I have recently found by adding 16g ram to my iMac, Pinball Arcade is now running at a snails pace.
Perhaps this is a clue, it would be interesting to hear what others with this issue have for ram
Since I'm on an iMac (with no video outs), I don't have the option to rotate the screen in the...
Please Please Please ~ tweak the DMD size!!!!!!!!
It is WAY too small on the 27" displays (standard size for iMac and Mac Pro)
It looks like it doesn't rescale at higher resolution
I imagine it's really small on the new 27" 5k iMac
I can't get: to download
No Good Gofers
Starship Troopers
Theatre of Magic
I'm guessing there's no files on the server to download when the game tries to.
Since it's a Mac issue - this will get ignored
Since pleasing Addams Family Kickstarter donators currently takes priority...
I believe most tables in Season 1 and 2 were also paired with a bonus remake table from the Pinball Hall Of Fame games they put out 7 years ago.
These older tables are now used up (except one?) and that is why it's been just one table season 3 and on
El Dorado? LOL (just kidding)
:mad: d'oh!!!! nothing to see here, nor is it April Fools
....an admin or a mod really should tweak the thread title
just adding a simple >>>> "?" <<<< to the end would make all the difference
One of the easier tables
I got all the Wizard Goals in roughly an 1 or 2 hours of casual playing (and I'm not bragging)
high score 3.7m
What do we need for HOF score?
I've came so close to getting 4 martians several times....
There's an adrenalin spike just as it's about to hit the 4th.
The three others happens so fast, but as it approaches the 4th, it shifts into slow motion just as it.... nope *sigh!* so close too :(
I've gotten Video Mode twice several times, it seems like the other was after Rule the Universe
If I wasn't also going for 1 Billion, I would probably just restart the game after Video Mode
What really sucks about Video Mode for me, is I'm playing on a 27" iMac, and the DMD is really really...
Cool to see this thread!
I too, am stuck on 1 billion and video
I was one shot away from the 1 billion (bangs head on keyboard)
I will give some of these tips a try
If you have to get Super Jets to get video mode, what do you need to get video mode the second time?
Super Jets after...
the slowdown only occurs with me when I'm playing/streaming video
if I try to do screen capture video of PA, it slows right down
I will also have an occasional slow down/speed up moment if I'm running iTunes and the song changes
Speaking of using it with iTunes, it would be REALLY nice if PA...
you 'can' buy single tables in either mac versions (mac app store or steam)
sales on seasons occur on both versions as well
single tables can be bought in-app just like iOS
That's awesome!
Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to completely waste our time at trying to help.
Best of luck in your future endeavors in that state of denial mindset. :)
Are you sure you have 4.1.1 installed? (Oct 30)
4.1.0 was still missing Dracula (as well as the rest of season 3 too)
Dracula finally made it's appearance in 4.1.1
4.2.0 should be release later today (knock, knock)
It also takes a week or more to submit an update to Apple App Store
So getting a...
cool to finally play Dracula
my scroll works up and down
I don't have the slow down problem (27" iMac i7), but didn't before hand. From what I've gathered thus far, it's been people with Retinas?
I lost the same four Season 1 tables as well - the stinkin $9.99 4 table set that we Mac App Store...
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