Discussion thread about the FreeCamera Mod


New member
Apr 8, 2014
Hey NoEx ... I'm experiencing a weird situation. I went to launch the Mod today and got prompt that new Mod version was available so I donwloaded it and now when I go to launch the Mod, i get error that Mod will only work with ver 1.60.8 ... problem is that the version is correct. See screen shot:



Jul 9, 2012
The latest version of the NOEX camera mod allows you to move the DMD to any monitor your cab supports, but you *will*need to implement the full mod in order to do that.

Just remember these two tips and you should be able to successfully implement the mod:
* In order to ensure that Steam always launches the required DX11 version of TPA do the following:

Launch STEAM, right-click on "The Pinball Arcade", and select "Set Launch Options" from the "General" TAB.
Enter the following in the Launch Option text field:

"C:\Program Files (X86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PinballArcade\PinballArcade11.exe" %command%

This will force STEAM to always use the required DX11 version of TPA. Without doing this STEAM will sometimes launch the DX9 version even if you explicitly invoke the DX11 version in a batch file.

* If you're running a Windows 7 machine, you *must* enable "Aero" mode. The NOEX mod requires it.

It would also help to run all EXE's as an administrator.


New member
Jan 8, 2013
Hey NoEx ... I'm experiencing a weird situation. I went to launch the Mod today and got prompt that new Mod version was available so I donwloaded it and now when I go to launch the Mod, i get error that Mod will only work with ver 1.60.8 ... problem is that the version is correct. See screen shot:


Hi Nudnick,

In the last hour, I had the same thing happen to me, and I also thought it was weird. I kept retrying and got that same "Incorrect Game Version" message, until suddenly a few minutes ago the message changed to a "Maintenance!" message. The new message says "The mod is under maintenance, please try again later! ...."

Edit: Since TPA is still the same DX11 version 1.60.8 as it has been for some days now, and the Mod had been working fine with it, I am a bit confused now of when the Mod goes into Maintenance mode. (Could be that NoEx does some of his magic tweaking of the Mod even when TPA has not recently changed.) At any rate, I had previously captured the most recent "OfflineData.m0d" file so it's working for me if I unplug my Ethernet cable (or use Firewall rules to temporarily block the Mod on my PC from going Outband as I saw NoEx suggest once).
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New member
Mar 12, 2015
Yes, there was a bug with the mod's version since I've updated my web server, I 've had to shut down the mod, it's now fixed.


Jul 9, 2012
Thanks, NoEx!

We got a little taste the last few days of what TPA is like on a cabinet without the mod -- and it wasn't pretty!

Thanks again for all that you do!!


New member
Jan 8, 2013
In the Final Scores panel, is there a way to entirely select the checkbox with just a controller or a keyboard? Since the new UI has been implemented, when I am using the Free Camera Mod the only way I have found to do that checkbox is to first use a mouse to hover over the checkbox (at which point the checkbox is highlighted). (Once the checkbox is highlighted, I can then invoke it by using the mouse left button, controller "A" button, or keyboard Enter key to invoke that checkbox.)

Please Note: When running TPA without the Free Camera Mod that Final Scores checkbox is automatically highlighted for me as the cursor arrow is automatically over the checkbox.
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New member
Nov 5, 2013
I've been using the mod for a while, but now it keeps saying it's in "maintenance mode" for like 2 days, but the download thread says the current PBA version is supported. Anyone knows what's going on?


New member
Nov 21, 2017
In the last update you integrate the 4K support
but at the same time the FCM does not allow more than 100DPI in the screen configuration.
As we do so that there are no tiny elements in the team if we can not increase the size of them by having limited to 100 DPI its size with FCM.


New member
Nov 21, 2017
Sorry for my English the translators say what they want.
My question is that if I set my playfield to 4k I need to adjust the size of the desktop elements to 300% DPI so that I can see it well and the mod only works with a 100% DPI configuration.
There is some solution to work with the MOD in 4k and have the largest desktop elements.
I hope you understand this translation now.


New member
Mar 12, 2015
Nop it's not possible, the mod only works when the desktop is set to 100% DPI.


New member
Nov 21, 2017
Forgive my ignorance but in the other EM tables there is no DMD,
but if the marker appears and it does not, even if the table does have it in the version without FCM.
A greeting.


Feb 21, 2015
So NoEx - have you thought about continued development after the cabinet mode is introduced in a few days? Any plans to develop around both?

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