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  1. SilverBalls

    Positional independent DMD window now a reality.

    Man... NoEx seriously rocks! :cool: That is going to make a lot of people very happy. Thanks for the video Robert.
  2. SilverBalls

    Details on PC Cabinet support for TPA

    NoEx's and Robert's excellent CamMod/CabMod running in my cabinet. Thanks guys. Hey Jay - Take a look at the PinDMD - it is eagerly awaiting TPA support ;)
  3. SilverBalls

    Building A Virtual Pinball Cabinet

    You should be able to support all configurations with your setup by just ordering the screens correctly in the nVidia setup. Might need a bit of experiementation though. To change the table lighting, just hit Esc/Exit whilst playing a table, the menu will appear, scroll down to Options and in...
  4. SilverBalls

    Discussion thread about the FreeCamera Mod

    Here are a couple of photos of the CamMod/CabMod running in my cabinet. I played TPA more today than in the past 3 months altogether :). The PinDMD is idle for TPA atm. Hopefully Farsight will implement support for it one day.
  5. SilverBalls

    Building A Virtual Pinball Cabinet

    KBJAXMAN - I hardly play PBFX2 however I had a go at setting it up. It took a fair bit of time to work out. I needed to enter negative numbers to shift the BG and DMD to the backgkass monitor and initially I couldn't enter minus, until I realised you need to use the minus on the numpad for it...
  6. SilverBalls

    Building A Virtual Pinball Cabinet

    I only just caught up with your last video. The plunger looks pretty good. I originally had the Nanotech plunger in my cabinet, but ended up breaking it during some cab maintenance some years ago, so use a Launcher button nowadays. However I am tempted to get one of these now, although it is...
  7. SilverBalls

    [REPORT] Bug Reporting / Issues

    Nice one Pantah010!
  8. SilverBalls

    2 Monitor Backglass with No Grill MediaPack

    Hey thanks again Robert. You're a gent! I already had setup the grill backglasses, but as I have a PinDMD I will load these up later. Cheers
  9. SilverBalls

    Details on PC Cabinet support for TPA

    lol ;)
  10. SilverBalls

    Details on PC Cabinet support for TPA

    I kind of agree with you that the info is private unless the owner said it was ok to say he had purchased one which may well be the case. However as the information is now in the open, it is reasonable to speculate what he will use it for. There are only a limited number of software a cab can...
  11. SilverBalls

    Details on PC Cabinet support for TPA

    Yes I know that the company Farsight have one - there was a video posted over a year ago. I said the owner has taken delivery of one. Quote from VPForums posted yesterday (Virtuapin): Source: So my questions are still...
  12. SilverBalls

    Details on PC Cabinet support for TPA

    Over at VPForums I read that the owner of Farsight has taken delivery of a Virtuapin. Questions that immediately come to mind... What will he use it for? 1) To play Visual Pinball which has full cab support? 2) Pinball FX2 which has Cab Support? 3) Unity 3D with Cab Support? 4) TPA (out of the...
  13. SilverBalls

    [REPORT] Bug Reporting / Issues

    Sounds good. Maybe just say you only need to do it, if you experience stuttering/tearing as it may not be needed for everyone. Eg: "If you experience stuttering or tearing when playing under Windows 7 (and maybe later versions), try enabling an Aero theme and ensure you haven't manually...
  14. SilverBalls

    [REPORT] Bug Reporting / Issues

    Agree it does look awesome! As you are trying to use cabinet mode you do not want to AutoHideHUD, so that setting is most likely ignored by the camera mod in cabinet mode (that is because you want the HUD to still appear on your second monitor). For the focus thing I am not sure what that...
  15. SilverBalls

    [REPORT] Bug Reporting / Issues

    Fixed! Thanks again Robert for the many suggestions. Much appreciated. The issue persisted with everything I tried. Even when I dragged TPA to the playfield only (in windowed mode) and switch a logo on, it stuttered and teared, but with the logo on it was smooth. However it is now FINALLY...
  16. SilverBalls

    [REPORT] Bug Reporting / Issues

    Thanks for the info NoEx. Based on what you said I just did a test with TPA spanning the 2 screens in the same way but this time using the CustomDesktopLogo program that Robert originally used. I get the same stuttering/slicing with that too, but as soon as I close it, smooth again. I tried...
  17. SilverBalls

    [REPORT] Bug Reporting / Issues

    Hi Robert First before I mention my problem agqain, don't let my issue put anyone else off trying this. This is someone particular to my screen setup (maybe cables) and not the camera mod. I tried a few things as you suggested but unfortunately no luck with getting the playfield playing...
  18. SilverBalls

    [REPORT] Bug Reporting / Issues

    Thanks will try those tomorrow, as gone midnight now (although it is bugging me!). Just did a quick internet search based on what you said and it does look like might be that. Cheers
  19. SilverBalls

    [REPORT] Bug Reporting / Issues

    Actually not able to use cab now as family gone to bed, but interesting you ask. The TV has an HDMI cable going to DVI on the graphics card. The backgkass has a DVI on graphics card I think going to DVI on monitor (need to check by moving cab tomorrow). Could the DVI to HDMI cable be the...

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