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  1. MadAxeMan

    Weird XBox 360 controller mapping!

    I used Enjoy2 to configure a wired 360 controller. Some times it worked great, other times I would pull my hair out trying to reconfigure it. eventually I got accustom to using the keyboard and just didn't bother with the 360 controller Most definitely an improvement than just plugging in...
  2. MadAxeMan

    Where can I obtain a pre 4.1.0 version for the Mac?

    Mac App Store version has yet to get a version with Dracula Apparently there was some issue with Apple's front end submitting to the App Store when Dracula was release and subsequent following weeks By the time we got it, it was a week after POTO released Missing Dracula or Purchase Season 3...
  3. MadAxeMan

    Season 3 missing????

    ??? there hasn't been an update yet.... am I missing something?
  4. MadAxeMan

    Request Starship Troopers!

    oh yes! loved the movie
  5. MadAxeMan

    OS X 10.10 Yosemite

    I'm waiting at least a month.... allow them time to iron out things with an update or two make sure a few legacy drivers still work (M-Audio Firewire 410) TPA not working would be the least of my concerns
  6. MadAxeMan

    iOS bundles?

    ...and yet Apple allows everyone else to offer this There must be some kind of communication error.
  7. MadAxeMan

    Mac - Bug Phantom of the Opera

    same happened on iPad and iMac another note, i noticed it also went into 4 player mode Edit: Black Knight 2000 on the iPad just did it (Season 3 is gone on the mac)
  8. MadAxeMan

    Mac - Request App Store Version anytime soon?

    Mac App Store finally updated Pinball Arcade :) Season 3 seems to be gone :eek:
  9. MadAxeMan

    Casino crashing ios 8.0.2

    iPad Air ~ iOS 8.02 TPA v3.10.1F #3 Been playing Casino all afternoon lots of misfires with the plunger, but no crashes
  10. MadAxeMan

    Mac - Request BSD (3.10) OSX - App Store

    fingers crossed :)
  11. MadAxeMan

    Mac - Request BSD (3.10) OSX - App Store

    Quote from Facebook I really hope we get something soon, seems odd there's still nothing....
  12. MadAxeMan

    Mac - Request BSD (3.10) OSX - App Store

    Some kind of an official word before the weekend rolled in sure would have been cool... Am I the only person using TPA from the Mac App Store?
  13. MadAxeMan


    those look like great ideas - I'll have to look into making one thanks
  14. MadAxeMan

    Mac - Request BSD (3.10) OSX - App Store

    Been playing the Steam demo of BSD for Mac. I swear this has a really short demo duration, making all that more torturous I'm stuck doing the Stream Demo, as for some odd reason, there's nothing from the App Store Kinda weird there's Mac Steam but no App Store version of the same thing...
  15. MadAxeMan

    Bsd is finally up for iOS

    So, Season 3 pass isn't available yet?
  16. MadAxeMan

    Bram Stokers Dracula Table

    I don't think it's Apple.... No iOS (blame Apple) No OSX (blame Apple) No OSX Steam (can't blame Apple) Hope Farsight gets it out soon :) looking forward to it
  17. MadAxeMan

    Bram Stokers Dracula Table

    ugggg - I got refreshing app store syndrome :D
  18. MadAxeMan


    What is everyone using for controllers on their Mac with PA (hardware/software) How well is it working out?
  19. MadAxeMan

    Mac - Bug A Couple of 3.9.0 issues

    Diner clock is hidden under the view/menu icons. Downloading screen - moving background image (of a room full of pinball tables) is shifted to the left of the screen
  20. MadAxeMan

    High CPU and settings?

    I'm on a 2008 MacBook Pro you would think it would work better the other way around

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