iOS - Bug iOS Version 1.1.4 Bugs

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Jake Lopez

FarSight Employee
Jun 21, 2012
Cheers Jake, it's a really minor problem which doesn't bother me too much at all, but this is a bug thread and it is a bug! :D

Is there any more info you can give me for the cam bug on FH? I've been trying to recreate it and I can't seem to. Were you in portait or Landscape? Any additional info will help!! Thank you!

Jake Lopez

FarSight Employee
Jun 21, 2012
I have experienced a bug in Monster Bash 1.1.4 that I've mentioned in the other thread here where I've managed to start a new game with the name entry controls still up.

I'm gonna see if I can get this to happen again, because that is a pretty annoying bug!! Keep 'em coming everyone!!

Jake Lopez

FarSight Employee
Jun 21, 2012
MB Frankenstein bug is gone. Great job to the Farsight team. One bug mentioned in another thread (not critical) is the MB leader board displays the Gorgar scores. Thank you and keep up the great work.

The Gorgar scores are showing on the MB Leaderboard? There was a bug before the recent update where the MB Leaderboards were showing on both MB and Gorgar. If this is still continuing I will definitely see whats goin on

Jake Lopez

FarSight Employee
Jun 21, 2012
Uh oh, I just had the special cam lock up on me in Bride of Pinbot. This was a first and may be just a fluke. Right after the balls were released after the metamorphosis to a human, I lost one of the balls right away. I then shot the remaining one up the shuttle ramp. As the special cam moved up to show her changing back, the ball released and the cam didn't move back until drained. It may have been just the perfect storm in timing for that to happen.

iPad 2, iOS 5.1.1

Do you know if this cam bug is still occurring? I know that it was happening but it was supposed to have been fixed and in with the new update, but I could be mistaken

Jake Lopez

FarSight Employee
Jun 21, 2012
I'm a user of the paid version. I just downloaded the latest update (1.1.4) from the Apple AppStore onto an iPad 3 (New iPad). Ran the app - it started. Launched MB in order to get the fix - it attempted to download the new Monster Bash and it subsequently crashed during the download. Now, I can't even start the app at all! :-( Restarted the iPad just in case and again, the app won't run. Help!

If I uninstall, I assume I'll lose my high there anything else I can try at this point?
Has this issue been resolved for you? I'm very curious to see if you're still having this problem as it is a Major issue that needs to be addressed... Please lemme know!! Thank you

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Thanks for staying on top of these bugs, Jake. It's great to have someone from FS keeping up with the iOS side of the forum now all we need is someone to take a look at the PS3 lag issue :)

Jake Lopez

FarSight Employee
Jun 21, 2012
Thanks for staying on top of these bugs, Jake. It's great to have someone from FS keeping up with the iOS side of the forum now all we need is someone to take a look at the PS3 lag issue :)

I'm totally with you on that. That PS3 lag is a mystery we've looked and looked and inspected and can't find out why it is happening. On my Xbox360, I had a much more dramatic lag whilst playing on my 57inch HDTV, and couldn't figure out why that was happening. But I changed the TV Mode to Game and solved all my problems. For whatever reason it's not that simple on PS3. That issue is always being looked into and as far as I know it still is. It's such a strange thing, and most people don't notice it LOL but I noticed right away as I'm sure you did too


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Is there any more info you can give me for the cam bug on FH? I've been trying to recreate it and I can't seem to. Were you in portait or Landscape? Any additional info will help!! Thank you!

It happens for me in both portait & landscape. Camera attempts to zoom just for a second even when using the fixed cam, when the ball passes by the gate at the end of the plunger lane.

Could be the camera is trying to enter the plunger cam mode since the ball is so close to the plunger lane? Not sure...


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Originally Posted by Fungi
Uh oh, I just had the special cam lock up on me in Bride of Pinbot. This was a first and may be just a fluke. Right after the balls were released after the metamorphosis to a human, I lost one of the balls right away. I then shot the remaining one up the shuttle ramp. As the special cam moved up to show her changing back, the ball released and the cam didn't move back until drained. It may have been just the perfect storm in timing for that to happen.

iPad 2, iOS 5.1.1

Do you know if this cam bug is still occurring? I know that it was happening but it was supposed to have been fixed and in with the new update, but I could be mistaken

So far, I haven't been able to recreate it. Although, I do see it happen after I lose the 3rd ball with a ball still in the bride chute. After its' game over sequence, the camera moves to her face as the machine releases the trapped ball. As we see the face change back to her "o" face, I hear the ball drain as the camera stays locked. If that's normal, than so be it, but if that sequence is happening during game play, which it did, then there's a problem.

Jake Lopez

FarSight Employee
Jun 21, 2012
That's definitely a problem, and it's being looked into now. I believe the cam is supposed to show her face change but not get locked on it.

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Is there any more info you can give me for the cam bug on FH? I've been trying to recreate it and I can't seem to. Were you in portait or Landscape? Any additional info will help!! Thank you!

Jake, I took this video which illustrates the Funhouse camera bug. You can see that it jumps a little bit both on the right, and the left:


Hope that helps. This is using a locked camera 3 (multi-ball camera is off).


New member
Apr 14, 2012
I’ve posted this elsewhere, but I figured I’d put it here, too, in case this is the only place where they’re monitoring iOS bugs. But when viewing the flyers in iOS, the pinching gesture is completely broken. Instead of using Apple’s native pinching gestures for zooming in and out, they’ve implemented something else that’s much worse. They’d be a better iOS citizen if they spoke the native language.

Another niggling bug that I’ve just noticed is that in the “Table Menu“ screen, when dragging your finger across the menu items, all of the options except for “Extras” will highlight when they’re selected. With “Extras”, the orb to the left highlights, but not the text. This seems to appear like this in all of the tables.

Neither of these are specific to 1.1.4.


New member
Jun 19, 2012
I would like to make a suggestion. Arabian Nights camera angle 4 in landscape mode is the very best location possible and most realistic to me while playing. I wish that Ripleys and the other tables could be as close during camera angle 4 in landscape as Arabian Nights is. Please take a look at both and you will see what I mean. Thanks


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I find the camera angles and amount of zoom/scrolling very inconsistent across all the tables. For example just comparing gorgar and MB this month, MB's camera just doesn't get low enough for me in portrait but gorgars is fine. Gorgar scrolls a lot letting you get a good look at the top of the table whereas MB hardly scrolls at all!. Maybe it's because they don't want us to see how little detail MB has. Black hole seems to have an almost completely overhead camera angle when scrolling to the top of the table. Funhouse has a very low camera angle.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
This has probably been reported already so sorry if I'm repeating someone else. I noticed some Gorgar sound issues.
1. Heartbeat and voice stops sometimes. Usually at 2x completion.
2. Completion of top rollover lanes should yield a specific sound which its not making.

Ipod touch 4g.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
Legacy iPad running iOS 5.11, latest version of pinball arcade. After playing and completing a single game of the free table of the month (funhouse) and then starting another game of the table the app gets very slow and crashes almost immediately. I am happy to video this activity if it will help document the problem I'm seeing.


New member
Mar 31, 2012
I just scored my final standard goal, a Rudy gulp. Instead of swallowing (oops pardon!) the ball stayed on his top lip like a cybernetic hitler moustache!!! :)
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