Random Auto Tilts

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
We are getting a few reports (IOS & Android) of users that start up a table and it automatically tilts without any input from the user. Anyone see or hear of this?


We are getting a few reports (IOS & Android) of users that start up a table and it automatically tilts without any input from the user. Anyone see or hear of this?

I have only experienced this on the PC version, but it could be due to Xinput emulation, dirty/dodgy USB ports or something else entirely. :/

As far as the reports on 'droid (mobile really) once the "customizable" touch zones were introduced we had a few reports of similar on the forums, but when the users "discovered" that the options menu scrolled down and they could change the touch zone layout, and/or make the touch zones visible to aid in their selection or become familiar with the layout, the complaints seemed to have faded. Could this be a case of pilot error?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I occasional have wandering thumbs that move a little too close to the center and accidentally nudge. This may be the cause of the reports as netizen stated.

On iOS I have had tilting issues related to using shake nudge in landscape view. It is almost impossible to hold the ipad still enough not to tilt. But I have had no issues since switching to touch nudging, other than my wandering thumbs as mentioned above.

Are the folks reporting issues using shake or touch nudging?


New member
Oct 26, 2013
I use the touchscreen for nudging on android.
And so far I never had a tilt without doing anything as you described.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
hmmmm im voting pilot error, how weird. Perhaps we should move that option up, or default to the old way hmmm...


hmmmm im voting pilot error, how weird. Perhaps we should move that option up, or default to the old way hmmm...

Maybe do a write up in the what's new about the touchzone configuration and the ability to make them visible, in addition to a reminder that the options list can/does scroll down. I don't remember there being much of a fanfare/introduction made about the feature when it was introduced so for a newer player or someone who hasn;t been a regular player the change could be somewhat shocking.

In addition updating the controls/help instructions to include a write up on what the options settings do might go a long way. Especially now with mipmapping, controller a/b, touchzones etc. there may be a lot there that is just too intimidating for some less adventurous users; especially if/when the support docs are less informative.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Yeah, ill have to run that one by Bobby, they write the what's new, and usually save it to push the newest product. Though what they are describing doesn't make sense, they just set it down on a table and it tilts, no touch at all. I'm thinking hardware issue.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I'll bet its iOS shake nudge. If you are playing in portrait and put it down and it switches to landscape on you....then it probably will tilt.
Landscape iOS nudge is super tilty.


Yeah, i'd have to second the shake nudge after a quick test. Even just turning your device from portrait to landscape while in game play can cause a tilt.

If they aren't playing shake, or aren't mis-pressing then i'd be curious about the hardware, or if it's a custom ROM maybe?

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Yeah not sure, could be a custom rom. Either way its just a handful of people apparently *shrugs* I just promised our QA that we would ask in case there was some weird bug lurking.


New member
Dec 30, 2013
Random tilt bug

Unfortunately I am one of "handful of people" affected by this bug which makes the game completely unplayable for me. I don't think it's "pilot error", it may be hardware issue but everything was working fine until 1.20 update (1.21 didn't help)
I am using Sony Xperia Sola phone with Android 4.0.4 and although it does sound strange the symptoms are exactly like you described it in the first post - when opening any of my 2 tables - TOTAN standard or STTNG pro, the table nudges itself very hard (like 1 or 2 "danger" almost immediately) or with ANY touch on the screen - very important is that it happens even with nudge turned OFF. If the ball launches somehow it disappears or it's enough to tilt the table already. I was also waiting and it was very hard for table to start the 2nd ball after tilt. What may help is that the camera during ball launch seems to be a bit different than before 1.20 update, like distorted but it's hard to explain that..
I have tried every setting - touchscreen scheme, controller mode A,B etc. and nothing helped, I even tried reinstalling the app. Actually I have found out that the only setting that changes it is turning "ball control on" in pro menu. Then it goes sometimes "danger" at the beginning but afterwards it's ok although obviously it can't be a standard mode to play..
My guess it can be something with the controller modes, since it was introduced in 1.20 I believe, and before that everything is ok..
I love the game so I would really like the bug to be fixed, any questions let me know, I could record the screen for you but I am not sure if there is a safe Android app to do that.


New member
Dec 30, 2013
Yeah not sure, could be a custom rom. Either way its just a handful of people apparently *shrugs* I just promised our QA that we would ask in case there was some weird bug lurking.

Definitely not a pilot error here. I had a ball seemingly clip through a sling and simultaneously tilt on Black Hole, remaining tilted when it provided me another ball to launch, as well as Centaur getting confused, having a ball disappear, provide me another, then start ball two (including another ball) while only thinking one ball was in play. I made sure to even change my touch controls so that there weren't any nudges near my fingers, and was not on accelerometer nudge. I'm running a Nook HD+ on the newest update.


New member
Dec 30, 2013
can you repro it?

I don't have a setup for it, but it does seem to happen again if given some time. This time it softlocked everything by tilting while on the lower table, and if I nudge while tilted, it seems to "stick" in different positions for short amounts of time.


He means reproduce the error?

Then can you write out the steps that occurred to make it happen in this format or something resembling:


That way it can be taken to internal QA and they can hammer away at trying to see if it can be reproduced in house under debug to log and see what's happening etc.


New member
Dec 30, 2013
He means reproduce the error?

Then can you write out the steps that occurred to make it happen in this format or something resembling:


That way it can be taken to internal QA and they can hammer away at trying to see if it can be reproduced in house under debug to log and see what's happening etc.

I know what he meant, which is why I prefaced the whole statement with "I don't have a setup for it...". I'm not consistent enough at pinball to consistently hit something the exact same way, especially when I don't know what I'm attempting to hit.

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
I know what he meant, which is why I prefaced the whole statement with "I don't have a setup for it...". I'm not consistent enough at pinball to consistently hit something the exact same way, especially when I don't know what I'm attempting to hit.

Hey Reutan, if you indeed have the Nook HD + you will soon realize that ball placement has nothing to do with these issues. It's how you press on the tablet. (eg. multitouch). I've been contemplating on what causes but really can't determine if it's device/or software.

Here are some ways I cause random nudging/tilts/ball disappearing etc on my Nook HD+,.. which has been an issue ever since the Cue Ball Wizard betas have been out.

1. Every Nook HD+ has black strip located along at the bottom of the touch screen which contains the "n" home button. Rubbing this part of the screen, in no particular location, will auto nudge and quickly cause tilt. Sounds odd but it's 100% reproducible which leads me to believe its hardware related.

2. Pressing the screen with two thumbs, flush against the screen, simultaneously. The goal is to maintain having two flippers in an upward position as long as possible. I believe the touch screen has issues determining your entire thumb and unexpected touch recognition occurs. What ends up happening is that the screen gets finicky. This doesn't sound much like a way to cause the issue, but simply touching in the correct zones carefully within a normal game's time will almost always guarantee unwanted nudging.

*Note that I have kept the nudging option set to off.

@Ryan, thanks for your hardwork. I understand you guys can't repro everything but its worth mentioning.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Yeah it sounds like a different bug but I will keep an eye out for that one too. The bug they reported was instantaneous. Strange one.


New member
Dec 30, 2013
Yeah it sounds like a different bug but I will keep an eye out for that one too. The bug they reported was instantaneous. Strange one.
Did you happen to see my post above? I described exactly the bug you were mentioning in first post.. Anyway I have now described it "Bug Android Version 1.20.0 Bugs" as well to report it like other bugs.


New member
May 18, 2013
There is definitly a problem with TPA on a Nook HD+. It was fine until one of the latest updates.

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