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  1. Zorgwon

    Zaccharia for Android: Initial Release Discussion

    Without this link there's no way to find it. Played it and it crashed once. There could be a Pro version without ads, maybe.
  2. Zorgwon

    Zaccharia for Android: Initial Release Discussion

    This is not released yet on the Google store. Dirt Road Trucker 3D is there. It has steering problems but people like it.
  3. Zorgwon

    What happened with future pinball?

    There is no FP for the mobiles. Development stalled like 5 years ago. Bronco Pinball from Dr. Castello is a weird app made of Popotte's table. It's a pity that it is so slow. The web page is impressive.
  4. Zorgwon

    Easiest multiball to maintain

    Total Annihilation of AFM belongs to the everlasting group. 4 balls, a ball saver and no way out. ;)
  5. Zorgwon

    Hardest multiballs to maintain

    Make another poll about the long lasting multiballs. First candidate(s): all the MBs from Monster Bash.
  6. Zorgwon

    Zaccaria has just announced another 9 EM tables added to the 27 tables

    Queens Castle is the original (previous) EM version of House of Diamonds. The fitting title "King of Diamonds" was already used for this famous Gottlieb table:
  7. Zorgwon

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.1

    Then there willl be Lucky Fruit, Nautilus and Circus? Nice.
  8. Zorgwon

    Atomic Pinball Collection (APC)

    New hotness on iOS & Android: Revenge of the Rob-o-Bot The trial was seriously missing. Now it's time for me to bother.
  9. Zorgwon

    Hardest multiballs to maintain

    Class of 1812 - because of no ballsaver, FT has one Mist MB is ultrashort but the ballsaver can save the situation. The other BSD MBs aren't candidates. Tiger MB often finishes right after start when one ball goes stdm right from the orbit.
  10. Zorgwon

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #1 - Electro-Mechanical (Closed)

    Many sounds of Big Shot are missing, too. I doubt they own these tables.
  11. Zorgwon

    Bugs & Inaccuracies that are not table related

    On the real tables with bonus time drop targets do not reset after last ball in play. That makes it easier to use short bonus times.
  12. Zorgwon

    Zaccaria Pinball - Farfalla (1983) Bugs & Feedback

    Obviously the Spin doesn't really spin the ball. Otherwise it would spin off. I can confirm the situation and a nudge helps.
  13. Zorgwon

    Zaccaria Pinball - Mystic Star (1986) Bugs & Feedback

    That sounds easy but really many virtual pinball creators struggle with that. In this case the flipper shape should maybe changed and for the sake of accuracy adjusted to the real table ones
  14. Zorgwon

    Zaccaria Pinball - Clown (1985) Bugs & Feedback

    Does this happen more often? I had a ball sitting on the left separator on Pinball Champ but it never happened again.
  15. Zorgwon

    Zaccaria Pinball - Mystic Star (1986) Bugs & Feedback

    It's always spinning on all tables, even at the plunger. Raising friction has no impact. The upper center hole could give a nonlit STARS letter and not always the S.
  16. Zorgwon

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.1

    I was just playing a game and was on the upper field when the bonus time ended and my flippers got nonresponsive. Otherwise I would still be playing [emoji1].
  17. Zorgwon

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.1

    That was on my request. At the moment I don't recall more bonus balls. On Zaccaria tables the EBs are often given as Orange Special or Blue Special. After the update I will have to check the tables and there might be more problems. With the new version some tables will play easier. Until now I...
  18. Zorgwon

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.1

    Thank you very much! I'm looking forward to the update. @Zevious: The left gate could indeed need some more bounce.
  19. Zorgwon

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.1

    There isn't that much difference between ASK's version and the real table. The ball bounces a bit and then decides for the lane (no gate).To improve the gameplay there needs to be a better plunger sim. That would cause different behaviours of the ball in the uppermost playfield. More bouncing...

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