Bug iOS Version 2.6.0 Bugs

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New member
Oct 5, 2012
iPad 2 ... iOS 6.1.2

Flight 2000

Don't know if this is a bug, but I was in the pro menu, turned on ball control to practice some shots.
When I finished messing around I had 3M+ and it saved in my high score list.

Looking at the code, it should still add the score to your local high scores and allow you to enter initials for it.
Agreed. My 7-year-old enables ball control on his mom's iPad (but NOT on mine) and plays with it enabled getting ridiculously high scores. He's allowed to enter his initials and the score is recorded locally to the table. We do NOT play logged in at all but I'll assume that (like Stuart mentions) the score does not apply "to get goals, post to the leaderboards, or get hall of fame points."


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Device/OS: iPad 4 : OS 6.1.3

Bug Description: Facebook sdk error

Steps To Reproduce: Login/Logout of TPA, cannot connect with friends scores

Frequency: Always

Additional Comments:


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I've done a bit a experimenting with the iPad 4 and the Whirlwind table to see if I could get it to run as close to stutter-free as possible (like the iPad 3 runs) and found that disabling the following systematically seemed to reduce the stutter:

(not listed in any particular order)

1. Disable nudge
2. Disable "show touch scheme"
3. Change the camera view to one that shows the least of the table on-screen at one time

I just find it very odd that despite the fact that the iPad 4 is approx twice as fast (both in it's specs and according to some benchmark apps I've run (PerformanceTest Mobile)) as the iPad 3 yet it runs Whirlwind worse. :confused:


New member
Feb 20, 2012
It definitely runs fine on my iPad 3, all tables do. I don't think I ever see a loss in frame rate unless there's a notification coming in.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I've done a bit a experimenting with the iPad 4 and the Whirlwind table to see if I could get it to run as close to stutter-free as possible (like the iPad 3 runs) and found that disabling the following systematically seemed to reduce the stutter:

(not listed in any particular order)

1. Disable nudge
2. Disable "show touch scheme"
3. Change the camera view to one that shows the least of the table on-screen at one time

I just find it very odd that despite the fact that the iPad 4 is approx twice as fast (both in it's specs and according to some benchmark apps I've run (PerformanceTest Mobile)) as the iPad 3 yet it runs Whirlwind worse. :confused:

Every single table runs silky smooth on my iPad 4 and has done so since I purchased it a few months ago. I'm not really sure why you're seeing any stuttering on your iPad 4.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Every single table runs silky smooth on my iPad 4 and has done so since I purchased it a few months ago. I'm not really sure why you're seeing any stuttering on your iPad 4.
The stuttering affects ONLY the Whirlwind table (which I've reloaded multiple times) and as I mentioned previously, it's not really noticeable when running with the locked camera view. All my testing is pretty much documented in this thread. If I unlock the camera, it's very noticeable (at least on my iPad 4). iPad 3 and iPhone 5 do not have this issue so I'm pretty baffled by this as well. I'll likely test the iPhone 4 (not the S) later on today but I pretty much -expect- the stuttering on that particular device due to it's much slower processor...but you never know.
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Stuart Webster

New member
Apr 24, 2013
Flight 2000 art issue

Device/OS: All iOS Devices

Bug Description: Misaligned & doubled Phillips-head screw texture, just above right flipper on bottom side of orange plastic (leading to the flipper)

Steps To Reproduce: none

Frequency: always

Additional Comments: Always visible (if/when you know it's there) but is much more noticeable when zoomed in using Pro Menu Table Exploration. Not very visible when playing the table normally on the iPad 3 & 4. I would say virtually impossible to see when playing normally on the iPhone 5.

Kind of funny how this happened. The table we have in the studio has the plastic piece broken/missing between that screw and the flipper. I guess that lead to drawing half of the top of the metal post. :p

All better~ (fix will be in next update)


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Kind of funny how this happened. The table we have in the studio has the plastic piece broken/missing between that screw and the flipper. I guess that lead to drawing half of the top of the metal post. :p

I wish all mistakes had good stories to go along with them. :eek:


New member
May 7, 2013
Device/OS: ipad3
Table : Flight 2000
Bug Description: Ball can be launched when clearly nowhere near plunger
Frequency: always
Steps To Reproduce:
1. Perform a weak launch so ball doesn't clear chute and rolls back.
2. Allow ball to bounce back up off plunger while it is at rest
3. Ball will bounce back up above the metal panel at the side (see image)
4. When ball is at this point obviously far out of reach of the plunger, quickly plunge and ball will launch.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Device/OS: ipad3
Table : Flight 2000
Bug Description: Ball can be launched when clearly nowhere near plunger
Frequency: always
Steps To Reproduce:
1. Perform a weak launch so ball doesn't clear chute and rolls back.
2. Allow ball to bounce back up off plunger while it is at rest
3. Ball will bounce back up above the metal panel at the side (see image)
4. When ball is at this point obviously far out of reach of the plunger, quickly plunge and ball will launch.
This is one part of a known physics anomaly with the plunger on most tables. See Issue # 00-005: Plunger occasionally exhibits anomalous physics.


New member
May 7, 2013
Ah right, I tried it on a few other tables first which didn't exhibit the same behaviour so had wrongly assumed it to be table specific.


New member
Jul 6, 2012
Device/OS: iPad 4 / iOS 6.1.3

Bug Description: Top ("Grand Champion") local high score always advances to 4,000,000 more than the player's true high score on Whirlwind and Dr. Dude. Top score has initials "HHR".

Steps To Reproduce: Beat the local high score on Whirlwind and Dr. Dude. The top high score gets set to 4,000,000 points more than you just scored and is assigned the initials HHR.

Frequency: Always as far as I can tell.

Additional Comments: I think someone mentioned this issue in re: Whirlwind on the Facebook page. It also appears to affect Dr. Dude.


New member
Jul 6, 2012
Device/OS: iPad 4 / iOS 6.1.3

Bug Description: Big Wheel reward on Bride Of Pinbot and Mirror Reward on Funhouse aren't displayed on HUD. HUD blacks out momentarily when those rewards would be displayed. When one of these is scored, the HUD seems to behave normally until the point that the reward would be displayed, then blacks out, but then begins operating normally after the reward should be done displaying.

Steps To Reproduce: Score a Big Wheel reward on Bride Of Pinbot or a Mirror Reward on Funhouse.

Frequency: Always as far as I can tell.

Additional Comments: Not new to this version.


New member
Jul 6, 2012
Device/OS: iPad 4 / iOS 6.1.3

Bug Description: After scoring one of the Deadhead rollovers in Scared Stiff, the kickhole very frequently kicks the ball back up to the Deadheads. This doesn't always happen, but it happens way more often than on a real table. It occurs often enough, that it's almost impossible to NOT get ridiculously high Deadhead scores. Often when it does this, you can see that the ball seems to "jump" a bit at the top of the plastic barrier just to the right of the Deadhead rollovers. This "jump" may be what's allowing the ball to go this way too often. It occurs often enough that the ball might cycle through the Deadheads several times before bouncing down to the rest of the playfield; often enough to get a little boring sometimes, and often enough to be irritating while the Stiff-O-Meter is on as it can waste a LOT of time.

Steps To Reproduce: Score a Deadhead rollover in Scared Stiff.

Frequency: It varies. Not every time, but maybe 50% or more of the time.

Additional Comments: I imagine this bug is causing many scores on Scared Stiff to be far too inflated due to the massive run-ups of Deadhead scores.
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Kevin Cockerill

New member
Dec 25, 2012
Device/OS: IPad 2 / 6.1.3

Bug Description: Flight 2000 - wizard goals have disappeared. Then re did all the normal goals again which opened up wizard goals . But none of the wizard goals are being ticked off.

Steps To Reproduce:complete normal goals and wizards goals then after a day they reset them selves.


Additional Comments:


New member
Aug 30, 2012
This issue might not have started in 2.6.0 but I just noticed it now. I checked the Master Issues list and couldn't find these listed.

Device/OS: iPad 3/iPad Mini - iOS 6.1.3

I was just playing Black Hole (haven't played it for a while now) and noticed that when the ball is in the lower playfield there's no indication of when the gate is open/closed. Didn't there used to be some kind of an indicator so you would know the gate position?

Also, when in camera view 2 about half of the lower playfield flippers are partially out of view. In camera view 3 they're are totally out of view.

Frequency: 100%


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
This issue might not have started in 2.6.0 but I just noticed it now. I checked the Master Issues list and couldn't find these listed.

Device/OS: iPad 3/iPad Mini - iOS 6.1.3

I was just playing Black Hole (haven't played it for a while now) and noticed that when the ball is in the lower playfield there's no indication of when the gate is open/closed. Didn't there used to be some kind of an indicator so you would know the gate position?

Depends. If the Event Cam is on, then yes, you should be getting words across the top indicating On or Off. If the Event Cam is off, you have to keep your eye on the actual lit arrow on the right side of the table.


New member
Jul 30, 2012
Device/OS: ipad 3\6.1.3

Bug Description:no longer able to listen to other audio while playing. (Pandora mostly). Game audio automatically reverts to "on".


Additional Comments:this is a great option that is sorely missed.
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