Still some electrical investigation work to do - at some point when all these mods were added there was a mix-up and some of the inserts now strobe or blink when they're not supposed to - but I figured that was no reason not to share a picture of her all lit up:


Again, my apologies for the poor photo quality...I wish my hands shook less. (They shake all the time, not just when I'm thinking about TZ. Really, they do.)

And for the curious, just some of the modifications...I can't remember all of them:
  1. All lights are LEDs. There is not one incandescent bulb left in the thing.
  2. Chrome mirror flipper buttons
  3. Chrome mirror flippers (all 4)
  4. Lit outlane posts
  5. Invader statuette on right slingshot
  6. Hand-painted car above Town Square with working headlights
  7. LED bumper caps, with a ring of tiny LEDs to match the UFO nearby
  8. Dead End lamppost (which is the same shape as the Dead End insert on the playfield, and lights up when Dead End itself is lit)
  9. Green Slot Machine entrance
  10. A rocket about the Rocket kicker, complete with a little blue exhaust cloud with some fierce blue LEDs in it - you know when the kicker activates!
  11. Hand-painted slot machine above Slot Machine entrance with lights
  12. Silver-containing U.S. quarter near the upper right flipper
  13. Blue shooter lane scoop above skill shot area
  14. Color-changing UFO above lower exit from Powerfield
  15. Low-profile Powerfield switches (those ugly grey boxes are gone!)
  16. "Lost in the Zone" lamp above Powerfield
  17. Camera above Camera shot, with lights
  18. "Left Spiral Value When Lit" sign (instead of just a bare lamp on standard TZs)
  19. "The Power" pyramid covering up bridge diverter, so that the ball appears to drop out from the Power's eye. The pyramid's hand-painted, too.
  20. Robby the Robot, with lights
  21. The mini-TV, flips through 21 different images
  22. LED clock, with single circuit board
  23. A little player piano above the Piano
  24. Airplane
  25. Plasma ball thing in the back - even examining it closely, I'm still not sure exactly what it is
  26. Skull on left of gumball machine, with flickering eye sockets
  27. Gumball machine, with LEDs and gumballs, of course
  28. Side and back mylars - they're not mirrored, but they're printed in such a way that the playfield looks like it curves up to meet them


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
That's a right purdy machine ya got there. My house now smells like burning jealousy.

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