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  1. P

    Where Do You Play Real World Pinball Tables?

    Last week I finally made it to Golfland. Here's the rundown from the day I was there. 1. Theatre of Magic - Just barely playable, if you really want it (which I did). Intermittently sticking left flipper. Sensor/software errors left, right, and especially Trunk. Some burned out lights...
  2. P

    Where Do You Play Real World Pinball Tables?

    I played them all once this year, what turned out to be a week or two before they sold them, and AFM played better than most of the other tables (both game quality, as everyone know, and more the point, operationally). LOTR had some play issues, seemed to have some burned out GI, and was...
  3. P

    Where Do You Play Real World Pinball Tables?

    They sold off the 4 "lowest earning" pins earlier this year to go down from 19 to 15. They were LOTR, Junk Yard, Nascar, and Attack From Mars. I'll give you a moment to grieve. ........ Anyway, they haven't had MM in quite awhile, and as I stated in another recent reply post, yes, all the...
  4. P

    Real Life Pinball Comparisons

    Yeah, forgot the flipper gap in my previous post. It's there, but it is another thing they've already said they'll fix (I think), so I spaced it.
  5. P

    Stern SAM2 System

    The total package is much more impressive, speaking as someone who has played the Premium/LE, I would only buy it (if I had the money), and if you were recreating it for TPA, why would you do anything short of the best available version?
  6. P

    Request General Wish List Thread

    I agree there should be per-table camera setting saves. I don't agree with the negative things you've being writing about Creature. CFTBL is a fantastic table, and as someone who regularly goes and plays the real thing at a real arcade, I don't want anyone else getting the wrong impression...
  7. P

    Stern SAM2 System

    AC/DC is such a huge band that their record contract may have the kind of concessions in it where in an example like the pinball table since the band's name, likeness & etc. are licensed as well (as opposed to just, say, a song on a movie soundtrack) the music is part of the package. It is also...
  8. P

    DLC Release Date

    come on, Microsoft - Optional Update, and Packs #1-3 on the 31st, please. I'll hate you less, if you do. Okay, not that much less, but still, you'll get some of my money, and we all know that's all you care about.
  9. P

    Real Life Pinball Comparisons

    Recently got to play the real life version of TOM and MM for the first time in years. Overall both are very well recreated. Theatre Of Magic: TOM in TPA is incredibly dead-drop center drain happy if you try to backhand the Trunk, much, much more so than the real table. Also, the center...
  10. P

    Where Do You Play Real World Pinball Tables?

    Yeah, it looks nothing like that now. Down to 15 tables, all upstairs.:(
  11. P

    What are your most-wanted tables?

    sorry about the formatting in my list post, thing just wouldn't cooperate.
  12. P

    What are your most-wanted tables?

    I guess it's about time I finally tack my list onto this thread. Have Played, Know I Want, Shouldn't be too tough to manage: 1. WHITE WATER 2. ATTACK FROM MARS (this one's confirmed already, right?) 3. THE GETAWAY: HIGH SPEED II (a midi version of "La Grande" really shouldn't be a deal...
  13. P

    DLC Release Date

    I gotta say, anything more than 1 more week (until the 31st) for the Optional Update and the 3 DLC packs that have been approved to be released would be 100% ridiculous, and 100% MS being a bunch of *****.
  14. P

    PS3 input lag issue

    I bought the TPA on 360 first so that's my primary version, but because I wanted a taste of the first 2 DLC packs before they finally make it to 360, I got the PS3 Demo, and then put my Samsung LCD TV on GAME MODE as someone previously mentioned, and it DID defeat the lag. So, I recommend...
  15. P

    Request General Wish List Thread

    He's a wish list item: gumballs in the gumball machine inside Twilight Zone (when it comes out). Most common mod ever (other than upgrading to super bright LEDs, which isn't really a mod, more like an upgrade), and seriously, who wants to see an empty gumball machine? Make it a toggle in the...
  16. P

    Where Do You Play Real World Pinball Tables?

    Castles N Coasters is down to 15 pins :( According to a flunky employee I talked to they probably won't sell any more, and might (but I doubt it) add some new (it seems they are getting a fair number of requests for Tron Legacy). -WHO Dunnit -Indy (1993) [was recently worked on] -Creature...
  17. P

    The Pinball Arcade Fans Forum SURVEY - Your Feedback Is Very Important!

    01) The Forum is informative and useful : A 02) The Forum is organized and easy to navigate : B 03) The Forum Staff is friendly and helpful : A 04) The Forum is my main source for information on The Pinball Arcade : A 05) Information on The Pinball Arcade is up-to-date and accurate : A 06) I...
  18. P

    iOS - Bug Plunger strength inconsistent

    I've absolutely experienced this on 360, and I think it's probably camera/physics related. I've noticed that you can get the ball launch you want when the camera is stationary, and that it's weaker when the camera is moving during the long-ish lead-in when you start a TOTAN game, it seems...
  19. P

    Anyone interested in any of the vintage Stern Tables?

    There are a couple of old Stern's with a great art package, that might even play alright, that I wouldn't mind seeing, but not (to me) the ones linked to. One for variety (like Iron Maiden), would be cool, but in general I'm more in the "where are Fish Tales, White Water, Getaway, Junk Yard...
  20. P

    Request General Wish List Thread

    You pretty much said what I meant, it's overpowered and generic, aka lacking nuance, and nothing like nudging a real table. It's better than nothing, but it's "terrible" in comparison to the real thing. And it does seem that you have to just about try to get a warning, or to tilt the tables...

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