All Right Table Pack #47 Speculation

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David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
I believe that Table 47 will either be Rescue 911 (Which I Want), or Hurricane. Either way, those two tables are Awesome. Shutyertrap I'm sorry you guys got your 2 EM's, now I want my Rescue 911 and I'll be very happy until Family Guy comes out someday. Ok you guys can start guessing now.:cool:


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Well let's think about this. Head to Head is coming in February or March, so this specific H2H table might be #47.

Or #48. If this is the case, then skip to #49.


New member
May 24, 2013
I believe that Table 47 will either be Rescue 911 (Which I Want), or Hurricane. Either way, those two tables are Awesome. Shutyertrap I'm sorry you guys got your 2 EM's, now I want my Rescue 911 and I'll be very happy until Family Guy comes out someday. Ok you guys can start guessing now.:cool:
I`m getting my EMs so David I`m hoping you get either or both of your tables !!! :cool:


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
It'll be Rescue 911,to save us from winter. Head to head table will be for March I think.


New member
Jul 24, 2013
head to head? nba fastbreak! :)
I know, not going to happen due to licensing but I love that table even though I don't care for basketball at all...


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
head to head? nba fastbreak! :)
I know, not going to happen due to licensing but I love that table even though I don't care for basketball at all...

Don't dismiss Fastbreak from happening. Norman, one of the producers at FarSight, loves the table. As witnessed by No Fear, they can de-license a table, though with Fastbreak it'd be pretty extensive. The head to head is going to be that soccer table, as it was spotted in a photo FS posted at some point. But so long as they can get that worked out, it does open the door for Fastbreak and Joust.


New member
May 4, 2012
Don't dismiss Fastbreak from happening. Norman, one of the producers at FarSight, loves the table. As witnessed by No Fear, they can de-license a table, though with Fastbreak it'd be pretty extensive. The head to head is going to be that soccer table, as it was spotted in a photo FS posted at some point. But so long as they can get that worked out, it does open the door for Fastbreak and Joust.

- How could they de-license the ROM? NBA stuff is all over the DMD. I think it would be nearly impossible, and certainly not worth the effort.

- Farsight confirmed AG Soccer-Ball in the 12 Days of Christmas news.

- AG Soccer-Ball has head-to-head play solely because its flipper switches mean that no new programming is required to implement playing its versus mode, against the computer. It would be for Joust (and a ton of it), thus AG Soccer-Ball does not make Joust more likely. And the TPA Head 2 Head mode will be two players trying to reach a certain score the fastest (IIRC); it doesn't have anything in common with Joust's 2-player mode.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
I'm less excited for AG Soccer itself and more for the fact that it opens up the door for other Alvin G games. They didn't make a lot of titles, but they're pretty rare and most people won't get much of a chance to play them otherwise.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
- How could they de-license the ROM? NBA stuff is all over the DMD. I think it would be nearly impossible, and certainly not worth the effort.

ROM hacking is totally doable, see Cactus Canyon Continued for an example of what's possible with enough expertise and work. Probably beyond what's business-worthwhile for Farsight, though.

More feasible would be stripping down some but not all of the licensing. You might be able to get NBA Fastbreak down to where you're only dealing with the NBA itself (which has rights to the team logos and trademarks) and not all the individual players and agents or the players' union.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
ROM hacking wouldn't be allowed. They couldn't even change data east to stern in POTO roms.

What they can do is airbrush artwork out (TAF), and replace offending music. (Purple Haze in Party Zone)
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