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  1. Pete

    Official Announcement.

    What do you suppose the resale value of a ps4/steam/ect account with a full collection of tables will be after the deadline? lol get your self about 10 ps4 accounts and buy them all i'm sure you will triple your money scalping accounts, which is fully legal to do by the way. You can't resell a...
  2. Pete

    season 1-7 bundle deal would be really nice right now

    Bummer :( Really on the fence about the buying of a ps4 and a complete set. The one thing that could sway me right now is if they promise to add a enhanced resolution option for ps4 pro (like many other games have). The only real appeal for me getting a ps4 is that i dont have to move my...
  3. Pete

    Making the big investment before June 30....Steam or IOS?

    you want it on PC for sure. although your saying you have steam on your macbook... so that's not pc that's mac. im pretty sure steam on mac doesnt play the pc version of pinball it plays the mac version.
  4. Pete

    season 1-7 bundle deal would be really nice right now

    I am on the fence about grabbing a ps4 pro and buying all the tables yet again on a new platform. I think Ive already invested 500+ dollars on all the other damn platforms lol. I think many of us are scrambling right now about weather we need this on more platforms, which platforms, and a...
  5. Pete

    How to buy a single table when it's a Table of the Month?

    Let me start out by saying I already own seasons 1 through 6 on my own android phone, 1-7 on PC, 1 on ouya, 1 & 2 on xbox 360... Before the cut off I was going to grab some tables on my girlfriends android phone, she isnt crazy into it like me so i wasnt going to buy full season packs just some...
  6. Pete

    STERN Future Tables Speculation

    I'm only a little bit of a fan but definitely have been force fed everything Grateful Dead from birth by my hippy parents, and wow would that theme make for one seriously awesome table. They would have such an amazing assortment of stuff to pull from to make into toys all over that table. Deady...
  7. Pete

    Android - Bug SPA gear vr no longer works

    I am not sure when this stopped working as I have not booted it up in months and just discovered this. it used to work on my Samsung s7 edge and now it just puts you in the room unable to do anything or trigger any type of input commands. i have used a variety of controllers and nothing will do...
  8. Pete

    FarSight should announce something...

    Such a great run these last bunch of years, they really did an exellent job zooming through all those releases. Really excited they now have time to clean up all the glitches and horrible low resolution art like on monster bash. Also hoping for real vr support soon, and not that head stuck in...
  9. Pete

    When Do We Get The New UI?

    please let them add the option to disable that pinball wizard song... i used to love that song, really i did but after hearing the beginning of it over 4000 times i am so sick of it. It has become so anoying to me. Everyone i live with cringes when it goes on and they all hate it now too. I now...
  10. Pete

    Anyone figure out how to extract and replace images into the .REZ files yet?

    Ive tried every rez editing program under the sun and cannot get into these files. Has anyone had any luck getting inside these yet? For example Dragon UnPAcker gives me the error "file format not recognized". I suspect these are not rez files at all and only named that to confuse and mislead us...
  11. Pete

    Top 5 early 80´s pins and requests

    Skateball 1980 bally please
  12. Pete

    watch my newest cartoon, it's funny :)

    thanks for the positive encouragement and for watching you guys :)
  13. Pete

    watch my newest cartoon, it's funny :)

    i already posted this once before yesterday in the "what do you really want" topic... so sorry if it looks like i'm spamming I just don't think anyone seems to be watching that topic anymore since it's so old and stuff. I promise this will be the last time I post this particular cartoon on the...
  14. Pete

    Wow! - Pinball Arcade coming to Oculus Rift in 2016 - confirmed

    does anyone else think it's pretty hilarious that after wanting virtual reality to exist for most my life I am more excited about playing pinball virtually than doing anything else with it? using the most modern gaming technology to play one of the oldest... it's great! now i realize it's not...
  15. Pete

    What Do We Really Want ???

    I really want to people to watch my newest cartoon, took so long to animate this thing and not even 1000 views yet... also if farsights ever needs any skilled animators that have an obsession with pinball and the pinball arcade to do any DMD animations or art for any of the non-original...
  16. Pete

    Most difficult Wizard Goal - a poll

    Battle for the kingdom was really hard to get the first time, but now i get it almost every game due to having played it so much (favorite table). i once won bftk 3 times in the same game it was my best game of digital pinball ever. i usually start of a game trying to go for troll bombs becouse...
  17. Pete

    Lazy Bumpers

    Ive been making a table mod in future pinball so ive been playing that a bit latley and im always trying to catch it like i do with ease in TPA and im so not used to bumpers that throw the ball around everytime it bounces on a catch. I think the ones in FP are too sensative but in TPA they are...
  18. Pete

    timeframe on dx11

    as of right now the nvidia shield tablet and the nexus 9 (coming out later this month) can definitely handle the new lighting tech. the tegra k1 has about as much power as a ps3 only unlike a ps3 it has the ability to use dx11. games are already taking advantage of the dx11 lighting and working...
  19. Pete

    Ghostbusters pinball feedback

    the toys on the table are pretty cool
  20. Pete

    timeframe on dx11

    oh and let me just throw in that all nvidia mobile processors from here on fully support dx11, and it has been confirmed dx11 support will not be nvidia exclusive, so basically every android and apple flagship is going to be able to use this as well... so farsights got a whole lot of work to do...

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