I haven't lost faith either. I do software support for a living too, so I definitely can see how bugs get through and into production. Ideally they would be caught before release (and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying I'd gladly volunteer to do some beta testing if it would help out) but the...
Thanks for the heads up Judi Chop! I'm definitely shooting to get up to Pinball Wizard this summer and knowing that it will be worth the trip is good news indeed!
I've always had mine lying down. I have had to replace it a few times (under warranty - it did cost me time but I've never paid a cent more for the system after I bought it at launch).
I would think that it would be a moot point unless you are getting an older system. The new slim models...
IMO, if people would stop lowering/removing their pledges they would probably already be well over 70K. If there was more of a steady climb I think you would see more new pledges because you get BOTH tables with just a $10 pledge if the stretch goal is reached, which is pretty nuts. I just...
Welcome to the forums!
Cyclone is one of my personal favorites too from when I was younger. I haven't heard anything from Farsight mentioning this table in particular, but I would think since it's unlicensed above and beyond the Williams license (which they already have) it should be something...
I feel the same way Actionball. Absolutely loved Taxi, Cyclone, PIN*BOT, Funhouse and Dr. Dude when I got a chance to play them. Haven't been lucky enough to try out the others but from what I've seen from videos, they look great!
Good news is that it seems most of them don't need much, if...
Indiana Jones is my most wanted table from Williams/Bally by far. Wonder how bad the licenses would be for that one. I would assume it wouldn't be easy dealing with Lucas Arts.
I definitely hope they stay on their 2 tables a month schedule and this is coming from someone who plays exclusively on the Xbox 360. From what I gather from some of the comments Mike R. has made. It seems like the 360 is the lead platform for table development (I could be wrong, that's just...
Totally didn't even notice it in the list or it would have been one of my picks. I was down at Disney World of all places and they had one in the resort we were staying at (Riverside). There was actually someone there cleaning it and testing it out with the glass off. It was cool to see all...
Seems like they can't? Update #4 says that they can't edit the pledge goals at least, which I guess makes sense because you don't want to allow people to alter pledge incentives in a negative way after people have already made their pledges. Wonder if they can update the main page though?
Ah, I get it now thanks for the clarification! They're fine with 'freebies' to a point, but they don't consider these to be free since they are incentives for monetary pledges. Got it. Oh well, I'm okay with it, and like I said it didn't affect my pledge, but I think they'd have their goal...
So does anyone know the actual policy for how codes work for DLC? Besides the Halo and Pinball FX2 I mentioned above (both published by MS) there have been other games like Rock Band that give out codes for DLC so they are definitely available. Unless the companies pay for the codes, MS...
There's something I've been wondering in terms of the statement that Microsoft won't allow codes for DLC on the 360. How is it that games like Halo can have download codes for map packs (I've used them) and Pinball FX2 can have download codes for their DLC tables (I've seen them give them out...
I had to vote Cyclone just because some of the sound samples are permanently burned in my brain. I can't think of that table without hearing "Ride the Ferris Wheel!" or "Hey you, with the face!" in my head.
Here's the text:
About this project
Here at FarSight Studios we’ve been developing console videogames for over 20 years. For the last seven years we’ve been developing modern videogame recreations of classic pinball tables. We have licenses from the original manufacturers of the tables (Bally...
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