Table Pack #22 speculation

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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Always bet on black is a quote from a Wesley Snipes movie (Passenger 57). Snipes starred in another movie called Demolition Man. So I think it is obviously Demolition Man. And I got there without using Kevin Bacon.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Good point, I think black knight being there was just to throw us off the scent. They've already used previous characters in images (like Elvira toasting the Goin Nuts squirrels)

So Whodunnit seems like the obvious one.

Only others I can think of are Eight Ball Deluxe (Farsight did say that it might be the next classic Bally they do) or Jack*Bot.

Unless it is a jackpot that we're talking about, and with the teasings and possibly a huge announcement planned for Christmas Day

Addams Family? :eek:


New member
Dec 10, 2013
So I won't have to "STAND UP AND FIGHT" next month?

I'm guessing High Roller Casino or Riverboat Gambler.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Always bet on black is a quote from a Wesley Snipes movie (Passenger 57). Snipes starred in another movie called Demolition Man. So I think it is obviously Demolition Man. And I got there without using Kevin Bacon.

Was there ever a Blade table? The Black Knight carries a "blade."


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Have we reached a verdict in this matter? I want more! :)

Probably has been but it's fun to make baseless speculation. How about name any random table and we can create a back story of how the clue, no matter how unlikely, ties in to that pick.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Nugent (stern 1978 )

Alright, so Nugent is known for his hunting with bows and arrows, and fierce guitar playing wielding an "ax" which harkens back to medieval times as weapons - weapons used by "knights." Nugent is very outspoken and often compares his "soulfulness" to those of legendary black soulmen and guitarists like James Brown, Little Richard and many others and has stated in the past that he is a "black" man in spirit if not in flesh. Combined this gives you the Black Knight reference.
He is also very controversial and polarizing to many so it would be as much of a gamble as spinning a roulette wheel if the table was done as to how successful it would be!


New member
Mar 3, 2013
High Roller Casino, Sharkeys shootout, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Nascar, and Monopoly are all good sterns and worth doing. Personally I think it would be good if it's hRC as that will break up the Bally/Williams releases.

Actually I think Stern Playboy is a very good player's game, but it will never happen in TPA. :)

Brett Carlson

New member
Sep 24, 2013
If it is Who dunnit I wonder if it will have midnight madness, from what I saw not to many pinball machines have it but this one does


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
If it is Who dunnit I wonder if it will have midnight madness, from what I saw not to many pinball machines have it but this one does

I'm assuming it will be there. Rom emulation should carry it along. I've never played midnight madness on Who Dunnit. What is it like?
I've only seen midnight madness on Junkyard and it was crazy fun like a wizard mode.

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
I think table pack 22 is going to be High Roller Casino, they said Who Dunnit, Blacknight 2000, and Junkyard are coming soon, but they did not give a date. It still could be Who Dunnit, but I really have to go with High Roller Casino, we'll have to wait and see what happens.
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