Details on PC Cabinet support for TPA


New member
Mar 12, 2015
Yes SilverBalls you're right about the B2S animation cycle thingy, but the problem would be to display the dmd at the bottom of the backglass image because it's not a simple picture and i don't know if transparency is supported.

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
seems everyone likes the proportions to be more accurate so I adjusted all the aspect ratios on the DMD wallpapers so there are black bars on the left and right in the image files, but proportions are better and the dmd fills the area on them better.
they're still 1600x1200 , i haven't done the alpha numeric ones since the transparent sections are all abit different..its gonna take a lot more time.
heres preview of what they look like now


Also heres a video of what I ment using pinballX.. which I've set a video background as runs fullscreen on the backglass monitor..but that doesn't matter, when you launch TPA it overlaps the video..then the transparent grill image is used a top layer..but since its just the grill and no backglass image it only covers the bottom third, and lets you see the video behind TPA and it as well.

Thats only way i can think to make it work..but it will be problematic for alpha numeric video screens like Xenon since you'll have to cover the bottom with an overlay to hide the rest of tpa window.

but for DMD screens it could work.

Ben Logan

New member
Jun 2, 2015
Wait.. Are TPA backglasses animated afterall? I'm confused. I figured it would be static with functional dmd.

Oh - I think I get it -- that's a Pinball X video serving as backglass. I'm slow to catch on.

Looks cool.


New member
Mar 12, 2015
Looks good Robert Misner, could you please design a "default" backglass picture which will be displayed by my mod when no table is selected (it'll will be displayed on the second monitor when you start the game upon table selection). It just needs to be a picture with backglass + grill and a static dmd.


Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
Looks good Robert Misner, could you please design a "default" backglass picture which will be displayed by my mod when no table is selected (it'll will be displayed on the second monitor when you start the game upon table selection). It just needs to be a picture with backglass + grill and a static dmd.


np i'll work on it tonight after work


New member
Aug 20, 2014
If only you two could emulate the tables as well...then we'd be really sorted. :) Good work guys.


New member
Jul 11, 2013
Glad the community is pushing thru the piles of lies, deceit and typical FS smokescreen BS to get this done.

I haven't bought a new table in months, and will not anytime soon. Zacc has my money (hey - they actually listen to the people who PAY for the app! Novel concept!) and FS hasn't even been fired up in a loooooooong time. Between Zacc and my 4 real pins, I ain't got time for half-baked nonsense anymore.

Until they port the new physics to the rest of the game (BRILLIANT idea fellas - change the f-ing game physics - for ONE game only), put out a usable UI (again - promised well over a year ago), support native cab options, and actually put out a consistent, quality product (hardy har har har) I'm done. No more $ from me. And I have a VERY strong feeling that none of this is going to happen so I'll just go back to ignoring TPA as I have for months. I feel sorry for you guys that keep hanging on the train, hoping that one day FS gets it and actually delivers something worthwhile. Meanwhile, they'll continue to use KS funds to cover shortfalls due to their inane business "model" (and I use that term VERY loosely) and screwing the very people who gave them the cash to stay alive for another quarter. Good way to build up that rabid fan-base, FS!! ;)

Simply amazing that a part-time enthusiast, using some free mods and ingenuity, can get this game 90% of the way there... and FS won't lift a finger - even after promising cab support.

I honestly for the life of me can't figure how these dumbasses are still in business...


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I am still totally p*ssed off too, and I certainly won't buy any more Season Pro Passes (didn't buy 5 luckily) and won't support any more Kickstarters. I put down over $100 on one KS alone because in my mind I thought I would have cab support sometime in the future.

Having said that I still have 4 seasons Pros that I purchased just to support the product whilst waiting for cab support. It was only when NoEx's Camera Mod came out and DX11 that I started playing more, but what really held me back from playing a lot was not having the DMD, on a separate screen.

Thankfully due to the inventiveness of Robert, along with NoEx combining it into the camera mod it looks like I will get to play those tables closer to how they should be played - in a cab!

It is crazy that people have to go to such lengths. Someone made a good analogy on this Farsight BS - it is like a Racing Sim software develper not supporting multi-screens or steering wheel/pedals to stop people building racing cabs. One word for 'The FarSight Management' (not the devs who are great btw), and that is Ars*h*les.
Last edited:


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Until they port the new physics to the rest of the game (BRILLIANT idea fellas - change the f-ing game physics - for ONE game only), put out a usable UI (again - promised well over a year ago), support native cab options, and actually put out a consistent, quality product (hardy har har har) I'm done. No more $ from me. And I have a VERY strong feeling that none of this is going to happen so I'll just go back to ignoring TPA as I have for months. I feel sorry for you guys that keep hanging on the train, hoping that one day FS gets it and actually delivers something worthwhile. Meanwhile, they'll continue to use KS funds to cover shortfalls due to their inane business "model" (and I use that term VERY loosely) and screwing the very people who gave them the cash to stay alive for another quarter. Good way to build up that rabid fan-base, FS!! ;)

Um, new flipper physics have been put in across the board on PC. UI is in alpha at the studio, being actively worked on and programmed. Numerous tables have just gone through a retuning, and the latest tables have been consistently better than those of the first 2 seasons.

There is no reason for you to feel sorry for us. Well, those waiting on cab support, sure. But I've had a great time with the game, still to this day. You paint TPA as if it was a failure from day one, unplayable, and not worth a dime when you say we are "hanging on the train, hoping that one day FS gets it and actually delivers something worthwhile." Your threatening and in practice not purchasing the game eliminates you as a customer of whom they need to listen to. They've lost you, and we all know it takes a herculean effort to regain lost customers. They have been listening though to the constructive criticism active customers have been giving. This is not me giving them a glowing review, as I actively give criticism here and in the BlahCade podcast. But they are not screwing people out of their cash, as they are delivering playable games that are actually of better quality now than when initially offered. We are getting exactly what we paid for. The other stuff, what you feel you were 'promised', that's gravy. You buy the game 'as is', and the fact there might be additions is gravy.

We welcome constructive criticism, and this very thread has been full of it and has been very creative and ingenious in finding ways to make people happy. Your post is just some straight up negativity that quite honestly has been gone from this forum for some time, and the forum itself has been better for it.


New member
Dec 24, 2014
I have playing around with JoyToKey for those who use the nanotech pinball wizard board. At the moment I can do skill shots with the digital plunger and I can use the nudging sensor when I shove my cab. Perhaps it's useful for somebody but unfortunately I have no webspace for uploading the config file.


New member
Jul 1, 2013
I have playing around with JoyToKey for those who use the nanotech pinball wizard board. At the moment I can do skill shots with the digital plunger and I can use the nudging sensor when I shove my cab. Perhaps it's useful for somebody but unfortunately I have no webspace for uploading the config file.

I would be very interested in it!


New member
Jan 1, 2013
Um, new flipper physics have been put in across the board on PC. UI is in alpha at the studio, being actively worked on and programmed. Numerous tables have just gone through a retuning, and the latest tables have been consistently better than those of the first 2 seasons.

There is no reason for you to feel sorry for us. Well, those waiting on cab support, sure. But I've had a great time with the game, still to this day. You paint TPA as if it was a failure from day one, unplayable, and not worth a dime when you say we are "hanging on the train, hoping that one day FS gets it and actually delivers something worthwhile." Your threatening and in practice not purchasing the game eliminates you as a customer of whom they need to listen to. They've lost you, and we all know it takes a herculean effort to regain lost customers. They have been listening though to the constructive criticism active customers have been giving. This is not me giving them a glowing review, as I actively give criticism here and in the BlahCade podcast. But they are not screwing people out of their cash, as they are delivering playable games that are actually of better quality now than when initially offered. We are getting exactly what we paid for. The other stuff, what you feel you were 'promised', that's gravy. You buy the game 'as is', and the fact there might be additions is gravy.

We welcome constructive criticism, and this very thread has been full of it and has been very creative and ingenious in finding ways to make people happy. Your post is just some straight up negativity that quite honestly has been gone from this forum for some time, and the forum itself has been better for it.

That's kinda BS, games in 2015 are a service more than they are a product, and TPA especially is built on an evolving service based model. Cabinet support is one (of too many) examples in which Farsight has over promised and under delivered. Just because he's not as willing to overlook flaws as you are doesn't mean he should be bullied into silence by a moderator.

On a related note, why is it that community members have been able to make more progress on cabinet support in a day or two than the professionals have in 3 years? It's pretty clear that constructive criticism isn't taken into account because FS doesn't value this admittedly small portion of its community. I'm beyond disgusted, and I too am done giving money to FS. If that makes my opinion less valuable than yours so be it.


New member
Dec 3, 2013
I don't understand why Farsight won't comment on this themselves, instead of leaving the community in a guessing mode as to why it can't happen. Being upfront and honest is normally the best policy, instead of just silence.

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
K heres a quick and dirty Mod back glass wallpaper to use when loading and in between tables.
IF someone knows how to make text look more like a real dmd (Gimp filter etc) I'd love some tips..but for now this is what i can do.

and heres preview


New member
Jul 1, 2013
That's kinda BS, games in 2015 are a service more than they are a product, and TPA especially is built on an evolving service based model. Cabinet support is one (of too many) examples in which Farsight has over promised and under delivered. Just because he's not as willing to overlook flaws as you are doesn't mean he should be bullied into silence by a moderator.

On a related note, why is it that community members have been able to make more progress on cabinet support in a day or two than the professionals have in 3 years? It's pretty clear that constructive criticism isn't taken into account because FS doesn't value this admittedly small portion of its community. I'm beyond disgusted, and I too am done giving money to FS. If that makes my opinion less valuable than yours so be it.

On the point of professionals not making progress, I would say that I suspect that Farsight has at this point a fully working cab build (or very close), they just probably can't/won't release it. My guess is Gary Stern is the reason. But at least Mike and crew can enjoy the fruits of his labor on the Virtuapin. We are just going to have to live with the mods (great job guys!) that the community puts out.....until Farsight puts a stop to them as well (which I wouldn't be surprised).....:mad:


New member
Jul 1, 2013
I don't understand why Farsight won't comment on this themselves, instead of leaving the community in a guessing mode as to why it can't happen. Being upfront and honest is normally the best policy, instead of just silence.

If they were honest and gave the reason that they couldn't do it, it would probably damage the relationship they have with "whatever" company (My guess Stern) and would put them (My guess Stern) in a negative light. (Which it should!)


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I think they've commented as much as they are willing/can. It's not being actively developed anymore for business reasons. Beyond that, I think you need to either work for them or have an NDA with them to get more. I do have an NDA, and they haven't told me anything more than what is known. They didn't even have their cab with them at Replay FX, when normally they were bringing it with them to expos.

I know it sucks for you cab folk, but you aren't share holders in FarSight stock and they don't need to divulge every business decision past you. Put your full support behind NoEx and his camera mod. Set your minds to the fact that you may never see true cab support. That way you can move on and either give up on TPA completely as some are saying, or accept the game for what it is. Hopes and wishes are not going to do you any good.

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