each of the lead tables from the DLC packs has a major bug that makes them unplayable, or almost unplayable. I'm sure they will sort it soon, but some of the smaller bugs (like the drawbridge art in MM) look like 5 minute fixes that should have been crossed off the snag list by now.
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