Forgot to mention in my previous reply, had a crash while playing Firepower II during multi-ball. Sent error report to Sony. Not sure what happened, seemed to be playing fine until it crashed.
Can confirm Black Knight 2000 singing and Safecracker music sound issues.
Phantom of the Opera has painfully slow match animation. This is new with the latest patch.
Big Buck Hunter has a jumble of numbers during the match sequence. Cannot see what the match number is because of it...
Even if they fix nothing else, I REALLY need to have that nasty sound bug fixed. As someone else said before, it affects about 80% of the tables and is very annoying and seriously detracts from my enjoyment of the tables that are affected by the bug.
I don't know if it's been mentioned...
Well, I'll always buy any and every table they release. If you include the now delisted Bally/Williams tables, they are up to 100 tables in a single app. I really like that amount of variety.
But right now, I'm hoping a fix to the latest sound issues arrives sooner, rather than later.
It's not just voice that does it, some music will do it too. Diner is a really good example of this. The sound is stomping all over itself in that game right now.
Just in case Tom is paying attention, Black Knight frequently loses most of its sound during play. This has been an ongoing...
I'll have to say that the recent audio bugs that happened with the most recent patch really detracts from my enjoyment of TPA at the moment. Really looking forward to the next patch that will hopefully fix most of that. Would really like Tom to chime in with a progress update.
Space Invaders would be cool because we don't already have that in TPA. It's been many years since I played it or even seen one, but I remember it being a drain monster. Most paths aimed straight down the middle.
The sound drops are definitely a new bug and while it doesn't affect every table, it does affect quite a lot of them. Diner sounded like it was stomping all over itself. The two newest tables sounded fine though.
I think one of the problems is that many outlets won't sell a game if it's not ESRB rated. But one thing I don't understand is why Zen is so stuck on the rating PFX3 has now (whatever it is....I'm 50, so it doesn't matter to me) and why can't they just let it bump up a notch so they don't have...
Right now, for me, the only table that is absolutely unplayable purely due to the brightness levels is AC/DC. That one is blazingly bright at 0% room brightness. Others are just brighter than I'd like them to be, even at 0% room brightness, but at least I can tolerate playing them.
I love them both. Really glad that Zen is getting into real-life tables. Even though I own all Zen tables made available for PS4 (Zen and PFX3), I'm not really into their "original" tables as much as I prefer re-creations of real-life tables. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I'm...
Playing on a PS4 Pro......
I only played a very short time as I usually only game on weekends, but I just had to give these a go and noticed 2 issues immediately:
Medieval a static sound burst during multi-ball. Seemed to have something to do with the trolls or castle...
The simplest solution is to let someone else be a guinea pig and avoid getting burned out of any of your digital purchases just by changing your PSN ID until we truly learn how far the "incompatibilities" go. Or, resign yourself to being forced to keep your poorly chosen PSN name by reverting...
Forgot to mention that Star Trek (another recently released Stern) is also way too bright at 0% room brightness. So that's all 4 of the newest Stern's that are too bright at 0%.
To be clear, 0% SHOULD be too dark, where you lose most of the table art details and 100% should be too bright...
It's especially disappointing that the newest Stern tables that were added have the biggest lighting issues. AC/DC is eye-bleedingly bright and the brightness slider does nothing on that table. It's so bright that the UI lighting is hard to tell when lights are on or off in some cases. Mustang...
I actually prefer older pins to some of the newer ones myself. For whatever reason, I especially liked tables that had that kind of crazy sound, like Gorgar, Centaur, Sorcerer, etc. You know, tables that a non-gamer would consider sounding garish or insane and downright annoying. And then...
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