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  1. Rayder

    Crash after playing Centaur - Patch 1.28

    One small note about rebuilding the database........if you have an external drive and the games installed on it are stored in folders, it will kick them from the folders, forcing you to re-sort them back into those folders. Otherwise though, you won't lose anything.
  2. Rayder

    Tom Devaney, where are you?

    I agree with everyone here, Zombie is just plain toxic to the community. I mean, we get it, all of us are frustrated and annoyed by all the issues in TPA, but hate-mongering isn't going to get the issues fixed any faster. Sure, we will sometimes make tongue-in-cheek comments on occasion, but...
  3. Rayder

    Farsight must counterattack!

    We're still waiting on Woah! Nellie and Big Buck Hunter to release on all platforms before we can even hope to start expecting anything else. And that would likely mean many months down the line before even getting an idea of what other tables may come in the future. Remember, montlhy table...
  4. Rayder

    Crash after playing Centaur - Patch 1.28

    Only issue I've ever experienced with Centaur (besides the looping sound issue that is evident in many tables) is that every once in a great while, it will report my score as 0 regardless of what my score was. It is inconsistent with the glitch, but it does do it sometimes. Centaur is my...
  5. Rayder

    Audio Issues

    I frequently have sound issues on Black Knight where all but only a couple sounds completely stop playing after playing for a bit. Curiously enough, when the sound cuts out on BK, then the voice in Cactus Jack will be gone too. Don't understand how they relate, but I have checked this multiple...
  6. Rayder

    Tom Devaney, where are you?

    I'll admit, the various bugs with the PS4 version of TPA are annoying, but I will still buy any and every table that gets released.
  7. Rayder

    Big buck and big melons are up for steam iOS and google

    I have attempted to sign up for this newsletter multiple times, but I never receive it. What's up with that?
  8. Rayder

    Big buck and big melons are up for steam iOS and google

    Nice to know they are finally starting to get released. Myself, I'm waiting for the PS4 version. New tables are always exciting.
  9. Rayder

    Time to fix all the bugs Farsight

    It may sound harsh, but I'm guessing this sort of stuff is why Farsight lost the Bally/Williams license.
  10. Rayder

    WMS License - Speculation Thread

    Stern, Data East, Sega, Gottlieb....whatever. Release new tables on PS4 and I will buy them. I have all of everything for TPA and SPA now, and I plan to continue owning all of everything going forward. But new tables need to release to have anything to buy. Consider this, I own all of...
  11. Rayder

    Question on cross-buy between newer Stern tables (ps4)

    A lot of that seems like some kind of communication issue between Farsight and Sony.
  12. Rayder

    Is this it for Farsight / Pinball Arcade?

    All I know is that if Farsight wants any more of my money, they need to release new tables on PS4. That's where I buy them and I already own all they have made so far for both TPA and SPA, and will continue to buy all they make going forward. But I can't buy more if none get released. It's...
  13. Rayder

    WMS License - Speculation Thread

    Re-creating real world tables, as opposed to fako tables will give relevance to Zen, at least for me. I just couldn't get into their made-up tables.
  14. Rayder

    Patch 1.28 NA and 1.29 EU

    I bought both table packs in SPA and those Stern tables are still showing a price for TPA.....never mind the fact that I bought the TPA versions of the newest Sterns when they first released. I have all of everything for both SPA and TPA (including all the Williams'/Bally tables that have since...
  15. Rayder

    Patch 1.28 NA and 1.29 EU

    I'm not sure how many custom balls there are supposed to be, and I never did the kickstarter that got you the eyeball, so I don't have that, but I bought all the ball packs. I counted 83 of them (that includes the standard chrome ball) in my collection with Addams Family loaded. Does that...
  16. Rayder

    So What Is The Holy Grail Now?

    Personally, I wouldn't mind older tables from the '70's and '80's. But I know the unfortunate reality is that they tend not to sell well.
  17. Rayder

    Patch 1.28 NA and 1.29 EU

    I guess it should be mentioned that Scared Stiff's sound is still sped up. Seems to affect all sounds on the table.
  18. Rayder

    Patch 1.28 NA and 1.29 EU

    Hmm.....I'm not hearing any sound difference myself, and Gorgar, F-14 Tomcat and Funhouse are tables I play a lot....and I almost always play with headphones, though they are bluetooth directly from the TV itself and not the PS4. I'm playing on a PS4 Pro with boost mode enabled, if that...
  19. Rayder

    Oh Sony!

    Still need TPA updated to fix the brightness issues introduced with the last patch that affected the newest tables. AC/DC is blazingly bright, even at 0% room brightness. Yeah, I know a patch is coming, but sooner would be better than later.
  20. Rayder

    Patch 1.26 NA and 1.27 EU

    Is there any chance that the update will add Woah Nellie and Big Buck Hunter for purchase in TPA? I want more tables.

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