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  1. Frostyglitch

    Comment by 'Frostyglitch' in article 'Time To Kick FarSight's Greenlight Project Into OVERDRIVE...VOTE For The Pinball Arcade On Steam Greenlight NOW!'

    I'm sure an option to Pre-Order on Steam would give at least some of these "tight wads" incentive to jump on board. It's a win two-fold, because they don't have to purchase any other game other than TPA, and it shows Valve how much interest there really is. Of course it seems nobody can...
  2. Frostyglitch

    Favorite Platform?

    The 360 is by far my favorite platform for TPA. It's cool having my favorite tables portable don't get me wrong, but a nice big screen with a controller is the way to go for me.
  3. Frostyglitch

    Comment by 'Frostyglitch' in article 'The Pinball Arcade Prepares To HIT THE ROAD With DLC Tables Pack #5'

    I'm not too fond of Harley Davidson pinball, however Taxi was always fun. I'm looking forward to this pack.
  4. Frostyglitch

    360 - Bug Anyone else having the optional update stop at 99%?

    You would be correct sir. :( blrtmasvertkzzzz ...please insert more random access memory.
  5. Frostyglitch

    360 - Bug Anyone else having the optional update stop at 99%?

    This is probably old news, but I was able to complete the did pause for about 5-6 seconds 99%, but it did complete. I'm guessing everyone kept retrying and got it going.
  6. Frostyglitch

    Official Google+ Page?

    While I buy a crap ton of games, FarSight and Pinball Arcade are always my highest priority. I'll message you on G+ so we can collaborate on this. Also feel free to add me on Steam, my user name on there is Frostyglitch as well.
  7. Frostyglitch

    Official Google+ Page?

    I'm happy to help out where ever I can. Currently using iOS, 360, Mac and of course 360.
  8. Frostyglitch

    DLC Release Date

    I know it's frustrating Mike, but we're behind you guys though 100%. FarSight sets the standard by which other developers hope to achieve in gaming.
  9. Frostyglitch

    DLC Release Date

    I'm afraid the casual younger audience has likely forgotten about TPA on the 360 due to this debacle. I know my nephew (15) barely had an interest in the first place, but bought on my recommendation anyhow. So now I'd be rather shocked if he even noticed DLC let alone bought it...what a shame.
  10. Frostyglitch

    Comment by 'Frostyglitch' in article 'FarSight PREPS For Star Trek : The Next Generation Kickstarter Project'

    What happened to the 3rd one that IPDB has confirmed?
  11. Frostyglitch

    I don't understand my friend

    So you haven't played TPA at all?! Now that takes patience! So far I've bought this for iOS, Mac, 360 and played the demos on Android, definitely the PC when it's available. Out of the bunch that's available now, the 360 controls are by far superior, but I play on iOS to get a glimpse of the...
  12. Frostyglitch

    Dlc packs date release & update info

    Here's hoping we see some DLC this month.
  13. Frostyglitch

    iOS - Bug Lot of lagging problems with Ripley's believe it or not

    I noticed a bit of a Frame rate drop on all the tables depending on how much action is on the screen with my iPhone 4 particularly when loading a new table. FPS does seem to drop a bit more with Ripley's though. Hopefully they're able to optimize the engine more as time goes on, because as it...
  14. Frostyglitch

    Mac Update is out! (updated control system)

    Odd my left shift key does nothing, while using the right shift makes both flippers move at the same time. I'm using a standard Logitech keyboard, very strange. I wish they would have just given us fully customizable control options rather than just putting a band-aid on it. I've tried using...
  15. Frostyglitch

    Bug Logging into Facebook Locks App

    Just tried logging into Facebook from the game. The app has locked up and refuses to close. The only thing I see on the screen is a black box about half the size of the screen, and a small rectangle at the top of the screen that states "Connecting With Facebook". I've tried closing the app...
  16. Frostyglitch

    Request Mac Wish List

    I'd like to see fully customizable controls. I've got a private driver for the 360 controller which works for all my games.
  17. Frostyglitch

    When can we hope for the Mac version to get caught up?

    According to FarSight the Mac update was rejected and delayed because apparently they didn't know that Apple don't allow demo's in App Store. I thought this fan response on Facebook was comical~ Although it's ridicules, I can see why some people think they're just delaying releases in hopes...
  18. Frostyglitch

    Williams Pinball Classics by System 3 (what?!!!)

    This is the first I've heard of it myself. However, it still kinda seems like an odd move considering the interest that TPA has drawn in the UK. Is this to temper their patience while they wait for TPA to be approved? Inquiring minds want to know. Granted, TPA will be getting different /...
  19. Frostyglitch

    Williams Pinball Classics by System 3 (what?!!!)

    Ah yeah that could very well be, I didn't see it either.
  20. Frostyglitch

    Williams Pinball Classics by System 3 (what?!!!)

    According to Major Nelson's blog, UK publisher and developer System 3 is re-packaging and releasing FarSight's Williams Pinball Hall of Fame on all the platforms. I find this to be a very odd move all the way around. Just when I thought FarSight was trying to build a brand with this new...

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