Controller support for Android?

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New member
Dec 19, 2012
Maybe we should anticipate controller support in the season finale pack. End season 2 with a bang!

I agree jaredmorgs, that would be a nice way to end season 2. I love controller support on pc but with the Intel integrated chip, I can't stop the flipper lag.

I would really like to have Android native controller support so I would have much less flipper lag.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
I agree jaredmorgs, that would be a nice way to end season 2. I love controller support on pc but with the Intel integrated chip, I can't stop the flipper lag.

I would really like to have Android native controller support so I would have much less flipper lag.

Our family pc is Acer aspire E1-571 i3 which has no lag running TPA in full screen window mode.

Edit - this is with all options off.
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I also have a POS laptop and am using an emulator for my sixaxis controller on my PC yet have no lag. The biggest problem is that when i use analogue for nudging it seems to decide to insert nudges randomly on it's own. So I have to use the D-Pad to avoid this issue. I have to mess with tweaking the analogue sensitivity or something to try and stop this from happening.

I have to play with no Reflection, no PP, and no AA in a fullscreen window, but that's what it takes to make it go.

Needless to say, having controller support in the 'droid version would be a very nice surprise to round out the year no doubt.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
Our family pc is Acer aspire E1-571 i3 which has no lag running TPA in full screen window mode.

Edit - this is with all options off.

Maybe my little Acer Aspire 471-p is doing fine and to me, it's just an imagined lag in flippers. I have to run TPA with everything off except I can use a low ball reflection setting.

I guess I just need to get a little more used to it.

***Still, Android Moga Pro Support would be great to have****

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
***Still, Android Moga Pro Support would be great to have****

Completely agree Frank!
Fingers crossed, it may be soon.

Edit - BTW I noticed one hell of a difference between windowed, and full screen windowed (or whatever that option is called) full screen being lag free.
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New member
Apr 27, 2012
I also have a POS laptop and am using an emulator for my sixaxis controller on my PC yet have no lag. The biggest problem is that when i use analogue for nudging it seems to decide to insert nudges randomly on it's own. So I have to use the D-Pad to avoid this issue. I have to mess with tweaking the analogue sensitivity or something to try and stop this from happening.

I have to play with no Reflection, no PP, and no AA in a fullscreen window, but that's what it takes to make it go.

Needless to say, having controller support in the 'droid version would be a very nice surprise to round out the year no doubt.

The D pad on a DualShock3 is also analog.

Eric Qel-Droma

New member
Jul 3, 2012
Why in the world is this on the Tegra Store on nVidia Shield without support for the Shield itself? I'm baffled. The way Android's going with gaming, I'd think controller support would be a no-brainer. Is there any chance of this happening in the near future? It seems weird to me that the best Williams Pinball experience I get on my 2013 Shield is through a PSP emulator...

Eric Qel-Droma

New member
Jul 3, 2012
I see that the Shield's native button mapping can be made to work here. Interesting, but still not a true replacement for controller support. Better than nothing, I suppose.

I have no game programming experience. Is mapping touch controls to buttons really that hard at the developer level?


New member
Jul 11, 2013
No, it's not that hard. Either is multi-controller support on consoles, or a few other basic improvements many of us have been waiting months/years for. I can map accurate, lag-free controller support with a $2 aftermarket app from the Play Store. You can also map it with the shield's controller settings, and I believe the Moga as well. The problem is simply a lack of priority status at FS. They don't consider it important, regardless of what the majority of their paying customers seem to think.

It's fairly obvious that FS is so pinball-centric that they tend to lose sight of obvious video game best-practices and what makes other videos games successful. All they seem to care about is the table, and things like menus, controller support, and a generally smoother 21st century approach to what modern gaming has become, gets lost by the wayside. I feel like I'm powering up an NES whenever I look at the menu and graphics and lo-res garbage that they use to brand their game. Look at the cover for the PS4 version. This is supposed to be a their new "flagship" port, and they are using lo-res placeholders for screenshots as well as the cover art. To sell and market their software. WTH? I thought the idea was to make the game look as GOOD as possible in order to attract sales!?

Here's an idea FS. If you want to attract new customers, maybe upgrade your marketing and graphics department to something resembling a modern, 4th gen game. It's important. A new prospective customer on the fence with regards to buying this product is going base their decision on two things - reviews, and screenshots. You should be using the highest res, slickest looking HD angles and screen caps to pump this thing up. Instead, you leave all that for last and it looks like you are trying to sell a 16 bit game in a 64 bit marketplace.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
I actually just received a Shield, and plan on ordering a moga soon. It's just getting the boss to give me the time, but from my level I can easily map it to one controller, but every controller is different. I tried a stab at it hence the purpose of this thread but it brought up some issues, namely the triggers and some mismappings. I have downloaded a bunch of games on the shield and none of them can use the triggers as separate axes, so when I roll out that functionality it will be with a don't use the triggers caveat. Problem is they have me working on some non Android and non pinball related projects. We are a small company after all and resources are constantly shifting.

I see that the Shield's native button mapping can be made to work here. Interesting, but still not a true replacement for controller support. Better than nothing, I suppose.

I have no game programming experience. Is mapping touch controls to buttons really that hard at the developer level?

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
just ask Stuart, its one of those things I can't let go.... so annoying the way Android has it set up but from what I have gathered in my research no games can really use the triggers in an Xinput mode, which I don't really understand =\. Anyone know if the Moga is = to the shield mapping? I am guessing no.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
I actually just received a Shield, and plan on ordering a moga soon. It's just getting the boss to give me the time, but from my level I can easily map it to one controller, but every controller is different. I tried a stab at it hence the purpose of this thread but it brought up some issues, namely the triggers and some mismappings. I have downloaded a bunch of games on the shield and none of them can use the triggers as separate axes, so when I roll out that functionality it will be with a don't use the triggers caveat. Problem is they have me working on some non Android and non pinball related projects. We are a small company after all and resources are constantly shifting.

Have Farsight thought about hiring outside if you don't have the time Ryan?
I can think of 2 devs straight off the top of my head...
Erlend (Sixaxis)
Poke (USB/BT Joy Centre)

I know in the past Erlend offered to work with the Bluez.ime author to help add functionality to his app (which would have been through a paid add on if it had ever happened).
Both these guys are controller experts with unparalleled experience.
Could Farsight pay them a consultancy fee? Or give the job to another within Farsight.

I'm not having a go Ryan, but Android has felt sorely neglected this year after last year being the best supported platform. Now I get that you seem to have moved on to other projects, and I'm pleased if your getting ahead, but Farsight should have someone looking after Android as it is their 2nd biggest market (I believe) or if they don't, they will lose custom on this platform.

I'm fairly hardcore, but with recent bugs, and especially the last release pack with the graphic errors on Victory which are worse on Android than any other platform, even I'm starting to question about automatically buying pro versions of each pack. (will Victory be getting a graphical fix BTW?)

Cloud score backup is also sorely needed - probably more so than Controller support.


I can tell you from playing other games, that the Moga PRO in A mode allows for both sticks and the top triggers to all be used independently, at the same time.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
I can pass that on, but I doubt they would want to spend the money. Unfortunately the studio cannot survive via pinball alone. After I finish some of my non pinball related tasks I can certainly take a look at those. The Victory lamp I can take a look at but I don't think the source art has been changed for the other items.
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Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Victory lamp I can take a look at but I don't think the source art has been changed for the other items.

Id say getting the flipper gap's equal around the bonus indicator lamps should be a minimum fix.



Other errors are all listed in the bugs thread.
The next pack will be the first one I don't auto purchase on release.
I shall definitely try before I buy.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I can tell you from playing other games, that the Moga PRO in A mode allows for both sticks and the top triggers to all be used independently, at the same time.

I'm kind of with Netizen here, @Ryan Routon

Perhaps saying "any controller" is to wide of a scope. With current business priorities.

Implement Moga. My look at the docs suggests the API is well-documented and designed to be easily implemented. That is why so many game devs implement that controller, instead of trying to get Android Native Controller API working.

The docs even go into detail about how to make schemes compatible with all the controller range.

Get a Moga Pocket and Moga Pro and do schemes for both. :)

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
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Cloud score backup is also sorely needed - probably more so than Controller support.

This. I could not care less about controller support but my Nexus is getting old and I don't want to start all over again on a new device.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
This. I could not care less about controller support but my Nexus is getting old and I don't want to start all over again on a new device.

Both have equal pegging for me.

iOS has Game Center integration. For, like, months now...

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