Most Wanted Feature? Dream with me...

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Yeah, I much prefer when it would play the music from a random (or was it last played) table you owned in the original UI. That guitar track is so cheesy and sets a pretty dull tone for the game.

Yes, that can be said for the UI in its entirety. Hate to say it, but it's kinda embarrassing for a game produced in 2014 to look and sound like this from a UI perspective...and that's the first thing new users experience when they first try the game :/


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Yes, that can be said for the UI in its entirety. Hate to say it, but it's kinda embarrassing for a game produced in 2014 to look and sound like this from a UI perspective...and that's the first thing new users experience when they first try the game :/

New UI couldn't come sooner. Here's hoping the music is overhauled too. It just reeks of "We hired a cheap composer because our game needed music". It's from PHoF, right?


New member
Feb 8, 2014
That guitar intro is a very poor instrumental version of The Who's "Pinball Wizard". Maybe they need a Kickstarter to license the original track.

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
A game timer. I want to know exactly how much of my life I have wasted on this game.

Plus, if they record time on each table, it would make a great criteria to sort on for the new UI.

I like this idea and enjoy the timer during the tournaments. Truth be told I have never once run the clock down to zero during tournaments I am a very average player. I also wish on iOS devices it would list your ranking # rather than scrolling through the entire list of names.

Jim O'Brien

New member
Feb 28, 2012
On PC I would like to see nudge sensitivity added, the way it is now I can hardly touch my left analog stick without getting a tilt.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
I think many of the ideas mentioned above are worthy and would like to have most of them implemented.

The one thing I want is the ability to move the DMD or Alpha Numeric display to the right side of the pinball table while in Landscape mode. I am dominant in the right eye. It would make it a lot easier for me to see the display if I could move it to the right side of the table.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I have the exact opposite. I really need to work hard to make any table tilt.

I think many of the ideas mentioned above are worthy and would like to have most of them implemented.

The one thing I want is the ability to move the DMD or Alpha Numeric display to the right side of the pinball table while in Landscape mode. I am dominant in the right eye. It would make it a lot easier for me to see the display if I could move it to the right side of the table.

+1 to both of you fine fellows.


New member
May 24, 2013
Looking back to TPA's early days, we all had dreams and visions of different features and options we'd like to see in the game. A few of those things have made it in, such as improved touchscreen nudging controls (thanks Stuart), the event camera toggle (thanks Mike), mobile controller support (thanks Ryan)...etc...but since DLC is the main development focus, the list of features can seem a bit thin, especially for those of us who are still holding onto the dream of some particular feature/mode/option we've been longing for since day 1.

So I'm curious: we had the wish list thread early on, but now that the game is well over 2 years old: do you still have dreams for TPA? If you could add a particular feature to game, what would it be? Has that changed since when you first started playing TPA?

Feel free to add a few of your top "dreams" and to go into as much detail as you'd like. :D

For me, it would be:

1.) Difficulty options...the dream has been a mode with tournament type difficulty with its own leaderboard. Really all that's needed is extra balls disabled and a stricter tilt sensitivity. Maybe someday? My wrists aren't getting any younger :)

2.) DX11 graphics on PC...when it comes to pinball in general, it's a highly visual experience and the lightshow is a big part of pinball. Well, I just recently tried the PS4 version for the first time and the improved lighting adds a lot to the immersion, and I do mean a LOT...but Steam needs some eye candy love!

3.) Multiplayer...for those who dig it, head to head multiplayer games are addicting. There are certain games that keep me coming back daily because the multiplayer is so damn fun. Wish I could say that for TPA...guess we won't see it till the UI is done...c'mon Farsight!

That's really about it for this dreamer...nighty night :cool:
same here Jeff I agree with all 3.i`m glad you tried PS4,it`s fantastic,,i play the dark mode most of the time,it`s unreal !!! :cool:


New member
Jul 18, 2013
My Most Wanted Features:

-Difficulty Settings, specifically ability to put a machine in tournament mode that have tournament mode.
-Physics engine update for ball spin and pop.
-Flipper control where short tap does not flip 100%
How many times have I played x game?
Completed games/ attempts (see how many I've raged quit out of...)
Completed games average score
- Time Mode w/ personal high scores.
Maybe a few 'lengths' or user setting.. 5 minute, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minute..
-Updated UI - It is annoying to me trying to scroll through all the tables to get to one with the current UI.

I don't really know know about multi player.. Waiting around for a person to play ball one with all the extra balls on some games would be trying.
Maybe if everyone could play at once and score shown or able to be viewed... or like a 'friends' game... where they/you play out one ball and then wait for the other player to play anytime in the future... could have too many dropped players then. Just don't know how this would work out and be fun for me..

I do like the personal tournament suggestion, whereby a player could select the table collection, time, difficultly, amount of attempts, and public/private.


New member
Jun 5, 2013
Would like to see:

- remember camera setting at the table level
- allow me to examine the table freely with the camera, it's criminal that you would have to pay extra for that privilege
- fewer bugs and old bugs ruthlessly extinguished

I used to think the UI needed an overhaul but I've sort of grown find of it again. Having said that I hate having to push a button twice after a game finishes to play again.


New member
Jul 31, 2014
My urgent request for the Mac version: nudging with keys, not the mouse.

Another "dreaming" request would be a table editor where fans could create their owns and share them.

And the customizable buttons, especially on screens where no buttons are functionning (like the 1P/2P players switch)

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
That table editor sounds awesome wizard33! I have seen some of the tables fans have made on the pinball emulators and am blown away...


New member
Jul 16, 2012
dx11 on pc
and full support for the oculus rift

I think the pinball arcade is something that would really translate well in VR with the ability to look around the table as if you were really in front of it.

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