This is a carryover from Pinball Hall of Fame; there, it was one of the premiums for getting all the wizard goals on a table (at least on the Wii). I kind of liked that approach: tag your balls as a badge of achievement.
Yeah, I also noticed that balls that fall back down the peasant ramp go straight down the center drain, and I recall people saying that doesn't happen on the real machine (though I have played it only a few times myself).
In real life, I've never managed to survive long enough on Twilight Zone to think too hard about strategy (though the last time I played it at Pinball Wizard, I did have an OK ball or two). When I played it back in the Nineties, I'd be playing two-player games with my buddy who frequently got...
This is a general issue with TPA. Most of the games are running emulated ROMs from the real table, with code in them to actively guard against tampering, which makes it difficult for Farsight's code to restore saved state data beyond the simplest score information. I suppose the other option...
There's a weird TZ glitch in which TPA will occasionally suddenly put up a "final score" dialog with a score of zero at the beginning of the game. Trying to start the game again will register another press on the start button and start a two-player game.
I'm not sure exactly how to reproduce...
Did Black Hole just get significantly faster in the most recent revision (Android 1.8.0, etc.)? I haven't played it in a while so may be imagining things, but it seems as if the pop bumpers got super-turbocharged.
Version 1.8.0 on Android induced re-download of this table. Seems like the bounce off a held flipper isn't as absurdly high as it used to be, and the damsel rescue now works like it's supposed to. Any other changes people noticed?
I might spend some more time with MM in the near future...
Hmm, it seems as if there's been some major work done on Medieval Madness. I'm not enough on an expert on that table to notice everything that's changed, though.
For what it's worth, I could see the Powerball even without the ball skins. It looks white and non-metallic. I think it first appeared in the gumball machine, as it often does.
It seemed to move a little faster than the regular ball, but there isn't as huge a difference as on the real table.
...Anyway, apart from when there are obvious overall performance issues, I haven't experienced anything that specifically manifests as a flipper lag. The touch driver does get in a confused state sometimes in which it doesn't manifest any gestures correctly; this seems to be a system-wide issue...
My experience is that TPA slows down to a crawl whenever my (very low-powered) phone decides to sync email/Facebook/etc. in the background. There seems to be both a considerable frame-rate drop and an overall slowdown, in which the ball actually moves more slowly. I doubt there's much to be done...
Several of the other tables re-downloaded: Big Shot, TotAN and Black Hole, at the very least. Any observations about what might have changed apart from Twilight Zone?
Two things I noticed:
1. The HUD for Big Shot is now much smaller, to the point that it doesn't obscure important parts of the...
Yeah, it's still a great table, with all the stuff you love. But it's obviously easier than the real one.
I noticed that the Powerfield seems much easier to win, too.
The most noticeable thing is that TPA's Twilight Zone has the barrier between the left and bottom jet bumpers that prevents a ball that goes there from getting shot out the left outlane. I don't think I've ever seen a real TZ set that way.
The extras include a bunch of "Pro Tips", the first of...
This is one I'm actually not familiar with; I may have played it once or twice back in the day, but don't have the fond memories I do of Twilight Zone or Star Trek: TNG.
Still, Steve Ritchie tables are always welcome. And I liked the movie.
Hmm... So the current story is that when/if they get a new publisher for XBLA, they'll put TZ and maybe Star Trek: TNG out first?
If so, it makes a certain amount of sense: they've effectively need to re-launch The Pinball Arcade on XBox, and starting with a big splash is probably a good way to...
However, I think they do want to get ROM emulation going for the earlier Williams solid-state games instead of leaving them scripted. This has already happened for Taxi and Funhouse.
There's a bit of a puzzle here, as to why the scripting on Black Knight and Gorgar in TPA seems not quite as...
I have PHoF on the Wii, which lacked all the DMD tables for which scripting couldn't cut the mustard, so the Eighties content was an even larger fraction of the total.
The Wii being what it is, the graphics obviously seem incredibly chunky after playing some of the same tables on the XBox. But...
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