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  1. Tabe

    What we have become

    I've had a couple people yell at me for being too negative a few months ago - rightfully so, for the most part. That's not my nature nor my intent so I did a but of self-evaluation and got rid of the negativity. I'll still give honest opinions and criticism, I'll just be nicer about it :)
  2. Tabe

    Pack 18 Screenshots?

    My thought exactly. Haunted House looks awful.
  3. Tabe

    Pro Pinball

    Yeah, I never completed the wizard modes in Fantastic Journey or Timeshock. BRUSA and The Web, yeah, but not the other two.
  4. Tabe

    Pro Pinball

    Sure hope so. I'd love a pink version of Big Race USA! [/snark]
  5. Tabe

    Ÿour LEAST favorite tables?

    Nah. IRL I'm a big fan of Mystic Marvel but that's because Grandma had one when I was a kid.
  6. Tabe

    I Spit on Your Grave 2

    I remember it and seem to remember liking it a lot as a teenager.
  7. Tabe

    To PS4 buyers, when are you going to stop buying PS3 packs?

    At the moment, I'm leaning toward stopping after t2 and Going' Nuts but that could easily change.
  8. Tabe

    Ÿour LEAST favorite tables?

    Genie for me - I even wrote a thread trashing it. And then all the really old games.
  9. Tabe

    Crystal caliburn 2 iOS

    I'd love to see Android versions of all of these, especially the updated Crystal Caliburn. Played that game a TON back in college - it was the first present my then-girlfriend (now wife) ever got me. A present for our 3-month anniversary :)
  10. Tabe

    Whirlwind and Championship Pub are out!!!!

    Whirlwind is not a favorite of mine. Just not a fan of the spinning discs in the middle. This implementation seems pretty solid in my limited play so far. Champion's Pub, that one I like. It's bright and colorful, looks really good. I don't know what the real thing looks like but this one...
  11. Tabe

    Modding TPA

    How tight is Steam when it comes to being able to mod games without developer approval? Farsight might not get a vote on whether the game gets modded or not...
  12. Tabe

    PS3 NA v2.15 Feedback & Discussion

    I didn't play much but I did notice that this update reset the custom balls I was using. I didn't bother to change 'em back but it set my green ball on AFM back to the ultra-shiny regular ball.
  13. Tabe

    PS3 NA v2.15 Feedback & Discussion

    It has been fixed in 720p mode for several months.
  14. Tabe

    what's the name...

    Here's the picture: The game in question is "Pinball Action":
  15. Tabe

    More tidbits about Sony...etc...

    4K isn't going to happen for at least a decade. Sure, you can buy a 4K TV right now - there were some $900 50" TVs this week - but they won't be a "thing" for a long time.
  16. Tabe

    More tidbits about Sony...etc...

    What exactly are you seeing in Microsoft's launch lineup that makes it superior?
  17. Tabe

    Nudging Overpowered?

    I think both have their high and low points. Zen overdoes ball spin and the general rolling of the ball isn't great. TPA is a mess when it comes to flipper/ball interactions and the angles that things take on collisions. In the end, I'm not sure one is any better than the other - they kinda...
  18. Tabe

    Pinball Arcade "Coming Soon to PS4" Trailer on PSN

    Overall, I was disappointed with the video. Really, other than STTNG, I didn't think any of the tables looked all that good. Sure, they look "better" but definitely not "good". Well, except Theater of Magic. That just looks awful. A big orange glowing blob of light over the entire screen...
  19. Tabe

    Heads up for fellow ps3 owners - Pinballistik now free on psn.

    Thanks for the heads-up. Will give it a shot.
  20. Tabe

    Pinball Arcade "Coming Soon to PS4" Trailer on PSN

    Yeah, hoo boy, TOM looks terrible.

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