New table price season 3


New member
Jun 4, 2012
bowflex if all proplewant are bally wms i question their enjoyment of pinball, hipsters and me toos and rosey glasses.

am i the onky one who doesnt want a season full of williams?


New member
Sep 1, 2012
bowflex if all proplewant are bally wms i question their enjoyment of pinball, hipsters and me toos and rosey glasses.

am i the onky one who doesnt want a season full of williams?

You're definitely not alone on that one, brother–I'm carrying torches for, among other non-WMS decks, Breakshot, High Roller Casino (please, please, PLEASE be the January release), Lightning, Mystery Castle & Stargate. There's a reason that pinball has endured for so long–it's a lot more difficult than some people make it out to be to really fundamentally screw up pinball. Some decks definitely pushed the envelope more than others and a disproportionately high number of those are Bally and/or Williams machines, but that doesn't mean we can't give credit to the other guys when they come up with something really good.


bowflex if all proplewant are bally wms i question their enjoyment of pinball, hipsters and me toos and rosey glasses.

am i the onky one who doesnt want a season full of williams?

No, I want a variety of games.
Williams/Bally era games get boring after a while. You need to have a mix of eras to really appreciate why the 90s era games were considered to be a Renaissance in the industry. Whether it's done by digitizing a collection of tables that had "Firsts" or just using the polls that were done to guide selections. This isn't the Williams PHOF 2.0.

If I suddenly won a multi million dollar jackpot I would love to see FS do a run of Machines that had production runs of less than 2000, just for the sake of their "Mission."


Staff member
May 8, 2012
If I won a multi million dollar jackpot, I'd open the biggest pinball hall of fame in the southern hemisphere. Right here in North Lakes. The wife has even given her blessing.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
I don't really mind it. Of course, Farsight needs to put more time into the tables, fixing bugs, and responding to issues in a timely manner. I bought the season 3 pass, good deal even if we don't know all the tables.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
bowflex if all proplewant are bally wms i question their enjoyment of pinball, hipsters and me toos and rosey glasses.

am i the onky one who doesnt want a season full of williams?

I like a bit of variety. I favor Bally/Williams games. If they never release another gottlieb, with the exception of em gottliebs which I love, I would be fine. They already have the best ss ones out. I do want to see some sterns and there are many I really enjoy.

My comments have nothing to do with my personal taste but more with reality. Cut it however you want but people want more WMS tables than anything else.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
To keep this product rolling with just one table a month, it's got to be a winner. There's a few non-licensed Gottliebs I'd like to see. Lights, Camera, Action, TX Sector and Spirit are three of them. But, it's just not going to happen. At five bucks a table, they're not going to get decent sales on these tables as stand alone titles. I want Stern's Catacomb. Also, NOT going to happen.

FarSight is showcasing a new game of their's in the TPA newsletter. They want to move on, try something else or, at least, supplement TPA with something that doesn't require so many man hours as buying a pinball machine, having it shipped $$$$, ripping it apart, photographing it, modeling it, doing artwork, physics, etc. Bally/Williams sell. Especially System 11's and WPC's. They're hot right now because they're what's in the minds of people that are into pinball on these platforms, mostly mobile and tablets. It's an age thing. Guys in their 30's and 40's who remember playing these titles and they want to again.

EM's? With the exception of some titles, they're slowly fading from memory as those that remember playing them get older, die off or just don't care. My dad saw this with antique toys. He's been repairing and reselling toys from the 50's and 60's for about twenty years now. Mostly robot stuff. He started before ebay. He watched as ebay drove prices through the roof. After a while, though, things just started to drop and drop and drop. Why? Because the people that remembered playing with these toys either got them, died off or just didn't care anymore.

Bottom line is to keep TPA going for a little longer FarSight has to appeal to the audience with tables that will sell well.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
On the one hand, I'm glad they at least came out with an official statement, rather than let all of us just throw out random thoughts about it. On the other, I agree with both of you. It's like in the 3rd season of 'Lost', when Nikki and Paulo were introduced, and then in every flashback to events on the island, they were suddenly there too. Um, no? The general consensus of fans was that the show was treating us like idiots instead of the obsessive nut jobs we really were that watched seasons 1 and 2 under a microscope! At least the show fixed the problem by killing them off ever so satisfactorily.

Whew, talk about going off on a tangent!

Anyway, the statement reeks, but it's the story they're now gonna stick to. We need to just deal with it. While we of this forum have our B.S. detectors pinging, the majority of players that aren't forum members will probably take it at face value. Except the majority probably doesn't subscribe to the newsletter, which means instead they're going to question why FS is now charging $5 a table, while Zen only charges $3. I'm sure that will make the Facebook page a treat to read as always.

I don't mind spending $5 a table but I don't like the rewriting of history. Before it was "We spend almost as much effort redoing the old tables as we do the new tables. We even buy the old tables that we don't have and tear them apart and scan everything." and now it's "Since we just ported over the PHoF tables we were giving them away for free!" It can't be both and its insulting that they think we won't notice.

I know how difficult it is to run a successful small business. I know that FarSight's owner is making a small fraction of what the CEO of a large corporation makes. I don't fault them for what they need to do to stay financially viable. I'm just guessing but I wonder if the more tables they release the fewer they sell? The reasoning that only the more serious pinball players want to collect them all. As sales flatten they need to do something to keep revenue from sinking.


New member
Nov 23, 2013
From my perspective, it really depends on what kind of negotiations FS have been able to do regarding Data East tables. I think realistically the only Gottleibs worth releasing which are left would be Stargate and a couple of others. FS clearly has some kind of special deal with Stern, so there are a lot of tables that could be coming from that side of things, mostly new stuff. But, I don't see that everything needs to be Williams/ Bally, in fact I think starting a season with something like Fish Tales was a mistake with regards to beginners. However, if they can release some quality Data East stuff, like Tommy, Star Wars, Time Machine, to name but a few, it should make for a potentially varied season.

For the really old EM stuff, aside from dtown8532's points above, I think this has probably run it course because most of those tables don't have the replay ability value most people expect. Central Park being a case in point. As far as the pricing from FS goes, this all boils down to perspective. I tend to calculate in terms of how much I would realistically spend in an arcade that had all these tables in it, I can tell you I could easily blow $50 in such a place. Back in the day, going to the arcade used to clean me out, so if I take the per hour entertainment value of the tables released so far - that I have unlimited replays on - then the series is really pennies. That said, I do think paying for the PRO pricing is of really dubious value.

Anyway, I am hopeful that the series will see a variety of new tables.


Nov 9, 2012
cheap ass mac users typical

That is some weird, alternate reality that Heretic lives in. I hope he was kidding. If not, the facts on purchases made by Mac vs. Windows (or iOS vs. Android, for that matter) are pretty clear cut. Cheap, my ass.

On topic, US$30 for a season is a bargain, any way you slice it. Oh, and those "cheap" Mac users will have to go with Steam to get that price. The Mac App Store version doesn't have a Season 3 option.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
That is some weird, alternate reality that Heretic lives in. I hope he was kidding. If not, the facts on purchases made by Mac vs. Windows (or iOS vs. Android, for that matter) are pretty clear cut. Cheap, my ass.

As a Mac-head myself, you make a very valid point. At the same time, it's iDevice users that beetch about paying .99 for an app.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
bowflex if all proplewant are bally wms i question their enjoyment of pinball, hipsters and me toos and rosey glasses.

am i the onky one who doesnt want a season full of williams?

I'd like as much variety as I can get.
I don't really have a favorite period or vendor, I think almost all tables have something to offer, yeah there are some stinkers, but really each company brought something different to the table. And each time period has it's gems that really need to be released to make the collection a full package.

As a Mac-head myself, you make a very valid point. At the same time, it's iDevice users that beetch about paying .99 for an app.

Android users like to think that everything should be free as well.
Personally, I prefer to pay 99c to 5$ for an app over downloading a free app and needing to spend 30-100$ in virtual currency to get anywhere in the game in a nearly reasonable timeframe.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
If they never release another gottlieb, with the exception of em gottliebs which I love, I would be fine. They already have the best ss ones out.

I'm gonna go ahead and play the "that's a matter of preference" card there.

For DMDs, I prefer Stargate, Freddy, and Wipe Out over Tee'd Off and Cue Ball Wizard.

I like a lot of the Premier alphanumeric games. Cactus Jack's, LCA, Surf n Safari, Hollywood Heat, just to name a few. I think those are all at least as good as 1812 and Victory.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I'm gonna go ahead and play the "that's a matter of preference" card there.

For DMDs, I prefer Stargate, Freddy, and Wipe Out over Tee'd Off and Cue Ball Wizard.

I like a lot of the Premier alphanumeric games. Cactus Jack's, LCA, Surf n Safari, Hollywood Heat, just to name a few. I think those are all at least as good as 1812 and Victory.

Definitely just my personal preference! ;-)

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