New table price season 3


New member
May 18, 2012
I wonder, now that a single table in season 3 costs the same as a 2 table-pack from season 1
& 2, isn't this confusing for new custommers? It's not a Kickstarter. I would expect a lower season 3 price for a single table, or a higher season 1 & 2 table-pack price..


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I wonder, now that a single table in season 3 costs the same as a 2 table-pack from season 1
& 2, isn't this confusing for new custommers? It's not a Kickstarter. I would expect a lower season 3 price for a single table, or a higher season 1 & 2 table-pack price..

Read the newsletter for the official justification on pricing.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Read the newsletter for the official justification on pricing.

I question the legitimacy of that justification. Considering that FS did indeed used to sell the 2 tables separately, it seems to me FS is just changing history ex post facto.


New member
Jan 13, 2013
For the first two Seasons of the Pinball Arcade we released two tables every month: one new table, and one re-released table from our older Pinball Hall of Fame products. The re-released tables cost us much less to develop than the new tables because the license fees on them were already paid and the art, programming, and sound for them was already done: all that was required was to port them to the new Pinball Arcade physics system. Accordingly, we haven't been charging extra for them- we've included them because we want the Pinball Arcade to include ALL of our tables, not just the new ones.

That is their official explanation from the newsletter. I highlighted the line that annoys me to no end. That's the kind of marketing speak that makes my blood boil. I can't believe how many companies think consumers are idiots (granted, many are). That line alone dropped my level of respect for FarSight.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I question the legitimacy of that justification. Considering that FS did indeed used to sell the 2 tables separately, it seems to me FS is just changing history ex post facto.

That is their official explanation from the newsletter. I highlighted the line that annoys me to no end. That's the kind of marketing speak that makes my blood boil.

On the one hand, I'm glad they at least came out with an official statement, rather than let all of us just throw out random thoughts about it. On the other, I agree with both of you. It's like in the 3rd season of 'Lost', when Nikki and Paulo were introduced, and then in every flashback to events on the island, they were suddenly there too. Um, no? The general consensus of fans was that the show was treating us like idiots instead of the obsessive nut jobs we really were that watched seasons 1 and 2 under a microscope! At least the show fixed the problem by killing them off ever so satisfactorily.

Whew, talk about going off on a tangent!

Anyway, the statement reeks, but it's the story they're now gonna stick to. We need to just deal with it. While we of this forum have our B.S. detectors pinging, the majority of players that aren't forum members will probably take it at face value. Except the majority probably doesn't subscribe to the newsletter, which means instead they're going to question why FS is now charging $5 a table, while Zen only charges $3. I'm sure that will make the Facebook page a treat to read as always.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I'm sure that will make the Facebook page a treat to read as always.

It sure has. I went back to read the FB stuff for a few months, but it's gotten ugly again and stopped.

P.S. Btw, that thing they did on Lost was funny. "Of course Nikki and Paulo were there. They were just off camera."
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Jul 11, 2012
so the re-releases were slapped together and tweaked while they created the NEW tables from scratch. I KNEW IT! and you guys would bust my balls every time but then CENTRAL PARK came out and some of you refused the notion still. So now FS is charging twice the price of ZEN tables that are 100% original? This sucks extra for PS3 as we'll be waiting the same amount of time for 1 table PRO mode should be included and will justify the price hike and less content.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
so the re-releases were slapped together and tweaked while they created the NEW tables from scratch. I KNEW IT! and you guys would bust my balls every time but then CENTRAL PARK came out and some of you refused the notion still.

We asked, that was the answer given. Or at least, that was the way we interpreted the answer. We never asked about specific tables. I did ask if new scans were done for every table, and the answer was always yes. Victory in particular was pointed out as having just been done. Obviously the follow up should have been, "and is it going to be used to replace the ugly playfield image currently being used?", but instead we left it hanging with assumptions. So apologies for busting your balls with 'facts' we were given at the time.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Zen only charges $2 for licensed and $1 for original tables.

How do you figure? Apart from the fact they're on sale on Steam at the moment, single tables of Zen go for $2.99 usually. Packs of 4 sell for $9.99, so those would be $2.50 a pop, while Star Wars is $3.33 a pop when broken down per table cost (though right now the latest pack is on sale for $2.99...holy crap!!) Or at least that is the pricing on PS3 and Steam. Don't know about mobile pricing.


New member
Jan 13, 2013
Zen only charges $2 for licensed and $1 for original tables.

It depends on the platform. I know those are the prices on Android but the Steam (PC) version isn't priced the same. The thing I really like about Zen is they know how to run a SALE! (hint hint, cough, hack) Go look at the TPA forum on Steam and you'll see many are very disappointed that FarSight isn't participating in the huge Steam winter sale. I know it's a bit early to expect a big discount (not that it has stopped Zen) but they could discount it a little. I know they'll probably say they did, by dropping season 2 $10. Also, I can't help but notice that they say this price drop is for a limited time!


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I thought retcons only happened in comics. But the production process and the pricing model have both changed in manners that directly contradict previous statements

Facebook has actually been surprisingly civil through this compared to other periods of time when nothing was happening.
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New member
Apr 4, 2012
Damn, the two table packs I want least for Zen have the biggest discounts - Star Wars and Ms Splosion Man.. I will probably buy the rest on the last day of the sale anyway. Count me in with the other disappointed folks hoping for a TPA sale, also. I'll most likely keep waiting but probably pay full price for BK2K when it comes out in the meantime.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
On one hand I'm slightly ticked about the explanation for the price. Especially when FarSight made it a point to say in the beginning that the remakes were completely redone for the new engine. Basically making it sound as though they're doing as much work for HOF release as a new one.

You see, I actually buy their original stance because MM on TPA looks and plays much better than the old HOF version. Now, FarSight is saying that most of the work was already done for it and we were getting it for free? Then why could you buy the tables individually in the beginning? Hmm?

You know what explanation I'd believe? That they want and have other projects they wish to pursue and to do so requires the cutting of manpower for this game. That to continue to provide a decent product requires the reduction in tables to one a month. That WMS, after seeing the success of this game said "hey FarSight. We know we got the best remaining titles that aren't licensed and out of reach like some of Stern's. You want to keep using them. We need more $$$$$." Hence the price increase.

FarSight knows that this product can't survive on Gottliebs and the readily available Sterns. Not to the masses it won't. I'm hoping for a mostly Bally/Williams season. I did buy the pass which some people are posting that it's been removed as an option? I know one thing. If three or four of the remaining unknown six tables are NOT Bally/Williams titles, then WMS got crazy with their licensing price and TPA is not going to see a fourth season.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
On one hand I'm slightly ticked about the explanation for the price. Especially when FarSight made it a point to say in the beginning that the remakes were completely redone for the new engine. Basically making it sound as though they're doing as much work for HOF release as a new one.

You see, I actually buy their original stance because MM on TPA looks and plays much better than the old HOF version. Now, FarSight is saying that most of the work was already done for it and we were getting it for free? Then why could you buy the tables individually in the beginning? Hmm?

You know what explanation I'd believe? That they want and have other projects they wish to pursue and to do so requires the cutting of manpower for this game. That to continue to provide a decent product requires the reduction in tables to one a month. That WMS, after seeing the success of this game said "hey FarSight. We know we got the best remaining titles that aren't licensed and out of reach like some of Stern's. You want to keep using them. We need more $$$$$." Hence the price increase.

FarSight knows that this product can't survive on Gottliebs and the readily available Sterns. Not to the masses it won't. I'm hoping for a mostly Bally/Williams season. I did buy the pass which some people are posting that it's been removed as an option? I know one thing. If three or four of the remaining unknown six tables are NOT Bally/Williams titles, then WMS got crazy with their licensing price and TPA is not going to see a fourth season.

Probably so. Gottlieb fans can run any funny math they want but you can take the top ten ballys and Williams, put them against all the sterns and gottliebs in the polls that were done earlier this year and the top 20 would still be all the WMS tables save for one or two. He'll, you could take the least popular WMS tables and they would still beat most of the sterns and gottlieb a out there. Especially now that the top three gottliebs are out. Take them out of consideration and the next highest voted gotts really take a plunge in fun and popularity.

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