Elvis Pinball like you have never seen it before.. have a look


New member
Feb 6, 2016
Hey Ben

You really have a gift for encouragement. You have been very supportive across forums for this development, so thanks a million ;)

To get alot of downloads my tip would be to convert one of SLAM TILTS tables. Like Iron Man or some other top table from him! Maybe it will give your Project a push to get on all home made pinball tables out there! :D


New member
May 24, 2013
HI there

I updated the application , [MENTION=4407]Snorzel[/MENTION] you can try map your controller buttons now on the launcher screen. I have set the launcher screen to be hidden now by default as there is no need to display it each time so to get it to show you must hold down the CTRL key while launching the exe.

same link


New member
May 24, 2013
Hi Tann,

The link you have there is correct for the latest installer that installs with vpinmame etc.. When I click the link it first shows the file name as "......V7" but when you click that link to download it will not have the v7 in the name , like this "ElvisPinballSetup.exe" this is the last version I uploaded. I forgot to update the date and versions in the installer code , so it is still saying with the date as you mentioned. Sorry about that. Anyway it will be easy to tell if its the new version when you launch the game since it will not display the launcher screen now unless you hold CTRL key when launching. This is new to this version so let me know if its ok.

I did change the slingshots again in this version , getting better each time. I also realized I didn't implement the control gate on the top right orbit properly and I fixed that now. So its a one way gate and only a two way gate when the switch is activated.

I also added code to automatically drain lost balls , I did add a key press for it previously but decided to just add a check in every two seconds as well. Since I changed the control gate I see that the innerloop shot is sometimes too fast for the emulation somehow and the magnet misses grabbing the ball. I will investigate this and see if I can get it to always work as before. Perhaps I could just increase the mass of the gate inside the inner loop so it dampens the ball speed a bit.

chat soon


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Yep, that's OK.

On my crappy laptop (Intel 2.20Ghz, Radeon 7670, ram 4Go), it runs almost smoothly: the ball stutters slightly when it has a low velocity (SSAO , realtime shadows, room and cabinet desactivated)

From good to fantastic setting, I don't notice any change, but once set to simple, the ball behavior is smoother, but it is black (and the ramps too).

Would be it possible to desactivate only the ball reflection (a plain grey ball, like in TPA)?

One minor thing:

- The emulation volume setting is not saved and comes back to 50% each time the table is launched.

One major thing (for me):

- The nudge is inversed! When I push my stick to the right, the ball goes to the right, and pushing the stick to the left, the ball goes to the left. It should be the opposite, like in TPA.

Whatever, that's an outstanding work! It's very impressive, especially the night mode.

Thank you!


New member
May 24, 2013
Yep, that's OK. ...

One major thing (for me):

- The nudge is inversed! When I push my stick to the right, the ball goes to the right, and pushing the stick to the left, the ball goes to the left. It should be the opposite, like in TPA.

Whatever, that's an outstanding work! It's very impressive, especially the night mode.

Thank you!

Haha actually its not what im used to as well , i still trying to get used to it. I went with this method based on what I was seeing in real life tables, its a case of ball nudge vs table nudge. Anyway , I can add a toggle switch in the menu to inverse the nudge direction so people can pick their preference. (EDIT : wait a minute I just re-read what you wrote , that sounds like I could have mixed up the gamepad triggers , I will double check , try nudge on the keyboard with the shift keys and see if it works as expected , I will check myself but just thought to mention it since Im thinking this could be the issue , but I will still add a toggle in the menu to inverse nudging even after fixing this possible error)

Thanks for the heads up on the vpinmame volume not saving , I will check into it , must be a typo somewhere..

cheers for the compliments.

ps I will try and make a version that can work on lower end machines better , Its just that for once I wanted to target making a super modern engine table first. Their is definitely an awesome amount of carry over in this development which means I can make other tables ALOT quicker.
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Thanks for the updates shaderbytes. I have been working away from home for a while, but will try the new version as soon as I get back next week.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Thank you for all the hard work [MENTION=2638]shaderbytes[/MENTION]! As soon as a controller opens up I will play and give some feedback. Looking forward to your future tables :)
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New member
Apr 3, 2013
try nudge on the keyboard with the shift keys and see if it works as expected , I will check myself but just thought to mention it since Im thinking this could be the issue , but I will still add a toggle in the menu to inverse nudging even after fixing this possible error)

Shift keys have the same problem (ball nudge instead of table nudge)^^

ps I will try and make a version that can work on lower end machines better , Its just that for once I wanted to target making a super modern engine table first. Their is definitely an awesome amount of carry over in this development which means I can make other tables ALOT quicker.

Other tables are planned? Woohoo, good news.

Thanks in advance if you try to improve performance for the lower end machines. The table runs pretty smoothly in Good preset, except this slight ball stuttering, so don't spend too much time on it just for me, if you have more important stuff to do. ;)


New member
May 24, 2013
Hi Everyone

It's been a while I know.

So I have made several updates to the game :

• Im using the experimental 64 bit version of vpinmame
• I updated the game to 64 bit
• I fixed the gamepad issues , I bought an official xbox1 controller for windows and all is working as it should using this controller.
• I had to build a different installer to handle installing the 64 bit files
• Updated to Unity 5.3.4
• Updated the post effects filters , AA is finally working!! although it might have a little more of a hit on performance (MSAA + temporal)

I have only tested the installer on my machine so far , I would love if those who have participated so far to this point could please test this version for me since 64 bit is way better.



New member
Feb 6, 2016
nice to hear from you again!
I tried it asap!!! :D

I got spikes in the FPS all time. Each second I get anything from 6 fps to 140 fps. I installed new drivers on my GTX 780 Ti, but still same. Also changed graphic from best to worst, but same fps. Never had any problems in any game before with this new computer.

Anyone else got fps problems?

Hi Everyone

It's been a while I know.

So I have made several updates to the game :

• Im using the experimental 64 bit version of vpinmame
• I updated the game to 64 bit
• I fixed the gamepad issues , I bought an official xbox1 controller for windows and all is working as it should using this controller.
• I had to build a different installer to handle installing the 64 bit files
• Updated to Unity 5.3.4
• Updated the post effects filters , AA is finally working!! although it might have a little more of a hit on performance (MSAA + temporal)

I have only tested the installer on my machine so far , I would love if those who have participated so far to this point could please test this version for me since 64 bit is way better.



New member
May 24, 2013
nice to hear from you again!
I tried it asap!!! :D

I got spikes in the FPS all time. Each second I get anything from 6 fps to 140 fps. I installed new drivers on my GTX 780 Ti, but still same. Also changed graphic from best to worst, but same fps. Never had any problems in any game before with this new computer.

Anyone else got fps problems?

Hey MRZ999

Sad to hear that , The 64 bit version of vpinmame is officially listed as "experimental" on their website. I wonder if it is something to do with this perhaps. Although that is not a GPU intensive thing in itself , perhaps it is the new Anti aliasing Filters from Unity that dont play nice across all hardware specs?? They are also in a constant beta phase. I should have added a toggle button into the menu to enable/disable it. This issue can only be resolved by a process of elimination really. I will google around a bit and see if anything pops up.

Thanks for trying

chat later


Actually Im wondering now why you even see anything above 60? I have vsync enforced within the game so it should be capped at 60 fps .. unless you have a monitor with a refresh rate higher than 60htz ? On my machine with gtx 970 when the game starts it jumps between 51 and 60 for a short bit and then settles at about 52.8 ish and runs smooth as butter. I'm really sad to hear there are issues now haha .. I hope I can figure out what it is
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New member
Feb 6, 2016
ive tried anything now. I got a 144hz monitor, but same problem after I tried many things with it. But you need input from more people. Maybe you should start a thread on the Gopinball.com site. Some people there will jump on this Project and be beta-testers! :)

Hey MRZ999

Sad to hear that , The 64 bit version of vpinmame is officially listed as "experimental" on their website. I wonder if it is something to do with this perhaps. Although that is not a GPU intensive thing in itself , perhaps it is the new Anti aliasing Filters from Unity that dont play nice across all hardware specs?? They are also in a constant beta phase. I should have added a toggle button into the menu to enable/disable it. This issue can only be resolved by a process of elimination really. I will google around a bit and see if anything pops up.

Thanks for trying

chat later


Actually Im wondering now why you even see anything above 60? I have vsync enforced within the game so it should be capped at 60 fps .. unless you have a monitor with a refresh rate higher than 60htz ? On my machine with gtx 970 when the game starts it jumps between 51 and 60 for a short bit and then settles at about 52.8 ish and runs smooth as butter. I'm really sad to hear there are issues now haha .. I hope I can figure out what it is


New member
May 24, 2013
ive tried anything now. I got a 144hz monitor, but same problem after I tried many things with it. But you need input from more people. Maybe you should start a thread on the Gopinball.com site. Some people there will jump on this Project and be beta-testers! :)

Thanks , I do have a thread on gopinball .. I must just go make a new post now. There were not that many people interacting with the thread to be honest - one or two sadly. I will wait for some more feedback from here and other forums so I can start investigating what it could be. I will get back to you with more info soon.



New member
May 24, 2013

I added a toggle into the menu system now to enable/disable the vsync within Unity. It is enabled by default as before but now you can go disable it. I put this in specifically so you can test it and see if it resolves your issues? I was reading up a bit and it seems on occasions the request for vsync from within unity can go wrong , all depending on various factors. Since you do have a monitor with a higher refresh rate , perhaps there is a miscommunication between unity and the graphic driver.

We already know it is not working well with it on, so test switching it off first only and see if the game play is smooth. ( the frame rate will still fluctuate , but it should obviously not drop to where there is stutter in the game ) If this doesnt seem to help , while it is still off go into the native GPU settings and set it on and off in there and see what happens.

You can also let me know what happens if you toggle off some of the post effects like SSAO and dynamic shadows. If you hide the room and the cabinet it will also boost performance. I dont have any controls for the AA at the moment, I need to add some in because I think the current solution is rather expensive since its double AA. I will do that tmrw but if you have time again before I do another update to check the update above it would be nice.

The new file is on the same google drive link :

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New member
Feb 6, 2016
Im home sick today, so maybe I dont Think straight and missing something. I hope to read feedback from someone else Before I try more.

I tried the new file, but nothing change the fps. Its not the PC Power, because even if I turn Everything off I still get 5 different fps each second, like 280, 300, 280, 6, 50fps.

But actually I tried to play a few balls, but they did not last long. But it seams you got Everything right. The ball looks and feels stunning!!!


New member
Feb 6, 2016
If I click Setup64.exe in the VPinMAME folder and in the menu Clock "Setup Paths" I get an error "Direct Draw not Supported". Can this be the problem?


New member
Jun 5, 2012
I have a ~100ms lag, which makes it kind of unplayable. The looks are great though! Win7x64, gtx970, 32gig RAM.


New member
May 24, 2013
Im not using the Setup64.exe in the VPinMAME folder at all to install and play the game. It is very possible there could be something glitching in VPinMame though .. since the 64 bit driver is labeled as "Experimental" haha but it makes the worls of difference to me because to build the tables and test them within Unity I need the 64 bit version. Before this it was a arcane process to build this table .. since the 32 bit dll doesnt work within unity's 64 bit editor. So I had to do a full publish of the game for each and every code change I did and wanted to check.

Anyway you have been very helpful , and while you are home sick!!!! I might carve your name into the paint on the leg of the next table I'm building as a thank you hehe .. I think I would have to carve several peoples names already ;)

Might be interpolation messing you about , I think I will add in some controls to enable disable this as well , then you can test and see if it resolves your issue. The interpolation is kinda needed though to smooth out the differences between physics calculations and frame rate... but I will add controls in and give you a heads up when its updated again.

Thanks for testing everyone

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