Confirmed upcoming tables


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Damn this thread! everytime I see it has been updated I jump in holding my breath hoping the next tables have been announced only to be dissapointed once again :(


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Damn this thread! everytime I see it has been updated I jump in holding my breath hoping the next tables have been announced only to be dissapointed once again :(

When new tables (DLC) are announced, you can bet they'll get their own thread. :)

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Brought to you by the letter G...
guys, clearly they are tables selected by someone whose name begins with G, like Gord Lacey ;)

(Please note, I had nothing to do with selecting the next tables, just having some fun.)

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Brought to you by the letter G...
guys, clearly they are tables selected by someone whose name begins with G, like Gord Lacey ;)

(Please note, I had nothing to do with selecting the next tables, just having some fun.)

Yay, we're getting STTNG already! :D


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Those 3 used full ROM emulation. The other 10 tables were scripted.

My apologies, I figured they were scripted since when you would turn the background music down, the music from the ROM would be silenced, but you can still hear all the other sounds from the ROM. I didn't think this was possible if you were fully emulating the ROM. Also, the music on those three tables seemed to be looped rather than coming from the actual ROM.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
My apologies, I figured they were scripted since when you would turn the background music down, the music from the ROM would be silenced, but you can still hear all the other sounds from the ROM. I didn't think this was possible if you were fully emulating the ROM. Also, the music on those three tables seemed to be looped rather than coming from the actual ROM.

No problem.

If I remember correctly we had a hack to allow you to adjust the music volume, but it didn't always work properly so we dropped it for Pinball Arcade.

As for the looping music, not sure, might have been a bug with our emulation.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Pin Wiz nailed the CV/FH DLC pack. He says the next will be Monster Bash / Gorgar. It fits the "brought to you by the letter "G", since Gorgar obviously starts with "G", and Monster Bash was designed by George Gomez. I hope he's right. Much better than doing more Gottlieb tables.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Pin Wiz nailed the CV/FH DLC pack. He says the next will be Monster Bash / Gorgar. It fits the "brought to you by the letter "G", since Gorgar obviously starts with "G", and Monster Bash was designed by George Gomez. I hope he's right. Much better than doing more Gottlieb tables.

That would do for me, I just need to know NOW! I need my fix!. I'm surprised FS didn't announce the next tables along with their 3m mobile downloads announcement.

Nik Barbour

Announcement coming soon. :)

Oh man! - I'm supposed to be having quality time with the missus tonight.
Now I'm going to be checking my phone every 2 minutes.
That's me in the doghouse again.
Please be Gorgar & Monster Bash!

Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I disagree with the Gottlieb hate. I'm surprised by some of the comments too. Williams better than any Gottlieb? Williams made some of the best out there, but Gottlieb made some excellent tables too, especially some of those from Wayne Neyens and Ed Krynski. PHoF had some good tables, but it was far from the best resprentation of Gottlieb tables. Some of their tables made excellent use of drop targets too, especially stuff like Royal Flush and Jacks Open. Then again, I rather wait until their get their emulation sorted out before they put out more Gottlieb SS.

I hope we get some Bally games from before they became part of Williams. They did some awesome 70s EMs and early SS. Chalk up!

It does look like Monster Bash is arriving soon since it was was already being prepared in the Twilight Zone kickstarter video, though.
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Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Williams better than any Gottlieb? Williams made some of the best out there, but Gottlieb made some excellent tables too, especially some of those from Wayne Neyens and Ed Krynski. PHoF had some good tables, but it was far from the best resprentation of Gottlieb tables. Some of their tables made excellent use of drop targets too, especially stuff like Royal Flush and Jacks Open.

The problem with Gottlieb was that its best known for its output in the EM and early SS era, when it began to progressively lost ground to its rivals, to the point where it was a distant third in the modern era. The modern era (1991-present) is when a majority of the best tables were made, and the era most of us are interested in.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I don't hate Gottlieb, but their ship had more or less sailed before I was even born, and they never really recovered the lost ground afterward. Since I started on mid-90s Williams/Bally machines, even the best of Gottlieb's EMs seem very simplistic (which is not the same as easy!) to me and fail to capture my interest. I appreciate what they were historically, and that they were a necessary step in the evolution of pinball, but that doesn't mean I have to play them! :p

Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
The problem with Gottlieb was that its best known for its output in the EM and early SS era, when it began to progressively lost ground to its rivals, to the point where it was a distant third in the modern era. The modern era (1991-present) is when a majority of the best tables were made, and the era most of us are interested in.

Says the person who thinks Firepower and Black Knight suck. ;)

I love newer machines, but the simpler rules often worked to the benefit of some of the older games.

I don't hate Gottlieb, but their ship had more or less sailed before I was even born, and they never really recovered the lost ground afterward. Since I started on mid-90s Williams/Bally machines, even the best of Gottlieb's EMs seem very simplistic (which is not the same as easy!) to me and fail to capture my interest. I appreciate what they were historically, and that they were a necessary step in the evolution of pinball, but that doesn't mean I have to play them!

I started mid to late 80s when I was younger, myself (grew up with games like Pin*Bot, Baby Pac-Man, Taxi, and Comet) and I play a ton of games older than I am. I care more about a gameplay perspective than a historical one. I know simplistic is not the same as easy, but it's also the exact reason why I like older games (simplistic, not easy). Don't get me wrong, I love the more complex rulesets, but often the simpler rulesets are more pure. Not to mention some of them threw some nice elements like hitting the targets in the right order for a bonus.

I feel some of Gottlieb's 80s and 90s stuff is underrated. From what I played and remember, Tee'd Off is good stuff (been a long time since I played a real one), Stargate is awesome, Silver Slugger is a fun early 90s pin without ramps, and Lights, Camera, Action is an underrated game that seems to have a complex ruleset for 1989 (missions and a mini game of sorts). I know John Trudeau made a lot of machines with simpler rulesets than necessary for Gottlieb, but in think in some cases, they actually worked in the game's favor and probably helped influnce Bride of Pinbot for Williams (also from John Trudeau. I want to play a real one again. Been awhile since I have seen one and I love playing it in Pinball Arcade iOS), which also has a simple ruleselt, but is still incredibly fun to play.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
The problem I have with Gottlieb's 90's stuff is that it always seemed like a pale imitation of a much better Williams/Bally table. Even if it came first. Tee'd off is my prime example. It looks like a bad Caddyshack table that didn't get the license. Compare that to No Good Gofers, which totally captures the vibe of Caddyshack without needing the license. When I went to the Pinball Hall of Fame in Vegas, they had a bunch of Gottlieb tables directly across from Williams tables, so I was really able to compare, go back and forth. It just seemed so painfully obvious the resources weren't there. It's Transformers vs. Go-Bots.

Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
The problem I have with Gottlieb's 90's stuff is that it always seemed like a pale imitation of a much better Williams/Bally table. Even if it came first. Tee'd off is my prime example. It looks like a bad Caddyshack table that didn't get the license. Compare that to No Good Gofers, which totally captures the vibe of Caddyshack without needing the license. When I went to the Pinball Hall of Fame in Vegas, they had a bunch of Gottlieb tables directly across from Williams tables, so I was really able to compare, go back and forth. It just seemed so painfully obvious the resources weren't there. It's Transformers vs. Go-Bots.

No Good Gofers and Tee'd Off share a similar theme, but they play nothing alike. Presentation is one thing, but shouldn't how the games actually play be just as important (though I do feel Gofers is better, Tee'd Off is still good. I agree Gottlieb had crappy presentation for some Primer games. Raven and Genesis's backbox come to mind)? Transformers vs. Go Bots isn't a fair comparison because Go Bots suck and some Gottliebs still play well. I agree williams has better presentation for their SS games compared to 90s Gottlieb, but I still came back to Stargate and Silver Slugger despite this. It's interesting how Williams tried to make a classic style table with Harley Davidson becuase of Silver Slugger. I do feel Williams made better late 80s and 90s games, but I feel that some 80s and 90s Gottliebs are underrated (and I said some, not all). I agree gottlieb wasn't at its best in the Primer days, though.
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