DLC Release Date


New member
Jan 22, 2013
I just wanna know what the discount is. Is it just gonna be the $30 season pass like what PSN has, or will it actually be lower than that? Hoping it's the latter.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I'd guess it's the season pass. Which is fine. Or maybe a limited time special discount. Regardless, I'm pumped! I'm throwing a big ass pinball party when this drops.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Summer means that the absolute latest we get the packs is September.

Sounds like a reasonable guess, except for the fact that farsight would have to submit content to ms very soon, if not now. What's more is the fact that ms has rejected farsight's updates before. I'm just going to wait and see....and maybe snag the PC version while I wait.

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
Hopefully the courts are quick on this one. I've been patiently waiting to get TZ and ST:TNG via kickstarter and would love to have T2 as the tri-fecta once this is all finally cleared up.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Sounds like a reasonable guess, except for the fact that farsight would have to submit content to ms very soon, if not now. What's more is the fact that ms has rejected farsight's updates before. I'm just going to wait and see....and maybe snag the PC version while I wait.

The content takes a month to get certified.


New member
May 10, 2012
Sorry to be a downer here, but my guess is October-November. Where do you people see a summer release??? This is what was said on facebook " is scheduled to emerge from bankruptcy this summer". (and there is no promise in that statement)

Summer could be anytime from now until late august.

Then they have to send the title update (3 -5 weeks) and after that, if Microsoft approve it will take another 3-5 weeks before it get released. At the very earliest it will be late September


New member
Apr 27, 2012
My guess on why it has taken so long is that there was a disagreement on whether to pursue a re-org or just a total liquidation. If you google fillpoint bankruptcy the only news hits you get from the last week have to with Crave and TPA. I think fillpoint is probably just going to be liquidated or already has with the exception of Crave. Perhaps without the weight of their parent company's debt, Crave will be able to operate and be profitable.

As far as the other publisher, well Crave's contract is still valid. If FarSight signed an agreement with another publisher I'm sure it was signed under the provision that the contract wouldn't be valid until the court released them from the contract with Crave.

As a potential buyer of the XboxOne though, I'm curious if the contract with Crave is only for the current system or if it also covers future MS consoles. Also curious about the duration of the contract. I doubt that FS will be transparent with us though about their publishing contracts. They've been surprisingly open about this whole process but I don't think that openess will extend to the extent of my curiosity! :D


Jan 28, 2013
As a potential buyer of the XboxOne though, I'm curious if the contract with Crave is only for the current system or if it also covers future MS consoles. Also curious about the duration of the contract.

Question is, are small development studios like FarSight still willing to line Micrsoft's pockets, especially when they can go elsewhere?
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New member
Apr 27, 2012
Question is, are small development studios like FarSight still willing to line Micrsoft's pockets, especially when they can go elsewhere?

If it still makes them money, then why not? Sony, Apple and Google all take their cut as well. I don't see that publishing to Xbox reduces their ability to make money in other markets. If they weren't planning to continue selling to the Xbox market then why have they continued to develop on the Xbox first?

Although the consoles are more difficult to publish for I bet there are benefits. I think the consoles have a higher recognition factor. There are so many apps put out for the iOS and Android markets in comparison to the console markets. More high profile reviews for the console versions have undoubtedly led to sales on the mobile fronts as well. Also I would bet more console players buy the full game after trying the demo than mobile. I bet also that a higher percentage of console players buy all of the games than mobile.


Jan 28, 2013
If it still makes them money, then why not? Sony, Apple and Google all take their cut as well. I don't see that publishing to Xbox reduces their ability to make money in other markets. If they weren't planning to continue selling to the Xbox market then why have they continued to develop on the Xbox first?

Although the consoles are more difficult to publish for I bet there are benefits.

True, there are the benefits you mention, Brakel.

The thing is that small developers who have previously released on the Xbox360 are now fully aware if working with Microsoft is cost effective or not. Some have already declared that they will not be releasing on any Microsoft console in the future. The developer of Fez has been quite vocal in his disdain for the way small developers are being fleeced and badly treated by Microsoft's approach.


New member
Sep 29, 2012
its gonna be ps4 for me too the backwards compatability makes a big difference and the hassle xbox owners have had over this game has sealead the deal, farsight might chose not to carry on with microsoft its definatly on ps4,,, and the new lighting effects on pinball arcade on ps4 are gonna be good by the looks of things.

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