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  1. Sean

    Tables You'd Like To See in TPA in 2013 Thread! (Vote)

    I want the reverse of Richard B: please more pre-1985 tables. I think I've hit saturation point with the DMD stuff!
  2. Sean

    TPA Wii U version info?

    Yep that's good news. I'm actually looking forward to repurchasing most of these tables and playing them with buttons!
  3. Sean

    Miiverse please!

    I very much hope Farsight will have Miiverse integration in the Wii U version of the Pinball Arcade. It's a great feature and should give them some decent feedback. It would be extra special if they got their own dev account set-up as well for the odd impromptu chat. I'm very much looking...
  4. Sean

    New interface thoughts and comments.

    I think it's fine, but I'd appreciate portrait mode (which is apparently on the way) and a grid/iTunes-like interface option. Insulting the company or art department seems a bit unfair - it's not that bad an aesthetic.
  5. Sean

    Attn: Farsight Representatives

    So sue them then: you live in the "Land of Litigation" (tm) and you think you have a case. You claim to be constructive, but I fail to see how calling out the company on a forum achieves your goals. This isn't Farsight customer support and though the company has employees with accounts here you...
  6. Sean

    Attn: Farsight Representatives

    I can't say I'm too fussed about a top-up for pro mode, but charging the same price as the table does seem excessive. I had no problem paying the discounted rate offered for Arabian Nights. At that price I'd probably buy it for all tables, though honestly I haven't been that bothered. Releasing...
  7. Sean

    Attn: Farsight Representatives

    I will agree that some of these issues have been annoying, but an open letter like this for the forum seems a wee bit OTT to me. I'm not going to apologise for Farsight "on behalf of the community," but this is a game, a hobby, and if Farsight was indeed showing signs of "taking the money and...
  8. Sean

    iOS v1.2.2 Landscape-based everything.

    I'm also hoping for portrait mode to return in the next update and whilst I can see the appeal of a full-body image of the table above a logo, I think we have too many tables for scrolling now, so I'd rather see a grid layout, or at least the option for one. Maybe a grid, tap once then you get...
  9. Sean

    To those that are having issues with twilight zone, please read!

    Fellow forum member Worf posted in another thread that his solution was to first confirm that the only purchased tables when he logged in were the kickstarter ones as bonch described (also my situation in the new update), then log out of your Farsight account, restore your purchased tables and...
  10. Sean

    Bug iOS Version 1.2.2 Bugs

    Rather than re-type I'll just quote Worf since we have the same issue; I'll also note I got my rewards sorted using his method - only needed to do one restore operation. My setup: iPad 3rd gen, iOS 6.x I will add to this that the tapping sensitivity needs some tweaking as it seems only a...
  11. Sean

    1.2.2 Now Out! (Feedback & Discussion Thread)

    Thanks Worf this did the trick, hopefully others who have been having problems will have similar results! Count me in amongst those who don't like the forced landscape menu. Not just the forced aspect, but the fact it's locked into landscape one way. I normally hold my iPad with the home...
  12. Sean

    1.2.2 Now Out! (Feedback & Discussion Thread)

    Ditto. Mine is one of two states: logout/in and have Arabian Nights, TZ and TNG in my purchased tables, or restore purchases and have everything, but the kickstarter tables (I should have both as rewards). I've tried multiple force quits. Well at least I an play them all, but it's a shame the...
  13. Sean

    To those that are having issues with twilight zone, please read!

    They seem to be using the Farsight account in some way to validate purchases, but the app also seems to do this since I didn't start using my Farsight ID until they said you'd need to in order to get your kickstarter reward. I've haven't been double-charged yet, however I did have Big Shot...
  14. Sean

    Did anyone else think...

    Frankly I was surprised to see Twilight Zone in November on iOS and the possibility of TNG before the end of the year is pretty impressive. There have been issues with my kickstarter reward registration coming and going, but they're sorting that. If you're like me and avoid reading the Facebook...
  15. Sean

    TPA Wii U version info?

    I got a basic unit at launch and I'm enjoying it. I'm going download-only this console generation, so less retail games and more stuff from indies. So far so good. Prices are decent, there's sales in eShop (in Europe anyway) and the games are nice to look at. I'm getting both Zen and Pinball...
  16. Sean

    Did anyone else think...

    I never expect anything but complaints for everything Farsight does by the "fans." I enjoy new tables whenever they're available and the knowledge that Farsight is committed to this project. As much as I'd like to see new tables forever I think we've got a good set here so one new machine a...
  17. Sean

    Bug iOS Version 1.2.0 Bugs And Feedback

    Device/OS: iPad 3rd gen/6 Table: Elvira: Scared Stiff Bug Description: If you hit the dagger scoop (skill shot) a part of the playfield to the right seems to kick the ball up into the rollover area at the top with great consistency - probably needs some tweaking to the rebound settings...
  18. Sean

    Pro Mode in Arabian Nights

    I'm on the fence about this. On the one hand people have been asking for this kind of thing so actually seeing it was a surprise, but paying the same price as the table (or more) does seem a bit much. I too would want it mainly to eliminate awarding extra balls in lieu of credits and to do a...
  19. Sean

    Request Gottlieb - Haunted House

    Yeah I can remember when this table came out it was like, oooooh three playfields? They outdid Williams! Beyond that I have few memories of the machine as I was around ten and more into Defender and Pac-Man...definitely think it should be in the pinball arcade over most of the tables in the...
  20. Sean

    TZ Pricing and Release?

    You may well be right. I remember for sure $100 gets you in a tournament and the table on all platforms, which is really good enough for me. I do wish I could have thrown down the same price for TNG which I actually want more, but two platforms isn't too shabby for $50 - and getting the table at...

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