BlahCade 56: Stern Pinball App, or Rollercoaster Kickstarter?


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
On the set of AHS there would be this maple covered thick bacon every morning on the craft service table. It quickly became known as Crack Bacon as there was no way to just stop at one piece.

And for the record, Cinnabon is 1000% better than anything else for breakfast.


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Hey, thanks guys. This is gonna sound kinda weird, but this podcast was exactly what I needed right now. I'm not going to get into specifics, but I'm going through hard times. Not like I have it so bad, but I seem to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. Alright, I'll sum it up... At my job, I feel like a babysitter. I repeat myself over and over to the dumbass I work with to the guy I work with. Things have changed, and I've been forced to work with a huge stoner, who smokes every damn break. And I wouldn't have a problem with that if he didn't need reminding of things 3 or 4 times. It's a huge change from the last guy I had been working with. I'm the person that the bosses are going to come to about 'why the hell are you guys taking so long'. But with the job market nowadays, they're not going to fire this guy. Anyways, my point is... All this stress just makes me want to drink myself silly. And I see you have a new podcast up. So, as I'm listening, it's just lifting my spirits just to hear you guys talk. A bit more information than other people needed to hear, but it is draining me mentally to deal with this youngn, even though I realize it's my responsibility to train people, and keep on them to get the job done. But like I said, I really take it personally when we get overtime, and in the one to answer for it. Well that was a bit more information than you needed, all I was saying with that is that I can always count on you guys to get me out of my funk. It's good to hear other people says out loud the same as what I'm thinking. Really great podcast guys, thanks, and sorry if I've been hard on you before. I'll always listen. How the hell in going to make it through the week, I have no idea. Lots and lots of beer. My bosses expect a lot of me, but nothing more than what I expect from myself. I do what I can with what I've been given. My bosses also see that I am trying very hard, wish me luck. Keep it up guys


Active member
Aug 2, 2013
Best of luck to you Extork. It sounds like you have a firm grasp of the situation. If it gets to much to handle there's always the path I've taken. Self employed.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Hey, thanks guys. This is gonna sound kinda weird, but this podcast was exactly what I needed right now.
Keep it up guys

It's great that our ramblings can help someone get through the grind of a dodgy employee, or anything else that's getting them down in life.

Thanks for sharing with us how what Chris and I do actually makes a difference.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Obviously I need to get back on the air, the podcast has gotten too warm and fuzzy without my corrective sarcasm! :D


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Wow, speaking of warm and fuzzy, I think that alc had a bit to do with my long winded message. Those Oberons were so delicious though. Well, thanks guys. I must've gone off on a work rant. Not much for me to bech about actually. Things are peachy


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Extork, does your co-worker there know about TPA? I think it may help bridge things, maybe get him to take fewer smoke-breaks.


New member
May 4, 2012
I think it may help bridge things, maybe get him to take fewer smoke-breaks.
It's the opposite for me... ;) %*)



New member
Jan 2, 2015
I feel you Extork; right now my jobb includes oncall duty - only that it doesn't... it's just that people just drop out from work and others have to pick up the slack.
So today it was "can you work Saturday?", well I got plans and it involves other people - I got a schedule that is changed every week, what kind of schedule is that!
First I said "No" - got a bit of *****ing since then other people have to work even harder than I do - so we compremised and I will work 15-22....


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I feel you Extork; right now my jobb includes oncall duty - only that it doesn't... it's just that people just drop out from work and others have to pick up the slack.
So today it was "can you work Saturday?", well I got plans and it involves other people - I got a schedule that is changed every week, what kind of schedule is that!
First I said "No" - got a bit of *****ing since then other people have to work even harder than I do - so we compremised and I will work 15-22....



Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Extork, does your co-worker there know about TPA? I think it may help bridge things, maybe get him to take fewer smoke-breaks.

I show TPA to everyone. Most people really do think it's cool, just don't feel like getting it for themselves. Anyways, I'm fine with that guy now. We were on the same page last night. My team leader on the other hand, was on some different s**+. Slamming around cradles with the Hilo. Setting off the alarm on the Hilo. Just to show that he was mad. He even said get the eff out of here to a coworker very loud for the whole place to hear, when it was time to leave. But really that coworker wasn't sure if there was anything more to do or not. It'll be addressed tonight. That type of behavior is unacceptable. I like the guy outside of work, but some people like that power get to their heads. Much like Mr Lumberg up there ^

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
I show TPA to everyone. Most people really do think it's cool, just don't feel like getting it for themselves. Anyways, I'm fine with that guy now. We were on the same page last night. My team leader on the other hand, was on some different s**+. Slamming around cradles with the Hilo. Setting off the alarm on the Hilo. Just to show that he was mad. He even said get the eff out of here to a coworker very loud for the whole place to hear, when it was time to leave. But really that coworker wasn't sure if there was anything more to do or not. It'll be addressed tonight. That type of behavior is unacceptable. I like the guy outside of work, but some people like that power get to their heads. Much like Mr Lumberg up there ^

I know how you feel Extork, coworkers can be such a pain. You get the shirkers, the quitters, the know it alls, the passive aggressives; all sorts. The worst are the credit takers, the people that take your stuff and claim it's all theirs. Years ago someone did that to me over and over, until I filled a report, due to senior guys, with glaringly obvious Black Adder (popular TV comedy in UK) quotes. A quick review would have found them but the work was just retiitled and sent. The backlash was amusing to watch. Mean I know but I was young....


Active member
Aug 2, 2013
After reading these post it just reminds me how lucky I am. I hired the two boys that work for me about 30 years ago. We make a great team and I can count on them to do what's right.


New member
May 4, 2012
My team leader on the other hand, was on some different s**+. Slamming around cradles with the Hilo. Setting off the alarm on the Hilo. Just to show that he was mad. He even said get the eff out of here to a coworker very loud for the whole place to hear, when it was time to leave. But really that coworker wasn't sure if there was anything more to do or not. It'll be addressed tonight. That type of behavior is unacceptable. I like the guy outside of work, but some people like that power get to their heads.
Maybe just before work he set a new high score on Ripley's, only to have the ball go missing and lock the game.


New member
Sep 22, 2015
I listened to this episode some time ago so correct me if I'm off base...

For the SternPA y'all were quite happy with the pricing of each table being $10, $15 or even more. But on a previous episode when the remake of Pro Pinball Timeshock was discussed, I remember SYT in particular was opposed to its price of $15, even though any Pro Pinball table is (arguably) technically superior to every table which Farsight has recreated.


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