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  1. M

    Bug Missing ball, unable to continue

    I really want to fix this bug, but unfortunatly it happens so randomly that I've never been able to reproduce it.
  2. M

    Android - Bug >10 billion high score rollover resets to zero

    We put in some special code to track if the score flipped over past 10 billion. Then when posting to the leaderboards we post up the score with the 10 billions(s) added. Unfortunatly the ROM itself only stores 9,999,999,999 so we can't keep track of it in the high score table as easily cause...
  3. M

    360 - Bug X-Box keeps wiping out my scores!

    Have you tried contacting Microsoft's Tech Support? The fact that you are loosing scores on the Leaderboards seems to point to some xbox issue, since those are stored on thier servers.
  4. M

    Backglass DMD

    We've gotten it working (as you've all seen), so it'll be on all new tables, and at some point when we patch the old ones we'll add it to those as well.
  5. M

    Bug Table incorrectly marked as having standard goals completed

    Having our QA look into it and see if we can fix.
  6. M

    PC - Request Obsessive Simulation - Coin Slot

    The biggest issue is it's a lot of artist time to model all those components. To get the tables done quickly they model only what's necessary for play.
  7. M

    Monster Bash ( iOS ) camera angles

    I passed this on to the appropriate people.
  8. M

    Multiball Ghost-Ball Collisions

    It depends on the speed of the ball. The physics are updated 60 times per second if the ball is moving slow. If it is moving fast it can be more than 300 times per second. I'm not sure it's possible to fix the illusions of not seeing the collision. As an example, say you have a ball going...
  9. M

    Multiball Ghost-Ball Collisions

    I think what you are seeing is the fact that youtube videos are 30fps, when the game runs at 60fps, so you are missing in between frames where the collisions actually happen. I've never seen this while playing.
  10. M

    Video: Table Pack #5

    I tried hooking the vibrate up to the shaker motor in HD, but the problem is it fires way too much. Which violates TCRs with Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo about how long and often you are allow to rumble the controller. If we let it in there, your hands would be numb after playing a single game.
  11. M

    Video: Table Pack #5

    There is a "safe area" border on the screen, that MS (Sony and Nintendo) require us to fit all "important" graphics inside. I'll discuss it with the designers to see if we can move it over that border a little bit. Safe Area made sense on the old Tube TV's, but makes less sense on HD Tvs.
  12. M

    Video: Table Pack #5

    This is an art issue, I let Jason know about it.
  13. M

    360 - Bug Leaderboard issue

    Nothing should have been reset. We will probably have to ask MS to reset the monster bash all time one once we patch it. But there isn't any need to reset the others.
  14. M

    Request Mirror Mode

    We have some test ball skins in, at some point Jason will go through and make sure they look good and maybe add to them. The ones I looked at so far, looked good with the ball reflection as well.
  15. M

    Request Mirror Mode

    It's partially implemented, however I had some issues with the ball reflection. The camera matrix that mirrors the table, breaks the ball reflection. I wasn't able to fix that in a quick way so mirror mode is disabled until we have time to look into it.
  16. M

    360 - Bug Gorgar got mute.

    I found out what the problem was. It has been fixed. It was also related to the A, B, C rollover complete sound not playing. It'll be in the next Title Update for Xbox 360.
  17. M

    Request We need 2-stage or analog flipper control on games with upper flippers

    I just implemented the fix this past week, so it'll be in a future update. I'm not in charge of the Sony submissions but I believe they are in submission now for the next DLC, so the fix won't be in until the release after that.
  18. M

    Request We need 2-stage or analog flipper control on games with upper flippers

    Most of the code to do this was already there. It just wasn't using the analog values. Since it only took about 10 minutes to implement I was able to get it done quickly.
  19. M

    Request We need 2-stage or analog flipper control on games with upper flippers

    I implemented this on Xbox 360 and PS3 this week. It will only work on analog buttons, so RT/LT on Xbox 360, and Both R1/L1 and R2/L2 as they are both analog. If you use LB/RB for flipper is won't work cause those buttons are on/off only.

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