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  1. M

    360 Pack #3 Gameplay Video

    We have System 11 pretty much working. Doing older chips like System 6 shouldn't be too hard. Once we get that done Gorgar and Black Knight will behave like the real tables. As for scripting, we use the same scripting as PHOF, however it's a different pinball framework, so it's quite possible...
  2. M

    360 - Bug Funhouse. 464m. Ball one. No balls inplay or by plunger. Call attendant not working.

    The problem is we're emulating real life, so if we do something like, remove a ball from a trap and stick it in the ball trough, the rom gets confused. In real life that can't happen, so it starts doing things like spitting multiple balls in the plunger, or breaking in some other way. Whats...
  3. M

    360 - Bug Funhouse. 464m. Ball one. No balls inplay or by plunger. Call attendant not working.

    Bugs require a certain series of events to occur. Because each person plays differently, the events may not happen that are necessary to reproduce the bug. The reason some people see the same bugs more often, most likely has to do with play style and reaction times. They hit the same shots a...
  4. M

    360 - Bug Funhouse. 464m. Ball one. No balls inplay or by plunger. Call attendant not working.

    The problem is that lost ball can be caused by many things. We recently had a lost ball happen (1st time myself or the engineer who saw it happen in 1000's of games). The issue he saw was that all the balls were "dead" (No longer in play, not in traps, etc), but the trough was missing a ball...
  5. M

    Request New DMD color and lighting

    Both DMD's are the same artwork and same color. The only difference is when it's on the table the post processing is applied to it (because it's a 3D art asset). We don't apply post processing to the HUD (2D HUD/Menu asset), so we had to tweek it's render calls with extra brightness to get it...
  6. M

    360 - Bug Leaderboard issue

    I posted my question on the dev support forum yesterday. It's been viewed more than a dozen times now and I still don't have a response. As soon as I find out I will post something. As for the question about scores being posted after it goes up, I'm not sure. Our game doesn't keep track of...
  7. M

    360 - Bug Leaderboard issue

    This could be the case with the leaderboards, if they aren't on xbox live they probably wont work yet. Also thanks for clarifying that.
  8. M

    360 - Bug Leaderboard issue

    The leaderboards and achievements get added by a special file in the DLC. The fact that the achievements show up tells me that that file should be working properly. I'm not sure why some have issues with achievements and others do. I asked Dev Support why some experience problems with...
  9. M

    360 - Bug Leaderboard issue

    Thanks everyone, I'll let you know what I find out.
  10. M

    360 - Bug Leaderboard issue

    Some are saying the leaderboards aren't working. Can you see the leaderboards for the launch tables? I'll need to contact MS Dev support about it, if it doesn't start working. The problem is that our development hardware uses a separate leaderboards server than production, so it's not...
  11. M

    DLC Release Date

    CV is fully playable. The bug mentioned was one where on a new game sometimes you had more than one ball in the plunger. This happened if you had a ball locked in the juggler and quit the table or the game ended. The solution is to quit to the main menu and go back into CV if that still...
  12. M

    DLC Release Date

    I don't have anything to do with the iOS version. I'll bring it up with the artists tomorrow to see what's going on.
  13. M

    DLC Release Date

    It'll be part of a patch to the DLC. I need to talk to MS on how we go about doing that. Making the lamps look like Incandescent bulbs is something I've been working on. I had it working on one table, but when I tried it on another table it was causing some weird texture issues. It'll be...
  14. M

    DLC Release Date

    The code for Pack 3 is in the title update, should be released mid August. You won't need a title update to play that pack. For Pack 4 a title update will be necessary. Most of the lighting was already in our engine, it just wasn't being used properly, so it shouldn't introduce any lag or...
  15. M

    The DLC is on XBox live!

    Glad to hear you enjoy it and that pack 2 is now out. Don't forget there are 6 other neon colors, each time you play it'll pick a random one. Enjoy
  16. M

    DLC Release Date

    Unfortunatly I can't remember if we fixed that before or after the submission. Any fixes that are changed in code/executuable are part of the title update. Any fixes that are asset changes like textures, models, collisions, physics values, lighting are part of the DLC download (which was...
  17. M

    DLC Release Date

    I hope this proves that we had it approved since May and for some reason it never got released. :D The flipper gap is there because we submitted back in May before we had a chance to fix it.
  18. M

    DLC Release Date

    Yes, we believe it's not fully available on the server yet so you should wait. Most likely it won't be available until 8/2. Table Packs 1 and 2 should be out today, hopefully in a few hours.
  19. M

    DLC Release Date

    Welcome. We just found out the good news ourselves a few minute ago. I should also add that once the table packs are available they should appear in the main menu (If you are playing when they go up, you may need to reboot for them to show). I also don't know if they will show up before they...
  20. M

    DLC Release Date

    We believe the DLC is being propagated today. So at some point today there should be table packs 1 and 2. The release date for the lauch table fixes is 8/2 at 9am UTC, so we're not sure why it's partially available. I would suggest trying again later, as it's possible it's not fully on the...

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