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  1. Sean

    Thinner & Lighter iPad 5 Due In March

    I suspect part of the removal of a "version number" for the iPad was to put it on par with the computer line which also lacks any versioning and normally includes reference to the CPU clock speed to differentiate. You also end up with a stronger brand image where psychologically the device line...
  2. Sean

    The Official Latest NEWS And INFORMATION Discussion Thread

    I'm very much hoping this is a preview of what the Wii U version will be like - minus the on-screen DMD! Attack from Mars and Space Shuttle sounds like a good way to start the year to me.
  3. Sean

    An Afternoon At FarSight Studios

    Seconded. I purchased it on my iPhone before I had an iPad, but I would gladly repurchase my favourite tables in a Pinball Arcade HD iPad-only app if it meant better performance and visuals. I'm sure once I can get the Pinball Arcade on my Wii U this feeling will recede!
  4. Sean

    TPA Wii U version info?

    I know, you need to chillax, eh?
  5. Sean

    Thinner & Lighter iPad 5 Due In March

    It was hard to take the iPad 4th gen release seriously as a full release because I think all that changed was the clock speed on the CPU. there is no difference in price between the two models from retailers that sell 3rd and 4th gen, either. I also find it odd that Apple still sells the iPad 2...
  6. Sean

    TPA Wii U version info?

    I posted this in another thread, but I do hope they'll go with a higher price point than mobile devices with less DLC on the initial Wii U release similar to what they did with the Mac. I think £15 (US$22) for six-eight tables would be a good offering. I am curious to see how much they charge...
  7. Sean

    Confirmed upcoming tables

    Agreed, though I own a few tables on iOS that I'm unlikely to purchase for the Wii U release. iPad seems like a good testing ground as I expect the console prices will be higher. I'll be curious to see what they do for the Wii U. Personally I think a higher initial price with more tables will...
  8. Sean

    Vote for a classic Bally table! (Closed)

    My read on this poll was that all three are coming, it's just that they're using the results of this poll to determine which comes first, so I think we can rest easy on that score.
  9. Sean

    An Afternoon At FarSight Studios

    Pin Bot, Firepower and Space Shuttle are games from the Wiiliams collection that absolutely need to be in the Pinball Arcade. I'm still hoping to see Aces High, my second favourite machine from the Gottlieb collection. After that, well, I love surprises!
  10. Sean

    An Afternoon At FarSight Studios

    Great stuff. This post should be required reading for all new members as it would probably short-circuit a lot of moaning. Like I've been saying these guys know there's issues and they're working to fix them, but there are reasons they don't happen as quickly as we'd like. Nice insight into the...
  11. Sean

    What 2 tables would you be most excited to see FS announce to start off 2013?

    Cyclone was possibly my favourite table during university. The voice over is burned into my consciousness so it would be a real shame if it was never part of the Pinball Arcade. Ride the Ferris Wheel!
  12. Sean

    New interface thoughts and comments.

    That's how it was for me and another board member. His fix, which worked for me, was to restore purchased tables and then log out of your Farsight account and back in again.
  13. Sean

    Vote for a classic Bally table! (Closed)

    8 Ball Deluxe is one of the first tables I can remember laying eyes on along with Black Knight and Firepower II, so that gets my vote - especially after seeing video of a beautifully restored machine.
  14. Sean

    Request Pinball Hall of Fame: The Nintendo Collection

    I did suggest to Farsight that they port Littlewings tables to consoles (specifically Wii) since Littlewing told me they'd be happy to license when I asked them about same. Farsight's answer was that they have more than enough doing the tables they've already got license for without doing...
  15. Sean

    TPA Wii U version info?

    Nintendo Life has done interviews with all the devs with wares in the eShop and none of them has anything negative to say about the eShop experience. Yes in the past it hasn't been great, but Nintendo seems to have learned their lesson and are trying to actively compete with Apple's iTunes shop...
  16. Sean

    TPA Wii U version info?

    Nintendo does weekly releases on the same day depending on the territory. New downloadable content comes online in Europe on Thursdays; I think North America is Tuesday or Wednesday. As far as how long a lot check goes (the QA process before release), that all depends on how well it's been...
  17. Sean

    New interface thoughts and comments.

    I wanted to add one thing I really like about the new UI is showing the status of progress towards completing table goals in the selection menu rather than having to launch the table and navigate through additional menus. This will definitely "nudge" me into spending more time on certain...
  18. Sean

    What 2 tables would you be most excited to see FS announce to start off 2013?

    I don't have as much love for licensed tables as many so just two for me (though Indiana Jones is a fun machine). 8 Ball Deluxe (seems like one that should have announced) Either Defender or Firepower II - I've just got a thing for these early Williams solid-state target shooters.
  19. Sean

    TPA Wii U version info?

    I received the newsletter. If you're one of those folks with a different email for your Farsight account in Pinball Arcade, that might be the issue?
  20. Sean

    Attn: Farsight Representatives

    I don't know why you feel sending a mail to customer support would be ignored as opposed to having a post in a forum. That really doesn't make a lot of sense. I've never had a mail to Farsight customer support go by without some kind of response. It might take a few days, but it happens. As a...

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