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  1. Shaneus

    DX11 Public Beta Bugs

    Yeah, I've lost all hope of that... wasn't Gorgar and Firepower on the cards as well? And Black Hole? And I think I encountered the problem with the Ripley's extra ball on the third ball not getting recognised, causing the end game menu to appear with a ball still to be played :/
  2. Shaneus

    DX11 Public Beta Bugs

    Has anyone else noticed that the physics are a bit wonky across the tables? On some it feels fine (High Speed, for example), others it feels kinda slippery without much friction (Creature) and on another it seems to speed up and slow down as the ball progresses (Taxi). Taxi I can't quite put my...
  3. Shaneus

    DX11 Public Beta Bugs

    I received a crash tonight when scrolling through the balls. I can't remember which table it happened on but I have a feeling it would happen on all of them. When I reached the start/end of the balls when scrolling through (so backwards, it would be the silver standard ball, the other way would...
  4. Shaneus

    DX11 Public Beta Bugs

    I can't remember if this was fixed with the DX9 version of the table, but Ripley's/RBION still has an issue where if you have an EB on the third ball, the end game menu appears after that despite having an EB to play. I know it *was* an issue, but don't know if it was meant to be fixed or not...
  5. Shaneus

    DX11 Public Beta Bugs

    I'm having the letterboxing issue in portrait as well, as everyone else is having. I even tried switching the buffer settings around and had no joy.
  6. Shaneus

    Midwest Gaming Classic 2015 (Image Heavy)

    Called it. It'll be very average as one of the upcoming games in TPA. Should've been something else. Looks like an awesome weekend, though!
  7. Shaneus

    Zaccaria Pinball - (MEGA) update v3.4.2 [iOS/Android]

    In Australia, it *is* tomorrow ;)
  8. Shaneus

    And then there were 3! (...4...5...6...7!)

    I was thinking I could never get rid of my HUO RBION, but if that's the sort of swap one can get for it... hmmm. How long did you have Ripley's for? Do you miss it at all?
  9. Shaneus

    The Switch Alarm Knocker option.

    If you could tell me how to do it, I could take a video for you. I have High Speed.
  10. Shaneus

    Zaccaria Pinball - (MEGA) update v3.4.2 [iOS/Android]

    This is great to read! I'm not kidding when I say I've been refreshing my app store on my phone multiple times a day waiting for it's release. Going by that count it should be today or tomorrow then :D
  11. Shaneus

    timeframe on dx11

    If portrait isn't working, maybe the guy with the custom camera thing could get it up and running? Or at least let us take a peek if it's deemed too buggy for FS to allow for it?
  12. Shaneus

    timeframe on dx11

    I thought everything was supposed to be so basic to convert between platforms :( Surely if it was known that 55 tables would have to be tested and checked, the estimated 3 week window would've been discounted? What changed between then and now?
  13. Shaneus

    The Addams family on PS4.

    Is there any word on receiving the Kickstarter codes for Europe? The redemption page still says "**NOTE The codes for European Regions (SCEE) have not yet been released and will not be available here until a later date" Can't believe it's taking this long :/
  14. Shaneus

    timeframe on dx11

    Any word on when the likely release of it is? Before the next table or will we likely have another 3-4 weeks to wait?
  15. Shaneus

    PBA : Free Camera Mod

    So you probably can't give us the cam mod yet, but could you post the SweetFX settings? I'm honestly surprised at how good it looks!
  16. Shaneus

    Work In Progress features

    Hell, it makes TPA's offering on PC seem "last-gen". And what driving game uses the engine?
  17. Shaneus

    Zaccaria Pinball - (MEGA) update v3.4.2 [iOS/Android]

    I honestly can't believe just how much is being packed into this app for what I paid. Zsolt and the rest at ASK are absolutely schooling FS on how to put together a pinball game. I honestly don't know how they manage to make a mobile game better looking and more feature-filled than it's...
  18. Shaneus

    timeframe on dx11

    I get noticeable lag when I play TPA with SweetFX. Which is why I need to see what DX11 looks like because I find the colours on the vanilla version to be too strong. I just want the freakin' update :( Not sure how they came to say it would only be a few weeks after TAF... surely there couldn't...
  19. Shaneus

    timeframe on dx11

    So this is the latest (as far as I can tell), from 26th Feb: We've had little teasers from Jeff saying it's "so soon (he) can taste it", so why haven't we heard more? But yes, what's written above was the last official word. But I don't know why I even care what anyone says anymore :/
  20. Shaneus

    Farsight, we're breaking up - It's not me, it's you...

    You have to wonder why they haven't released another whole platform that does everything far more efficiently than it has in the past. My theory as to why this hasn't happened (yet) is that they were potentially waiting for the new GUI to be implemented, then everything else would slot in on...

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