Official Twilight Zone News

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I find a lot of the comments on the Kickstarter to be rather hilarious. People are freaking out, and suggesting all these other expensive ideas as incentives. Someone suggested releasing another table to go along with TZ. Umm... they'd still have to license that other table, which increases their costs. If it's a week away, and there's still $10,000 short, then it's time to freak out. This is moving at a good pace as it is.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Incentives are things they give as a token of thanks. Most people are pledging because they want to help get this released, not because of the incentives. People pledge money to PBS because they think helping support PBS is a worthwhile goal, not because they have to have that tote bag.
I think you need to look up the word incentive in the dictionary.
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Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I find a lot of the comments on the Kickstarter to be rather hilarious. People are freaking out, and suggesting all these other expensive ideas as incentives. Someone suggested releasing another table to go along with TZ. Umm... they'd still have to license that other table, which increases their costs. If it's a week away, and there's still $10,000 short, then it's time to freak out. This is moving at a good pace as it is.
I'd find the comments more hilarious if the other commenters weren't taking them seriously. I'm semi-seriously praying for another $1000 donation to come in right about now, not because the money is urgently needed - as you said, this kickstarter is moving fine at the moment - but because it would make the doomsayers shut up for a while and stop poisoning the well with their mostly invalid criticisms. (Yes, I know I was hesitant at first - but you'll notice after it reached $20K in 2 days I shut up and got behind it. :p) It would be different if they were talking sense and pointing out something actually wrong with the project, but I don't see that happening currently.

The only valid point is that FarSight should probably do another update soon (maybe when $40K is crossed), even if it's nothing more than a brief message of thanks for the support up to this point. If they've already got a TZ onsite, maybe do another 3- or 4-minute video pointing out some of the unique features of TZ and showing a little more gameplay? Obviously anyone who's played a real TZ will know all about it, but the existing video and text doesn't do a very good job explaining why TZ is highly-ranked at IPDB and elsewhere and what makes TZ worth pursuing even with all these licensing costs. To a casual player who's never encountered a real TZ, it looks like just another pinball based on a TV show.

Random aside: Given the bounciness of the current tables with regular "steel" pinballs, is anyone else absolutely terrified at the thought of how the Powerball is going to behave in-game?

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
One thing I have been wondering - would acquiring a license allow them to recreate other tables using the same license? For instance, if they had the Star Wars license, would they be able to make both Star Wars (Data East, 1992) and Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition (Sega, 1997)? Would getting STTNG make it easier to get 25th Anniversary?

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Good question, Richard, and not one that anyone here would be able to answer.

Serenseven, I love the recent comment about special FX balls. Yes, because we need a ball that shoots fire out the back of it like on Back to the Future. Ahhhhhhhh!!

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I love the recent comment about special FX balls. Yes, because we need a ball that shoots fire out the back of it like on Back to the Future. Ahhhhhhhh!!
I saw that one, and was sorely tempted to leave a comment about setting his balls on fire, but I decided against it. :p

George Klepacz

New member
Feb 20, 2012
I have never posted Twilight Zone, nor have I watched any videos about it, however I am behind this Kivkstarter and hope we get this done.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
One thing I have been wondering - would acquiring a license allow them to recreate other tables using the same license? For instance, if they had the Star Wars license, would they be able to make both Star Wars (Data East, 1992) and Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition (Sega, 1997)? Would getting STTNG make it easier to get 25th Anniversary?

It all depends on their licensing agreement.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Reading about the naysayers is interesting. I look at it as a matter of numbers and percentages. We are only 30% complete with the Kickstarter and 72% to the goal. Look at it from that perspective and I don't believe anyone should be saying negative things about the way things are going.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
As it stands now



That means the average donation is $28.48

There is no doubt in my mind the goal will be reached, we are only short 15,067.00 in reaching our 55,000.00 goal.

Dutch Pinball ball

New member
May 5, 2012
Impressive, dont you think guys?

I think its was 10 years ago, when i really thaught pinball was dead. But how wrong could i be, pinball is going upwards again. New machines, mnew manufactures, good emulation.



New member
May 15, 2012
Update 3 on the Kickstarer page shows that they have now obtained an actual TZ machine. Seems like a great sign for the future of this table.

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