Confirmed upcoming tables


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
No Good Gofers and Tee'd Off share a similar theme, but they play nothing alike. Presentation is one thing, but shouldn't how the games actually play be just as important (though I do feel Gofers is better, Tee'd Off is still good. I agree Gottlieb had crappy presentation for some Primer games. Raven and Genesis's backbox come to mind)? Transformers vs. Go Bots isn't a fair comparison because Go Bots suck and some Gottliebs still play well. I agree williams has better presentation for their SS games compared to 90s Gottlieb, but I still came back to Stargate and Silver Slugger despite this. It's interesting how Williams tried to make a classic style table with Harley Davidson becuase of Silver Slugger. I do feel Williams made better late 80s and 90s games, but I feel that some 80s and 90s Gottliebs are underrated (and I said some, not all). I agree gottlieb wasn't at its best in the Primer days, though.

Yes, gameplay should be important too, which is why I hate pretty much all Data East put out! Look, I make no bones about what I like, which is late '80s through '90s tables. I'll give Gottlieb this, their tables felt like solid construction. Flippers actually had power (again I aim my hate at Data East). But I do feel presentation is a huge component to my enjoyment of a table, as well as a rule set I can understand and have fun with. My problem with Stern tables these days is the rules are overly elaborate. They've got nice presentation, but I haven't a clue what's going on. It's almost like playing a Zen Pinball table!


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Just noticed, the kickstarter fund for TZ is very close to succeeding. Can't wait to see how well the table sells, cause that will make it oh so much simpler a decision to make when deciding if they should go ahead with ST:NG or TAF or any number of other heavy license tables. Maybe to the point that kickstarters for those tables won't be necessary.


Apr 3, 2012
Just noticed, the kickstarter fund for TZ is very close to succeeding. Can't wait to see how well the table sells, cause that will make it oh so much simpler a decision to make when deciding if they should go ahead with ST:NG or TAF or any number of other heavy license tables. Maybe to the point that kickstarters for those tables won't be necessary.

You would think they would send it M$ and Sony at least 3 weeks in advance so they can make the Nov deadline. Then again, they could make us wait until the very last day of Nov. This is assuming there aren't any problems with it when it's submitted.

Dutch Pinball ball

New member
May 5, 2012
Ok, well, i just read that fs planned tw for november and startrek for december.

That will be a very long waiting, and looking at psn europe **** right now, maybe we have tw for july 2013.....


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Sigh. Not only are most of those tables in that collection mediocre

I cannot disagree with this statement. Once I got the Williams Collection for the Wii (only a 3-1/2 year wait in the UK) I went back to the Gottlieb Collection and the biggest strength of that collection is the historical coverage owing to Gottlieb's pioneering status. My favourite tables are the older ones. The newer ones just don't feel as good as the Williams and Bally output of the time. I found El Dorado to be too difficult and not very engaging; ditto for Genie. Tables like Strikes and Spares and Goin' Nuts were nice for the novelty aspect, but not ones I really wanted to go back and play for fun.

Having said that I grew up with tables like 8 Ball Deluxe, Firepower II and Black Knight so I definitely enjoy older tables as well as newer ones. I do want to see some of the older Gottlieb stuff (pre-70s) hit the download scene, but I cannot say I'll buy every table from the original Hall of Fame collection, as much as I like to support Farsight's efforts. I think having a fan-selected table alongside one chosen by Farsight is the best way to keep people happy on that front.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
My favorite Gottlieb sim actually wasn't any of the Farsight tables, it was Royal Flush (distributed by Broderbund on Windows, free/shareware on the Mac). That was a great 1970s EM machine, and the simulation was itself a great piece of work, with magnet mode and user access to the backbox settings.

Sadly, it was a pre-Intel Classic Mac OS title and isn't playable on modern Macs.

My impression was that Gottlieb was king during the electromechanical era, but couldn't quite make the transition to solid state with as much assurance as Williams/Bally did.

Dante Kleinberg

New member
Jun 6, 2012
Creature and Attack from Mars can't get here fast enough. I loved those as a kid and there are NONE on location within 100 miles of me. It's the only way I can play them!

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Creature and Attack from Mars can't get here fast enough. I loved those as a kid and there are NONE on location within 100 miles of me. It's the only way I can play them!

Creature uses a lot of licensed music. Microsoft Pinball Arcade simply replaced the music, but that not only sucks, it means they can't use emulation, and you know what that means. . .


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Microsoft might not have regarded paying for the license as worthwhile, but I think Farsight will make an effort if it's economical. I've had occasion to play Attack from Mars and that is a lot of fun. Wasn't that the first of what was supposed to be many in the last gasp modular table design from Williams/Bally?


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Wasn't that the first of what was supposed to be many in the last gasp modular table design from Williams/Bally?

I think you're thinking of 'Revenge From Mars', which had the holographic vid screen just like that Star Wars pin. Was called Pinball 2000.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Hmmm. :(
Hope Pinbot is coming soon.

Me too. I really like Bride of Pinbot, which was cool because I never played it in the arcade, but I played the heck out of Pin Bot with a mate at a pizza/burger joint in the Pruneyard mall in San Jose a million years ago. Definitely one of my faves.

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