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  1. MadScience2006

    Williams Pinball and performance (Zen enhancements)

    Just an observation but playing the Williams tables (I play on macOS on a MacBook Pro, Late 2011 under Zen Pinball 2 and also iOS) with the Zen enhancements (ZE) either on or off seems to make no difference at all in performance. Under Zen Pinball 2, one can easily switch the ZE on/off via the Q...
  2. MadScience2006

    TPA v8.0.0 now *requires* iOS 10 or later

    Users on older iOS versions below iOS 10 (I am personally on iOS 9.3.5) can no longer run the newest version (8.0.0) of TPA. Just a heads-up for those in this situation. Also note that if you're affected, the newest version will NOT show in your updates on the device. You can still of course...
  3. MadScience2006

    TPA v6.1.1 (Indy 500 bug fixes) has been released

    iTunes Store link:
  4. MadScience2006

    TPA v6.1.0 (Indy 500 table) has been released

    iTunes Store link:
  5. MadScience2006

    Bug Safe Cracker coin collection display is non-existent

    TPA v5.3.0 (MS Dracula), the coin collection is no longer displayed under Table menu/Options/Coin collection. Tapping on "coin collection" now takes you to the Farsight TPA "welcome" screen. No more coin collection. Tested on iPhone 5s, iPad mini 2, iPad Air 2 under iOS 9.1
  6. MadScience2006

    Bug High scores not being saved/restored between different devices

    Somewhere around the last two TPA versions (not sure exactly which), I noticed that my scores are no longer being saved/restored (synced) between my devices. Previously, it always worked like this: 1. Get a high score or table goal 2. Exit table after the game & use Options/Back up save data...
  7. MadScience2006

    Rumble added in newest iOS version...

    I didn't notice until I played the table recently (after the iOS v5.1.0 update) that Rumble has been enabled on this table. It was turned on by default so when I played, I got the rumble effect. I had no idea the table even had a rumble/shake feature. :rolleyes:
  8. MadScience2006

    TPA v5.1.0 (High Speed II) has been released

    Initial bug: The app icon still shows Safe Cracker, NOT High Speed on earth did this get through? :rolleyes:
  9. MadScience2006

    Bug v4.10.0 Safe Cracker Token Collection issue (possible bug)

    I've realized that Magic Credits and those in your actual Magic Token Collection (26 tokens) are not being synced between different devices, despite them all being on the same Farsight/TPA account. I play on my iPad mini 2 mostly and all scores, Hall of Fame scores, Wizard Goals etc are happily...
  10. MadScience2006

    TPA v4.10.0 (Safecracker) has been released

    TPA v4.10.0 (Safe Cracker) has been released in the US App Store What's New in Version 4.10.0 - Safe Cracker™ virtual pinball table added to Season 4 as final table of Season 4 - Added Season 4 Pass purchases - Updated several tables that were causing tournament crashes (Addams Family, Attack...
  11. MadScience2006

    TPA v4.8.1 released

    Looks like it's just to update the Xenon table with a better version (replaced the strange "door" reflections on the four fisheye mirrors on the backglass). BOP still crashes after completing a game and tapping on the "Continue" button (apparently a 64-bit device issue).
  12. MadScience2006

    Bug BOP crashing at game end...again.

    I just noticed that this issue has arisen, once again under TPA v4.8.0. BOP will crash TPA totally after completing a game and after tapping the "Continue" button. Your score will be recorded but you need to force-quit TPA to get the app functional again. Just a heads-up for this re-occurring...
  13. MadScience2006

    iOS 8.3 warning (backing up tables & scores)

    The newly released iOS 8.3 breaks connectivity & functionality between iOS devices and any software you may have that will allow you to access the iOS file system, especially in each app's "documents" folder. Programs like iFunBox, iTools and similar programs no longer work for the purpose that...
  14. MadScience2006

    Bug TPA v4.2.0 for iOS

    This thread is for posting bugs & issues for iOS v4.2.0 ONLY (new bugs as well as lingering issues that haven't been fixed). If you want to post general feedback or comments, then please use THIS THREAD instead. When posting a bug, please use the following format: Device/OS: Bug...
  15. MadScience2006

    TPA v4.1.1 for iOS (Phantom Of The Opera) Discussion & Feedback

    Please post your iOS version 4.1.1 feedback here. What's New in Version 4.1.1 - Fixed a bug where Season 3 in the Previous Seasons menu was unaccessible to some players - Updates to POTO If you want to report bugs or other problems with this version, please use THIS THREAD instead and follow...
  16. MadScience2006

    Bug TPA v4.1.1 for iOS

    This thread is for posting bugs & issues for iOS v4.1.1 ONLY (new bugs as well as lingering issues that haven't been fixed). If you want to post general feedback or comments, then please use THIS THREAD instead. When posting a bug, please use the following format: Device/OS: Bug...
  17. MadScience2006

    Bug iOS v4.1.0

    This thread is for posting bugs & issues for iOS v4.1.0 ONLY (new bugs as well as lingering issues that haven't been fixed). If you want to post general feedback or comments, then please use THIS THREAD instead. When posting a bug, please use the following format: Device/OS: Bug Description...
  18. MadScience2006

    iOS version 4.1.0 #3 (Phantom Of The Opera) Discussion & Feedback

    Please post your iOS version 4.1.0 #3 feedback here. What's New in Version 4.1.0 - Phantom of the Opera™ digital pinball table added - Scared Stiff™ as Free Table of the Month If you want to report bugs or other problems with this version, please use THIS THREAD instead and follow the...
  19. MadScience2006

    iOS - Bug v3.9.2 Bugs

    This thread is for posting bugs for iOS version 3.9.2 ONLY (new bugs as well as lingering issues that haven't been fixed). If you want to post general feedback or comments, then please use THIS THREAD instead. Anything posted here that is not a bug will be moved or deleted. When posting a bug...

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