DLC Release Date


New member
May 29, 2012
Really? What a rollercoaster of emotions, first the months of continued disappointment, and now suddenly the floodgates open all at once!


New member
Jun 6, 2012
This would be awesome, really good news... but....

Really? What a rollercoaster of emotions, first the months of continued disappointment, and now suddenly the floodgates open all at once!

we don't actually have it yet... call me a harbinger of doom, but until it's purchased and on my machine, it remains hearsay.


New member
May 29, 2012
Yeah, I guess you´re right ;)

So, I did the title update (got the new DMD), and I´m completely new to the whole 360 DLC thing, so... When will I know when the DLC is ready? Will I get notified once I boot up the game?

Brandon Debes

New member
Mar 29, 2012
Yeah, I guess you´re right ;)

So, I did the title update (got the new DMD), and I´m completely new to the whole 360 DLC thing, so... When will I know when the DLC is ready? Will I get notified once I boot up the game?

Unfortunately, the first time you boot the game post update it asks you to get the media update, which the Guide proceeds not to find. You will basically know when you read about us installing it. Or, you can keep refreshing the TPA page on XBLM web. The media update will appear there as an "add-on" with a "Free" price. The DLC packs will also appear there. You can queue all of it up right there in your browser, and it will automatically download the next time your console powers on (and is connected to Xbox LIVE, obviously).

Brandon Debes

New member
Mar 29, 2012
Hey, can I pull my memory card out with this update? :p

Sure. I mean, if you do it while a DLC table is loading you'll have to reboot the app. Sorry about the horrible inconvenience.

Thanks! I will hit F5 on the XBLA page once in a while.
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Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Sorry we didn't tell you the title update was available. Microsoft didn't tell us it went out. As of yesterday it said "In Review", so we weren't sure what to report (first time doing a title update). After they waived the MU bug, it went back to certification so there was a chance it could have failed for something else.

I'm trying to find out today how/when the DLC gets released.

The optional update DLC isn't up yet, as soon as it is I'll post here. When the table DLC is available, the new tables will show up in the main menu, clicking them will take you to the marketplace.

The issue someone mentioned where changing the camera shows the same camera twice will be fixed with the optional download, that one includes the new cameras, lighting and other table specific fixes.

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Is the optional update due today?

And why exactly is it optional? Don't you want your game to be looking it's best by default?

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
What?! The good guys won for once? We have a title update? I don't believe it! Next some heretic will tell me there will be DLC soon! ;)

More seriously, good work FarSight in successfully making your case to get this update out. I don't know that I've ever been this excited for a title update before.

And why exactly is it optional? Don't you want your game to be looking it's best by default?
Mike would be better able to explain than me, but it has something to do with the XBLA update rules. You're only allowed to require an update for certain things; other improvements have to be optional. (And yes, it would be silly to not download and install the optional update.)
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Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Is the optional update due today?

And why exactly is it optional? Don't you want your game to be looking it's best by default?

It had to be "optional" because you aren't allowed to force someone to download 100+MB update to your game. This was why we originally failed our first submission. We tried to patch the 4 launch tables in the title update.

Personally, I don't know why someone wouldn't want the game they payed for to be the latest and greatest version.

I would hope they put out the DLC today, but I dont know yet. We'll discuss it with MS today.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Is the optional update due today?

And why exactly is it optional? Don't you want your game to be looking it's best by default?
Its optional because ms-regulation wont allow it to be a regular one due to its size.
E: ninja'd by mike, go mike!

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
It had to be "optional" because you aren't allowed to force someone to download 100+MB update to your game. This was why we originally failed our first submission. We tried to patch the 4 launch tables in the title update.

Personally, I don't know why someone wouldn't want the game they payed for to be the latest and greatest version.

I would hope they put out the DLC today, but I dont know yet. We'll discuss it with MS today.
Can you offer the update automatically when the game launches do you think?


New member
Apr 16, 2012
The update is offered automatically each time you boot the game. Theres just nothing to download yet.
Jun 28, 2012
i'm really curious to see what will happen if microsoft makes another exception on ANOTHER bug farsight made - if it will be "thanx microsoft" or "congratulations farsight".

That is so funny! Franky was so right about it. There is no objectivity. I wish he would comment on this one.

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