It's All Your Fault FARSIGHT


Jul 11, 2012
No horses ,snakes and cuddle fish :) Im sure what HSC stands for but its all electrical stuff its really neat inside all kinds of things that look like there from sci-fi movies. Everybody that works there has long hair :p must be old school computer geek thing.

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Skillshot you got fuses on the A/C side to stop things setting on fire in case you get a coil lock-on?

From piniwiki:

Williams missed a couple of tricks in and otherwise good design. They are:

No fuses on the 'AC side' of the Bridge Rectifiers. This can be fixed fairly easily and needs to be fully documented with pictures.
Basically you add an 8A fuse and fuse holder to one side of the AC input. Do this for both the BR's. As it's AC voltage, it doesn't matter which wire of the two you fuse, find two the same color and fuse one of them. So for example, put a fuse in-line to one Red and one Blue wire. Easy to do and it may prevent a fire.


Jul 11, 2012
The fuse missing from that board is the one that blows at start up because the bridge rectifier has a short, coils and things wont work without a fuse to complete a circuit. Yes I have fuses, Solid State machines convert AC to DC and Electro Mechanical run on AC and are less sensitive to electrical fluctuations because they lack all the tiny diodes, resistors etc. If I had a coil lock Id just turn off the power :)


Jul 11, 2012
I seemed to have lost a day mentally with presidents day. I orderd wednesday and my parts are HERE TODAY!

1 plunger rod sleeve and E-clip, a drop target coil sleeve that was missing and a rubber stopper cushion for the lower right flipper, the idiots who worked on this before me glued a felt pad there. Im fixing alot of little jerry rigged fixes with proper parts,

For example the boxed out drop target reset plate on the right is for a 4 target drop target set and it need 2, on the left is a 3x drop target rest plate , well they put a 4x on the 3x wich works fine but the original 3x broke and has been modded. My major concern is the 3x reset plate that I recieved is aluminum and not steele! So I'll make a templete for the future.

Coils stop brackets! I couldnt find the actual part I needed but My machine had an array of parts to do the job....jerry rigged again. On the left is 1 original broken in two pieces and was samwitched to make 1 pice but it floated. This is why the reset plates broke in the first place the shaft travel was to great. and the other coil stop bracket i found out was a BALLY piece. The most important thing about finding the right replacement was the screw pattern had to be the right width the depth of the coil stops couldnt be too long or too short and they had to face the right direction, this was the best candidate for a replacement and it will work perfectly.
Now once I get all this put together i will do more research and find what may be the next step in tracking down these dead flippers, but who knows the bridge rectifier might do the trick. They do go bad with age, its at 27 years old! :)


Jul 11, 2012
I put the new bridge rectifier in and hooked everything back up popped in a fuse and crossed my fingers, fired it up the fuse didnt blow :) went to coil test mode and I GOT FLIPPERS! YES! 1 gets stuck on so now I have to figure that out but it feels so good knowing that Im sooo close to being able to play this LIZARD. :)


Jul 11, 2012
I think so, as soon as I go into TEST mode it flips and stays up. Test mode starts with MUSIC TEST but the flippers will work during and as soon as I exit it goes down. Ithink theres something else thats inline that may be bad.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Are your buttons double leaf spring type? I'm guessing you've checked the obvious and that your flipper button switch isn't already made or a short in the wire to it?

I'm not familiar with system 11 diagnostic mode only my own table but can you test each and every switch in diagnostic mode like you can in the switch edge test on my table?


Jul 11, 2012
Yes I can test switches individual its not the button, it may be the coil switch itself or something on the board that controls the power to that flipper is shorted. I did find the diode on that coil was broke but I replaced it and its still stuck so Im looking on pinside for what I should be looking for to test.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
This table is taking you to school! By the time you get this thing all figured out, I think for your next table you'll be ready for a real fixer upper.

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Yes I can test switches individual its not the button, it may be the coil switch itself or something on the board that controls the power to that flipper is shorted. I did find the diode on that coil was broke but I replaced it and its still stuck so Im looking on pinside for what I should be looking for to test.

Do you have a copy of the old pinballHQ repair guide? If not, PM me.


Jul 11, 2012
PM sent you to Kevlar.
I got my drop targets situated, I needed to do a little filing on the 3 bank because it was a bad cut but thankfully it was aluminum.
The 2 improvised coil stop brackets work perfectly and thats all I was waiting for to get the 4x drop target installed but in the process learned the 3x had the wrong reset plate so its all sorted out now.

This is the most beat up part of the playfield. It had been worn then some idiot colored it with pens then covered it with a bunch of half circle mylar pieces you can see wrong blue on the guy and brown colord spots on the baboons. Ive thought about striping it and repainting with something custom but first I want to play it! :) I thought maybe like a reptile den with big lizard eggs around a pool of water with a waterfall in the back.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Those mylar circles are terrible!

So how good are your airbrush skills?? Need to find one of those guys that paint Conan scenes on the sides of panel vans!


Jul 11, 2012
Ih appen to be related to a 3D graphics designer who is working on a pinball machine right NOW! It buggs me that he has this job and Im the 1 who made it happen. Im thinking a sticker over black.


Jul 11, 2012
Its FIXED!!! Im almost embarrassed to admit this but Im still learning the checklist of potential problems. The 2nd stage of the right flipper was closed making it hold. I broke the hex head bolt for the part that attaches the crank link assembly to the armature so I got to make a trip to the hardware store but THATS IT! ALL FIXED!! Soon Video :)


Jul 11, 2012
TY CARL and KEVLAR although I didnt use the site and the book I will print out the book and bookmark the link. I just threw out a PLEASE HELP on and got some knowledgeable advice.

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