Android Table Pack 20 Beta

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New member
Nov 28, 2012
Didn't work :( but thanks, that's good to know.
Maybe this is Nexus 7 (2013) specific
Android 4.3 kernel 3.4.0

Plenty of storage 18GB left.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
the two stone heads at the bottom under the flippers on Eldorado look odd. Is something off there?
Also isn't the top drop target spacing a bit different? Kinda looks like they should be pretty evenly spaced but it looks more 2 space 2 space 2 space 2.
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Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Actually it just starts a new game and skips the match, as if you put in another coin and pressed start. This is why i like it.
That and it gives you the option to watch it if you like. So it's a way to cater to everyone, and whenever there's an opportunity to cater to everyone, I think it should be taken.

definitely an emulation thing. Not really practical to update all for this though as it would require a complete rebuild of all tables (that is where the emulation is stored).

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Didn't work :( but thanks, that's good to know.
Maybe this is Nexus 7 (2013) specific
Android 4.3 kernel 3.4.0

Plenty of storage 18GB left.

I just purged our cdn, hopefully that will do it, sounds like your edge node download source has a bad file.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Thanks for the feedback guys, starting to send them to the proper people. Oh, and Bobby said he will look into the cue ball weight issue, but I get the impression it was a pain. Hopefully we can figure something out.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Thanks for the feedback guys, starting to send them to the proper people. Oh, and Bobby said he will look into the cue ball weight issue, but I get the impression it was a pain. Hopefully we can figure something out.

These playfield toys need extra code to make them behave correctly, right? They don't use the normal physics used on pinball balls, right?


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Ryan, can you please update the Class of 1812 rez file. There were some art fixes and a few others as well for this table.

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
The Cue Ball really does need some more mass.

Yep, I totally agree regarding the fllipper strength as well Bass Mummy.

The ramp shot is a long incline, and even with well-maintained flippers, the ball definitely did not fly up it like it does in TPA, it would get slower up the top.


With the current flipper strength, the TPA simulation really rockets around the top ramp.

<kinda off-topic>

How is flipper strength set when you're making a recreation?

Do you have pre-set values for flippers, mapped to the coil types. For example, a yellow sleeved coil behaves differently to a blue sleeved coil

I'm just hunting to see if there is a consistent way you set flipper strength, based on pre-set strength profiles?

</kinda off-topic>

I was actually just watching the same video. It does a great job illustrating how slow and weighty the cue ball can behave. It also shows what a pain in the ass getting the ramp can be at times.


Jan 30, 2013
Also, the hud is covering part of the El Dorado table in landscape view 4. Just turning the hud off would work for me if it wouldn't reappear every time I restart. Argh!

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
The locked/scrolling view selection issue in the options at the plunge screen is still there :/

On the Plunge screen you cannot change the locked/scrolling view while at the plunge screen, you have to be on the playfield view to make the change from the options menu.

Based on my extrapolation ~16B for 1000 HOF points on CBW. :O

Operators Menu UI is totally borked for CBW, just like Tee'd Off. Won't bother to write it up as there are plenty of well written posts on how broke it is.

We just tested this and the coin door seems to be working, which part is "borked"?


We just tested this and the coin door seems to be working, which part is "borked"?

not being able to change the options as the right flipper button in the coin door isn't assigned to any function is a good starting point. This only allows you to lower values in some menus, but not raise them, and to not select certain menus entirely.

reference the write up I did on Tee'd Off Pro Mode as it seems the emulation problems are the same between the two.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
odd, is this in ios too or just Android? Thanks Net I will take a look at this.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
If you redownload the tables you should see changes in the following:

-Cue ball made “heavier”
-Reduced some power from the flippers on CBW.
-Ramp shot seems closer to the real table now. On CBW
-El dorado sling shots added.
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