Device of Choice or Console of choice

Trever Chalmers

New member
Mar 29, 2014

New to the pinball arcade forums, had TPA since season 1 on Android, also have it on ps3 and ps4. I notice a vast difference between each of them. I play mostly on the ps4 but for newer tables I play on my tablet.

My question is this: Which type of device do you prefer to play on?

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
PC when I'm home, because TPA on a 2560x1600 display in portrait is very nearly a religious experience as far as virtual pinball goes. (Once PC gets the DirectX 11 treatment, it might very well be a religious experience.)

iOS when I'm not home, because despite the limitations playing on a mobile device imposes on you, having 40+ tables at your beck and call wherever you go is awesome.

EDIT: And welcome to the forums!

Trever Chalmers

New member
Mar 29, 2014
PC when I'm home, because TPA on a 2560x1600 display in portrait is very nearly a religious experience as far as virtual pinball goes. (Once PC gets the DirectX 11 treatment, it might very well be a religious experience.)

iOS when I'm not home, because despite the limitations playing on a mobile device imposes on you, having 40+ tables at your beck and call wherever you go is awesome.

EDIT: And welcome to the forums!

I agree with with the mobile device for that reason having 40+ tables to choose. I just don't like the nudging on the tab compared to ps4 or ps3 even. And thanks :)


Active member
Aug 2, 2013
I mostly play on the iPhone. But I'm trying to slide slowly into retirement then I'll have more time for the PC. It's hard to stop doing a job a I have loved for so long but the wife says its time to live on the beach.
Welcome to the forum there are lots of good people here if you ever have questions.


New member
Dec 14, 2013
hi and welcome :). i prefer it on the vita (the tables that actually work). i have it on ps3, too, but i play on the vita 98% of the time. edit: lol@ backwards quote.

New to the pinball arcade forums, had TPA since season 1 on Android, also have it on ps3 and ps4. I notice a vast difference between each of them. I play mostly on the ps4 but for newer tables I play on my tablet.

My question is this: Which type of device do you prefer to play on?
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Active member
Nov 6, 2013
PC only and nothing else. The precision of keyboard input is too important. Touch screens are right out for serious competitive score play, and even a console gamepad doesn't do it for me. (Also I don't own a console that TPA is on, just a Wii and PS2.)


New member
Oct 26, 2013
Pc when I'm on my... errr... pc ^^
And my note 10.1 on my couch or in my bed. The portrait mode on a tablet is really great.
I play sometimes on my S3 but only for a couple of games, the tiny screen makes it less enjoyable...

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Android tablet with a Bluetooth controller for me.

Reasons being -
Analogue nudging, portrait or landscape orientations, ultimate mobility, open beta access, option of shake nudging, and being able to play whilst my family hog our media stuff.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Android tablet with a Bluetooth controller for me.

Reasons being -
Analogue nudging, portrait or landscape orientations, ultimate mobility, open beta access, option of shake nudging, and being able to play whilst my family hog our media stuff.

+1 to everything Baron said.


New member
May 24, 2013
ps4 because it`s beautifull,ps3 I don`t touch ,got rid of xbox 360 and xbox 1 because they don`t let you play all games offline. pc I play all the tables i haven`t got on ps4. when they give us the new lighting on pc that`s on ps4 it won`t matter which one I play. :)


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Ipad only for me. I have a ps3 but don't really use it. I like the mobility of the pad so I can play in bed or at work. It also frees up th TV so my wife can watch annoying women buy wedding dresses.


Staff member
May 29, 2013
PC and Galaxy Note 10.1. Initially I bought the tables on Android. When the PC version was released on Steam, I bought it there as well, thinking I wouldn't purchase Season 3 for Android anymore. But I just like to play it on both platforms. Especially when the weather is nice I prefer playing on the 10.1 outside, rather than sitting in front of the PC in the house. I'm significantly better on PC though (playing it with a controller there vs. touchscreen), but I don't care. :)
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New member
Apr 4, 2012
PC: Technically has the best potential for graphics fidelity/performance, screen size of my choosing, real buttons instead of touch interface, no publisher/certification roadblocks now that it's on steam so tables should come out for it as soon as they're ready. I guess the only downside is that for some reason TPA seems to sell better for mobile devices, so it seems like IOS/Android get development priority. I personally don't enjoy playing games on my phone, I'd rather be able to see the nice hi-res and crisp artwork (and on a big screen, no matter how good your phone screen is it's still small), and having my fingers on the screen blocking part of it is terrible as is the non-existent tactile response.

I also bought tables for the 360, and that whole situation just fell apart, so I won't risk spending any more money on platforms that could die off at ant moment. PC now and forever only for me.


Feb 29, 2012

New to the pinball arcade forums, had TPA since season 1 on Android, also have it on ps3 and ps4. I notice a vast difference between each of them. I play mostly on the ps4 but for newer tables I play on my tablet.

My question is this: Which type of device do you prefer to play on?

Hey Trever - why do you choose the ps4 over your other platforms?

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