Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On FarSight Studios' The Pinball Arcade

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Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
If you're asking what the facebook message was regarding DLC for the Xbox 360, it was posted as follows:

The Pinball Arcade 360 - An update that includes both DLC Pack #1 and #2 will be submitted to Microsoft this week for approval. Improved lighting is scheduled to be implemented in time for the next DLC release.

I wish Farsight was more specific in their wording. I misread "next DLC release" as being the release with DLC 1 and 2. There was another time I misread their post when I was asking if Bride of Pinbot and MM were the next DLC release (I figured they were, but I was trying to clearify it more due to the confusion over the annoucement of CV and Funhouse that led some people to think MM and BoP were going to be skipped). The reply said they were going in the same order on all consoles and I misunderstood what it meant at first (as my reply to it shows, though I forgot exactly what I said in reply).
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New member
Apr 13, 2012
It's tough because it seems the 360 is going to be, perpetually, a month behind every other platform. That really is going to hurt IMO. Even if they do both DLC 1 and 2 packs at once, the June tables (DLC 3) will be out everywhere else most likely at that point. I can understand the complexity of dealing with different platforms with different standards, but I don't think it helps them to have a situation where different platforms get tables at such drastically different times.

Even if the process takes longer and is more difficult on their own end, I think they would've been better off having a schedule where everything drops for every platform at roughly the same time -- or at least within the span of a week or two. That would take more foresight and planning up front, but I just feel the wait of a month or longer won't help, and could even hurt, their overall sales.

I can see some console gamers and casual players (not us here on this board) getting excited when they hear new tables are out, but then being disappointed that they're only available for their handheld devices for the next 4-8 weeks. :(
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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
UPDATE : Added an new table for Available, Coming Soon and Announced tables for The Pinball Arcade. It's a rough table I put together rather quickly and it seems to be sort of an eye sore to me (maybe because of the colors I used). Please leave your feedback on the table and let me know if I should keep it or go back to my original format.


Feb 21, 2012
Perhaps it looks heavy because it's rather text-y. Try swapping out the words with just a coloured dot and a note above it what the colours mean, whatever colours you choose. Can you make the text a bit smaller too? Perhaps play around with that as well. See what others suggest too! Either way, table or original, appreciate your efforts.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Table WIP : Everyone please let me know if the new Tables Chart is acceptable or if you want it removed and replaced with the old format.
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Nik Barbour

Table WIP : Everyone please let me know if the new Tables Chart is acceptable or if you want it removed and replaced with the old format.

Looks good PinWiz!
I like the new table personally.
Thanks again for keeping us all up to date!


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I think the new table is easy to understand. I had no problem figuring it out. Maybe some different colors. The yellow is little blinding.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
1 of the yellow dots is out of line!.........only joking, great job PiN WiZ.:D


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I think the new table is easy to understand. I had no problem figuring it out. Maybe some different colors. The yellow is little blinding.

Yes, I agree...I'll look into changing the yellow to a softer color.


Feb 21, 2012
PZ, that looks a lot better, great work. Just one goof up in the chart with a missed dot "tagging", but otherwise it's just as I'd thought it'd work out. Perfecto ! So easy to work stuff out.

Edit - And you've fixed that already :)

Edit 2 - Purely for the pretties, if the columns could be formatted to be the same size it's look extra lovely, but if not, no probs!
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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I changed the yellow to blue, but still seems a little blinding.

Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll let the table sit for a day and see what others think as well.


Feb 21, 2012
Just one other thing I thought of, in the table names area, if you have room and it doesn't cock everything up, if you added the DLC pack number so it all ties back into threads and things for later!


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Just one other thing I thought of, in the table names area, if you have room and it doesn't cock everything up, if you added the DLC pack number so it all ties back into threads and things for later!

How's that?


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I can't hide my disappointment about the Xbox 360 delays. Who said DLC pack #1 was due out today? Was it just speculation or was it Mike? Either way, it's crushing to hear it's only going to be submitted to Microsoft this week.

This means the core Pinball Arcade game will have been sitting on Xbox 360 with just its original 4 tables for over 2 months. Surely that can't be good for business? A player can't maintain an interest in this endeavour with four tables alone. The promise of Medieval Madness is what kept me interested... but in the time I waited for it to appear as DLC I actually dug out the Williams HOF and played MM to the point of boredom!

In another month's time I will either be:
a) Forgetful that The Pinball Arcade exists on my Xbox 360's hard drive, or
b) Irritated by DLC Pack #3 and #4 announcements when DLC pack #1 still hasn't arrived.

First World Problems, I know :rolleyes:


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I changed the yellow to blue, but still seems a little blinding.

Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll let the table sit for a day and see what others think as well.

Blue looks good. Way I look at it is; you find the platform you're interested in and follow it straight down. Not confusing at all.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I can't hide my disappointment about the Xbox 360 delays. Who said DLC pack #1 was due out today? Was it just speculation or was it Mike? Either way, it's crushing to hear it's only going to be submitted to Microsoft this week.

It was supposed to release today, but yesterday, instead of giving FarSight the ok, Microsoft rejected their submission which means we'll have to wait for the first DLC pack a little longer. I know it's frustrating, but all FarSight can do is resubmit and wait to hear back from Microsoft and hopefully both DLC Table Packs will pass and be released together in about a month.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I can't hide my disappointment about the Xbox 360 delays. Who said DLC pack #1 was due out today? Was it just speculation or was it Mike? Either way, it's crushing to hear it's only going to be submitted to Microsoft this week.

They never flat out confirmed early may, but we got android around th 10'th, IOS around the 16'th and they claimed consoles were supposed to be 4 weeks longer than IOS, so math brought several individuals to today and Farsight didn't debunk it simply because I think they expected it to be today as well. Maybe they got news back from MS only yesterday that their DLC was denied that led to the update on facebook?

Still hoping for a PSN release today tbh. Next week I'll be kneedeep in Diablo 3 (talk about First World Problems.....).
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