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  1. MadScience2006

    No Fear released on iOs

    Like ramps? :rolleyes:
  2. MadScience2006

    iOS - Bug HOF points restore button not working

    Same here. At least the high scores and table goals remote save and restore is working again...those were not working until maybe a week ago when FS apparently did something to their servers (reboot?) to correct the tournament crash. What I've found is that if you remote restore for your...
  3. MadScience2006

    iPad Pro... Anyone else tempted?

    I'm speaking of restoring a backup to a new device (device upgrade entirely, not after an iOS update). You need to restore the backup from the old device onto the new device...unless you want to setup the device as new. We upgrade our devices on a yearly/bi-yearly basis and this lack of 100% of...
  4. MadScience2006

    iPad Pro... Anyone else tempted?

    I agree 100%. I would never use, nor trust an iDevice like I do a Mac/PC for many reasons, including iOS itself and it's instability over the past few versions (since iOS 6 mostly). Every release brings new bugs/issues/inconsistencies/etc. Many issues never get resolved and are shoved under the...
  5. MadScience2006

    iPad Pro... Anyone else tempted?

    Definitely not for me. I personally play 95% of the time on my mini 2. When I do play on my Air 2, the screen is of course quite a bit larger. You also have to hold it a bit differently as well. I could not imagine being very comfortable with something as large as the iPad Pro. Of the devices I...
  6. MadScience2006

    Bug High scores not being saved/restored between different devices

    This seems to be resolved since Sunday when I believe Farsight's servers were restarted. Thanks again FlippyFloppy.
  7. MadScience2006

    Bug Safe Cracker coin collection display is non-existent

    TPA v5.3.0 (MS Dracula), the coin collection is no longer displayed under Table menu/Options/Coin collection. Tapping on "coin collection" now takes you to the Farsight TPA "welcome" screen. No more coin collection. Tested on iPhone 5s, iPad mini 2, iPad Air 2 under iOS 9.1
  8. MadScience2006

    80710723 error

    Farsight seem to be having server issues on their end (see the Android and iOS forums for info). Seem as though everything that's saved to or loaded from Farsight's servers is currently down.
  9. MadScience2006

    November mobile tournament is up!

    Dude, are you still in there? :rolleyes:
  10. MadScience2006

    Uh oh...crashing every time starting Tournament

    Everything on my end is fine as far as internet connectivity. Seems like it's related to Farsight's servers. Restore HOF scores sits idle but never restores anything (everything is reset to 0). Clicking on Tournament instantly brings TPA to a halt back to Springboard (all on iOS).
  11. MadScience2006

    November mobile tournament is up!

    Hall of Fame scores have been messed up, remote saving and restoring of scores has been messed up...seemingly, mostly server-related issues. It's Saturday as well...I doubt anyone's home to reset anything if it's the server(s) that have crashed.
  12. MadScience2006

    Sideshow missing Copy Cat?

    I believe Copy Cat is on a custom "Home" ROM. TPA doesn't emulate these custom ROMs.
  13. MadScience2006

    Game crashes when posting scores on Frankstein

    Carpy I have an iPad Air 2 (on iOS 9.1) as well but have seen no crashing at high score entry or afterwards. High score entry is very sluggish though...I thought maybe it had something to do with the increased resolution of the DMD.
  14. MadScience2006

    Bug High scores not being saved/restored between different devices

    Thanks for the confirmation, guys. This needs to be addressed. It's been like this for 2-3 TPA versions, maybe more. At first I thought it was something (who knows what) on my end...but after 2-3 TPA versions and now other confirmations, I see that it's not.
  15. MadScience2006

    Bug High scores not being saved/restored between different devices

    Somewhere around the last two TPA versions (not sure exactly which), I noticed that my scores are no longer being saved/restored (synced) between my devices. Previously, it always worked like this: 1. Get a high score or table goal 2. Exit table after the game & use Options/Back up save data...
  16. MadScience2006

    App Tray Icon STILL Displays "Safecracker"

    Same here. I never noticed it until you mentioned it.
  17. MadScience2006

    iOS 9

    No problems here. Everything seems to be just fine but I haven't tested very extensively.
  18. MadScience2006

    Rumble added in newest iOS version...

    I didn't notice until I played the table recently (after the iOS v5.1.0 update) that Rumble has been enabled on this table. It was turned on by default so when I played, I got the rumble effect. I had no idea the table even had a rumble/shake feature. :rolleyes:

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