It's out! (PC Initial Release Discussion And Feedback)

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New member
Apr 4, 2012
Fantastic work FARSIGHT it's running good on our £380 HP laptop (we just bought it from currys in sale). only tried it so far with default graphics setup. So will experiment tonight after work.


New member
Nov 4, 2013
It seems to be fixed now, or at least it works for me. The Season One Pro pack came up as £29.99 (as opposed to $39.99 as I understand it in the States - and with VAT, that converts to £30.03. A good conversion ratio for once, which is a nice surprise!)

Well just added more funds to the steam wallet this morning, relaunched the game and it's still reading as (ERROR) in the season packs, when I go to purchase it pauses then kicks me back out to the table select screen...I can play any table....just have to play the demo versions.

Haven't tried a table pack purchase yet as I wanted to get the whole season pack as I thought it was cheaper...

Downloaded the game at about 10pm last night GMT....was there an issue at that point from a european/uk standpoint?

I did install this to my D: drive.....didn't think that would be a problem...
Also can't login to my PA account....this is all beginning to smack of a "reinstall".......Joy!!

First time using steam....gotta say...pretty sucky on first glimpse....
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New member
Aug 28, 2013
It seems that I'm the only one, but for me the game looks 100times better with PP on.
PP off:

PP on:

Brian C Hayes

New member
Jul 5, 2012
Cool I have this on potrait mode on a 32 inch screen and whilsts its not ideal in terms of it being squashed somewhat its still bloody amazing ... anybody know when the Cabinet versions are coming out ?


New member
Sep 13, 2013
Played the game yesterday for like an hour so here are my initial thoughts.

I really love the Pinball Wizard theme on the menus, but sadly that is the only thing I like about the menus.
The free table was nice and the actual game play is good and nothing to complain about that. Rock solid physics and nice feel to the game.
Then there are the textures. You really, really need to get some hd textures for the tables and the floor around the table. The table background is ok'ish but the other textures are a total mess and I don't even know if the floor is floor or just some pixel vomit...

Back to the menus. This is by far the biggest issue for this game. The menus as horrible in every way. First of all it seems to be some weird hybrid of keyboard and mouse driven menu where I couldn't go back in a menus using keyboard, would it be too hard to make 'esc' go back in menus?
The keys were at least rebindable but because menus are so bad I couldn't even tell what the alternative key was since it got clipped off the table...
Then after playing an hour for the free table I decided to go buy extra ones. The horrible menu experience continues here. I actually got the season pack menu to bug out so that I could only click through the tables since rolling or arrow keys stopped working.
The overall information displayed there is just bad. At first I didn't even see the prices since they were hidden in a wall of text and then tried to buy one table and that was even worse. Price was something like 7 euros so I assume it was not just for that one table but couldn't even tell that. And there was no clear info anywhere what was the "pro" mode and why should I pay extra for those.

Mike and anyone else at FS. You could really improve a lot on the menu front. The confusing and bad menu experience made me not to buy table packs or tables yesterday but luckily for you I am determined to get them. But for lot of other people who are not so big fans, are just put away by these things and you lose sales big time. After all it's free to play game so a lot of potential people trying it for free on Steam.


New member
Nov 5, 2013
Hi there, I just signed up to also report that I'm getting the blurry / jagged / aliasing effect when post-processing is enabled. I posted more details in the bug thread, I have an AMD HD6970 using Catalyst 13.9 driver.

Luckily the game still looks good when post-processing is turned off so I consider it a minor issue until its fixed. I already own all the tables on Android and I'll be buying them on PC too.

I also wouldn't mind seeing the menus and backgrounds improved for the PC version in the future, but again that's minor as the tables themselves look and play great.


New member
Apr 24, 2013
The menus and some low res textures are my main gripes as well. Well, there are some bad sound effects too but I don't know if the problem is with the game or the original pinball ROMs.
The actual gameplay is good :)


New member
Sep 13, 2013
FS, you should really, really consider changing the business model for this game for pc. Don't treat is a mobile platform because it is not one.
You are missing a ton of sales just because the stuff can't be sold through steam as a standard way. I know Valve made you to do it in game, but maybe that is a sign that it could be improved a lot.

Individual tables, table packs, season packs and pro versions all of those is just too much. If I would be in charge for the PC title I would just put in season packs and individual tables and sell the pro upgrade as a side thing that would affect all tables.
I bet Valve would be ok with that and let you list all the DLC like that on the steam page and sell it directly. Your sales would go up because more people would buy those extra tables and season packs and you could actually take part of the Steam sales events which are HUGE for the volume sales.

You are missing a huge opportunity here just because you are sticking to a release ways of the other platforms.
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New member
Nov 5, 2013
Hi all, I've just started to play this, seems good so far :) but when i go to buy the season packs in stead of a price it says error? also i registered but everytime i try to login it fails! :( I agree with Roope, i think FS are missing a huge opportunity as i seems to be a right pain just to buy tables :(


New member
Oct 29, 2013
I think Season 2 should be the same price as S1 personally. It only has one extra table in, and I think on the whole, S1 is much more appealing (especially with Twilight Zone in).

That's just me though, I may hold off until S2 comes down in price a bit.


New member
May 10, 2012
Probably been mentioned before by someone but this line in the description of the game on Steam is so good I could read it again and again and again

"Each month, regular updates will add classic pinball tables for years to come"


New member
Oct 28, 2013
I think Season 2 should be the same price as S1 personally. It only has one extra table in, and I think on the whole, S1 is much more appealing (especially with Twilight Zone in).

That's just me though, I may hold off until S2 comes down in price a bit.

Season 1 came out last year, season 2 is still in progress. New things are more expensive.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Has everyone got there KS tables they pledged toward to, mine aren't showing up!?


New member
Sep 23, 2012
Any there any good links for optimizing/troubleshooting performance issues?

I have a fairly new Sony laptop, i7, Windows 8.

The menus are painfully slow, and the table (TOTAN) is unplayable. TPA CPU usage is near 100%.

I've tried windowed and full screen. Post processing and reflections turned off.

I've never used the laptop with Steam until today, and never used it to play games. So I'm sure some tuning is in order.


New member
Nov 4, 2013
So no one has experienced the (ERROR) message in the price area when trying to purchase a season pack and when you select "purchase season pack" nothing happens?

Can i ask what's supposed to happen lol!!! Does it take you to another window for purchasing?


New member
Nov 1, 2013
Trying to load up the Attack From Mars demo table yesterday I got a message saying the disc I was using may be dirty!


New member
Nov 5, 2013
I'm getting the same thing too :( (ERROR) in price area and goes back to table menu! Also registered but everytime i try to login it fails :(


New member
Nov 5, 2013
So no one has experienced the (ERROR) message in the price area when trying to purchase a season pack and when you select "purchase season pack" nothing happens?

Can i ask what's supposed to happen lol!!! Does it take you to another window for purchasing?
I'm getting the same thing too (ERROR) in price area and goes back to table menu! Also registered but everytime i try to login it fails
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