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  1. Tabe

    The LEAST popular table you want to come to The Pinball Arcade

    Not sure how the word at large views it but I'd love to see Strat-o-Flite released. We had one in our basement when I was a kid and I'd love to have it in TPA. I'm sure pretty much nobody else would agree with me :)
  2. Tabe

    *"Secret" Handshakes

    If your secret handshake lasts more than about 3-5 seconds, it goes from "secret handshake" to "lame handshake", IMHO.
  3. Tabe

    This Past Generation of Consoles: Your Best and Worst Memories.

    Assasin's Creed 2 is just an amazing, incredible game. I spent roughly 75 hours on it and was never bored. It's such an incredible, alive world. Some of the later games in the series tweaked things in ways that are not always good, or had missions that sucked, or had some uninteresting areas...
  4. Tabe

    This Past Generation of Consoles: Your Best and Worst Memories.

    Don't know that I really have a worst memory. Best memory? Has got to be one of two: - the very first time I sync'ed a viewpoint on Assassin's Creed 2. The sweeping landscape and view were just incredible. Alternatively, there's the time I got physically queasy while scaling a building in...
  5. Tabe

    What else are you looking forward to on PS4?

    Assassins Creed 4, the new Infamous, and the next Uncharted game, whenever that comes out.
  6. Tabe

    Season 1 or Season 2? Which one is better?

    Season 1 is closed. They won't be adding any more tables to it. If you buy a season pack, you will get all the tables in that season, whenever they come out. And season 1 is a lot better than 2. Not. Even. Close.
  7. Tabe

    Do you think Season 3 will be better than 2?

    For me, season 2 was a big dropoff after 1. If we get more Williams titles, then 3 will be a big improvement.
  8. Tabe

    Anyway we can get some non-n64 textures for the area outside of the pinball table?

    Maybe it's just me but I never even "see" this texture. If you asked me, I couldn't even begin to describe what's going on outside the table without a screenshot in front of me. Might as well not even be there.
  9. Tabe

    Request Make sure that Pinball Arcade videos are shareable using "Share" button

    Yeah, I've seen some that are over 2 hours on Youtube.
  10. Tabe

    PS3 - Bug Framerate drop on lower playfield

    I should note that I was playing in 720p. I've also never seen it before, certainly nothing this dramatic.
  11. Tabe

    PS3 - Bug Framerate drop on lower playfield

    Frequency: 100% of time Bug: Framerate on the game drops significantly when the ball goes to the lower play field in the PS3 version.
  12. Tabe

    Round 3: Q&A With Bobby King

    Am only halfway through but good job so far guys. shutyertrap, you've got a great voice for this stuff and did a really good job. And kudos to the guy who says Jeff sounds like Bill Simmons - you nailed it.
  13. Tabe

    ATTENTION FarSight Studios! Regarding the trophy limit on PS3

    I would love to see some kind of stats function like you get in Zen. That game keeps track of tons of stuff.
  14. Tabe

    TPA PS4 US launch countdown!

    Try Amazon - I know of at least one canceled pre-order yesterday (mine). I decided to wait a few extra months until more games I care about are released. And to address my ridiculous PS3 backlog.
  15. Tabe

    Zen Pinball - Star Wars

    Not so on PS3 - the game starts barking at you with the first nudge.
  16. Tabe

    ATTENTION FarSight Studios! Regarding the trophy limit on PS3

    Well, besides being inconvenient, to do that, they would have to pay Sony to approve the "Pinball Arcade 2" title all over again through the submission process. Why pay money for something they don't need?
  17. Tabe

    Zen Pinball - Star Wars

    I'd love to know how the guy in that video did three nudges in 10 seconds without a tilt. Zen always tilts me on the 3rd.
  18. Tabe

    Zen Pinball - Star Wars

    Bought this last night. My review: Return of the Jedi - Definitely my favorite table of the bunch so far. I'm actually #1 on my friends list on this, which I think will last about 30 seconds. Or until one of them reads this post :) Darth Vader - Fun table, need to spend more time on this...
  19. Tabe

    Zen Pinball - Star Wars

    I love Zen tables but there's a reason my favorite is Sorcerer's Lair. It's got a lot of stuff going on but the table itself is fairly open, it's not cluttered, and it could easily be made into a real table.
  20. Tabe

    The PS3 "super patch"

    You're welcome, guys. I'm just glad FS decided to start to actively answering questions again on Facebook. Like you, I don't care how big the patch is, I just want my fixes!

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