Discussion thread about the FreeCamera Mod


New member
Dec 24, 2012
Thats great news :p

Yes, this is very exciting news indeed! I haven't even considered giving the Stern Pinball Arcade a look, but, if NoEx can make a Camera mod for SPA with relative ease that would be a great development indeed.

Good luck and hopefully they aren't too many things you'll have to do to get it working.


Jul 9, 2012

Just got the mod working to my satisfaction yesterday on my new two monitor VPCabs "Vertigo" machine and sent some beer money your way!

This is a *fantastic* mod which really enhances the overall experience of running TPA on a cabinet.

Thanks for all the great work!


Jul 9, 2012
Is it broken with the latest release of TPA?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro

Yeah ... You have to keep Steam in off-line mode until NoEx has a chance to update his mod. That's the way it has always been. I knew that from reading this thread from the beginning. Once he updates it it will automatically download and update the executable.

I really wish that Farsight would just incorporate his mod officially. I purchased the first two seasons plus "The Addams Family" due to his mod. Now I have to keep Steam in offline mode until the mod is updated, so I'm shutout from buying any more seasons or tables for the time being ... (And I was thinking about getting that Stern Star Trek table today ... *sigh*)
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John Penner

New member
Feb 15, 2017
Yeah ... You have to keep Steam in off-line mode until NoEx has a chance to update his mod. That's the way it has always been. I knew that from reading this thread from the beginning. Once he updates it it will automatically download and update the executable.

I really wish that Farsight would just incorporate his mod officially. I purchased the first two seasons plus "The Addams Family" due to his mod. Now I have to keep Steam in offline mode until the mod is updated, so I'm shutout from buying any more seasons or tables for the time being ... (And I was thinking about getting that Stern Star Trek table today ... *sigh*)

Too late for me to go into offline mode. Bugger. PinballFX2 has awesome cabinet support aside from the lack of backglass images, which were easy to find after a quick Google search. Now it is time for Farsight to get off the pot. It would cost about $400.00 to grab all of their tables, but I am going to stop with what I purchased and wait for official cabinet support before I shell out more.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Forget it. They already have developed cab support but decided NOT to make it public because of the deals with Stern and Arcooda or because they are just £@¥$ers. So the wait could be life consuming depending on how long it takes for them to get reasonable.


Jul 9, 2012
Well NoEx updated his mod and we're now "good to go" for Cactus Canyon and all tables prior to that.
(Thanks NoEx!). I'm going to purchase a bunch of tables tonight while I can!

His change-log states that he has fixed the auto launch of PinballArcadeDX11.exe directly from the mod (setup in settings.ini); but I'm still getting the dialog box from Steam warning that an external program is trying to launch a Steam game. (Everything is set to 'Admin' mode.). This is really a Steam issue. They should have a checkbox available that states "Don't show this message again" on that dialog box. If they had that, I could now run everything through the "PinballX" front end.

In the meantime, I'm turning off the auto-launch of TPA via the mod and will be attempting to set up a batch file to rotate the screen from landscape to portrait (via display.exe); invoke the NoEx mod, then launch TPA DX11. If I can get that to work I'm "home free"!


New member
Mar 12, 2015
The error message I fixed is not related to the Steam dialog box you're talking about, this is a Steam issue.


New member
Apr 8, 2014
Is it safe to update TPA to the new table "Swords of Fury"?
With the latest 1.80 Mod?

keep eye on thread "[Download] The Pinball Arcade: Free Camera Mod" ... when NoEx posts there ... the mod is updated (look at date of his post there)


New member
Jan 31, 2013
keep eye on thread "[Download] The Pinball Arcade: Free Camera Mod" ... when NoEx posts there ... the mod is updated (look at date of his post there)

A yes thanx, sorry was bit confused about "Doctor Who" was already released in 2016.
I won't update for now.;)
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New member
Apr 8, 2014
NoEx ... why is it aht everytime you update the mod for the new version after a new table is rleased that FS comes along that same day (it seems it happens every time) and the update thier executable ... causing you to have to go back and yet again update the mod? Every month it seems like this happens. Its almost like they just wait till you update the free camera mod and then they go out there and update their execuatble just to annoy us ... I really hope its not the case and that they realize "we" are thier biggest fan base. Its just frustrating and a bit too predicatable. I was anticipating this and as soon as I saw your post this evening loggod on to steam and had to immediately go and backup the 3/24/17 TPA exacutable before the new one downloaded and installed so I could play around with setting up camera view tonight. :mad:

Maybe I'm over thinking this, but it sure is getting to be a bit of a huge coincidence.


New member
Mar 12, 2015
Hehe this is a good question but unfortunately I don't have the answer :) anyway the mod is updated to work with v1.60.8 DX11.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
devils advocate...farisight usually release on a reliable secudle with known bugs and often pend another week with upgrades is quick succession at leaston mobile and pc.

intersing theory but alittle tinfoil hatted.

noex provides a niche service for the people, aslong as he isnt profting, id like to think its allgood


New member
Jan 31, 2013
The error message I fixed is not related to the Steam dialog box you're talking about, this is a Steam issue.

There is a way of bypassing this message of Steam:

Close Steam
Goto Steam/config folder, open "loginusers.vdf" and add/change these lines:

"RememberPassword" "1"
"WantsOfflineMode" "1"
"SkipOfflineModeWarning" "1"

Close and save this file, now right click on this file and hit:

"Read only"

Apply, close

This works good for my setup, just change it back if you want to update Steam.


Jul 9, 2012
Thanks, Can't say enough positive things about your mod or the work you put into it. The cab community thanks you!

Hear! Hear!

The NoEx mod adds at least a 30% enjoyment boost to every TPA table I run on my VPCabs "Vertigo"!
Having the DMD in the top screen with a fixed table view on the big screen gets me one step closer to the "feel" of a real pinball table. And isn't that what the TPA experience should be all about?

Thanks again for all the great work in both providing the mod in the first place, and keeping it up to date!


New member
Feb 19, 2013
Hear! Hear!

The NoEx mod adds at least a 30% enjoyment boost to every TPA table I run on my VPCabs "Vertigo"!
Having the DMD in the top screen with a fixed table view on the big screen gets me one step closer to the "feel" of a real pinball table. And isn't that what the TPA experience should be all about?

Thanks again for all the great work in both providing the mod in the first place, and keeping it up to date!

Getting it running on my cab actually made me go out and buy a new backglass monitor this weekend and is finally making me put the finishing touches on my (way too long term) cab project.


New member
Jun 18, 2016
Hiya i currently have a cabinet built for visuall pinball and pinball fx2 ect ect..

I dont mind just playing pba in portrait mode not that fussed with trying to get it running with noex cam mod as ive tried in past to no success but is there anyway of just putting dmd display on my backglass without having to change camera of the table ARE do i need to get the full noex camera mod working including changing the camera angle of table to acheive the dmd on backglass

any help with this would be great thanks lee..

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