Got locked out after updating. Password won't work now and the reset won't work either. As much as I love this game Farsight really needs to get their **** straight.
Edit: Ya this is BS. I'm sick of it. In 30+ years of gaming I've never encountered a game with so many issues, delays, bugs, and...
Still getting the hang of these. Initial impressions are DD is VERY different from everything else in TPA, but in a good way. And is it just me or is Firepower kicking your a$$ too?? LOVE it, and it runs perfectly smoothly on my iPad 2.
Second game. Multiball. Game thinks I have 2 balls in play when I have one. Can continuously shoot jackpots. Then I lose my ball, game can't find the phantom second, and I lose the whole shebang. Call attendant is useless.
Thanks again for your quality testing farsight.
3. Lack of ball spin drastically impacts the randomization
4. When shooting up ramps the ball doesn't bounce back and forth off of the sides like IRL. This would typically slow its momentum, this is why it's so much easier to make ramps shots in TPA.
5. Ball speed is slower in TPA
I wasn't ready to strip the PF so they are half done. It's odd but I'm used to it. I know a guy that might be able to help me with it. But funds are tight right now so it's on hold
Edit: But on the plus side I'm just LOVING this table. It's hard as hell. Super fast play and I still haven't...
Maaaaaan, I saw this pop at the top of the What's New? list and thought it was released for console. Imagine my disappointment when I saw the forum it was in....sigh...
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