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  1. D

    Ballls of Glory Releases...

    Tried the trial and although I love American Dad and Family Guy I can't stand these. It's not so much about the physics for me even though I hate them, it's just the look and feel. It's just not pinball. I know it's not really supposed to be a sim, rather it's a video game based on pinball, but...
  2. D

    Pro Pinball

    Hi everyone. I installed the Amazon underground thing a few weeks ago and i've had no problems playing the game on my Google nexus 7 2nd generation tablet. I have to play on medium settings but it looks and plays great. It's a bit bare bones and there's no Google play friends scores or anything...
  3. D

    Game of Thrones - 14 big pics

    Stern playing it safe and being lazy. It looks like ****e and they're still using the dmd ffs. Not impressed in the slightest. Totally ridiculous when you figure how much it's going to cost. They're hoping it's going to sell on the name alone, I can't believe how poor this looks.
  4. D

    Do you get anything for completing goals ? [Normal and or Wizard]

    Unfortunately the ps4 version is a complete joke. No friends leaderboards No trophies past season one or two Appalling graphics Poor sounds More problems with each update (what's with the squares on cirqus voltaire? ) And many more mentioned by others....
  5. D

    The latest PS4 patch is up - welcome to the rumble

    I've just re installed the game and downloaded the patch and there's no content for free for me to play, if I select a table I've not bought it just says that it's no longer available or not for sale yet. I can't believe that the game still has those old menus still and they still haven't got...
  6. D

    Pro Pinball

    Is it any good lads? Thinking of buying it when it's properly available.
  7. D

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.5 [iOS/Android]

    This totally blows the ps4 version of pinball Arcade out of the water. That's a ghost town on that platform, new tables and almost zero improvements since launch. I hope zaccaria one day comes to the ps4. Well done.
  8. D

    Zaccaria Pinball - (MEGA) update v3.4.2 [iOS/Android]

    I do have lag, and I do have a glass screen protector. I'll live with it, I'm not taking it off on the off chance it's the very thing causing the problem.
  9. D

    Zaccaria Pinball - (MEGA) update v3.4.2 [iOS/Android]

    Just a thought.... Anyone having lag, do you have a glass screen protector on your tablet or phone?
  10. D

    Zaccaria Pinball - (MEGA) update v3.4.2 [iOS/Android]

    Hi everyone. I've tried night's physics settings and it's so slow, like playing in treacle but there's some aspects of them I like. What's the best way to increase 'zip'? I also still have really bad flipper lag, nexus 7 2nd generation tablet.
  11. D

    Half Life 3 confirmed? No, it's Portal Pinball!

    Awful physics. Why can't they re write them? I've bought a handful of zen tables, south Park being the latest ones but those physics are dreadful and the game is starting to feel really bad imo.
  12. D

    Zaccaria Pinball - (MEGA) update v3.4.2 [iOS/Android]

    Hi, I'll check, thank you for your reply. The new and latest update has improved things a fair bit but they still feel far from snappy.
  13. D

    Zaccaria Pinball - (MEGA) update v3.4.2 [iOS/Android]

    One thing I really don't like, apologies for this, but I get horrendous flipper lag. Both devices I use before and after the update, even with everything possible disabled. Sony Xperia z3 compact and Google nexus 7 2nd generation 32gb tablet. What gives? Anyone else got this?
  14. D

    Zaccaria Pinball - (MEGA) update v3.4.2 [iOS/Android]

    Unfortunately the app no longer runs very well on my nexus 7 2nd generation tablet. It's like playing through treacle. Can anyone else with the same spec tab help? Cheers
  15. D

    Performance tuning

    I've got a nexus 7 2nd generation tablet, it seems to run everything just fine but I ended up turning off the background and particles effect and glass. I just want to see the pinball table and I'm sure the less uneccessary processing the better.
  16. D

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.3

    Agreed. I've topped a few leaderboards on default settings but was horrified to learn there's no separate board for 5 ball play. I have since changed to sim settings with arcade flippers.
  17. D

    [ANDROID] Zaccaria Pinball update v1.1

    I've no idea, maybe zsolt can enlighten us?
  18. D

    [ANDROID] Zaccaria Pinball update v1.1

    Can we have separate leaderboards for 3 and 5 balls please? Or even just leaderboards for 3? I've been playing with 3 all this time and didn't realise that you can have 5, something I refuse to do!

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